

【作者】 刘玉平

【导师】 熊伟;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 银行保险自1997年首次出现于中国以来,己发展了七年,虽然发展迅速,但仍处于初级阶段,目前的银行保险发展模式是银行和保险公司签署协议这种松散合作方式,经过几年的发展已逐步暴露出很多问题,在这种情况下,如何让银行保险健康、长期、持续发展,是我国银行保险监管部门、业内专家和从业人士关心的论题。本文的目的就是通过分析银行保险的产生、发展历程,探讨我国银行保险未来发展模式。 本文首先从银行保险产生的理论基础和动因出发,借鉴国外银行保险发展的先进经验,结合我国目前银行保险的发展现状,分析了银行保险发展的各种模式。在论文的前部,本文详细论述了我国银行保险的产生背景和发展历程,即而对我国银行保险发展现状和制约因素做出介绍和研究,采用了大量的资料,力求完整地描述和分析银行保险业的发展现状,这些都是为了研究分析适合我国银行保险的发展模式奠定基础。 论述过程中,笔者分析了银保发展以来的各种模式,根据银行与保险公司合作的紧密程度和银保一体化程度,银行保险的经营模式主要有协议合作、建立合资公司、组建金融集团三种。本文在论述中分析了实际运作中这三种模式的利弊。 论文的最后部分,通过分析国外银行保险发展的先进经验得出相应的结论。文章指出,我国的银行保险发展模式适宜采用金融控股公司的形式。借鉴国外从分业经营到混业经营的经验,实行金融持股公司制,经营不同金融业务的子公司保持资产上的独立性,并遵循一定的限制和保护性措施,以防止金融风险的蔓延和保护投保人及银行债权人的利益,是我国向混业经营过渡的现实选择。而且在金融控股公司制下,银行和保险公司共同受到金融控股公司的控制,但相互之间没有控制关系,符合国际上银行和保险公司经营独立的原则。更重要的是,它通过共同的金融控股公司密切了银行和保险公司之间的合作,使银行保险真正从集团战略高度得到充分开展。

【Abstract】 Bancassurance has arisen in China since 1997, and developed 7 years. Although developing swiftly, Bancassurance develops in the primary stage. Bancassurance develops in the loose cooperative pattern that the bank with the insurance company subscribes agreement at the moment, and the pattern has revealed a lot of problems gradually after the development of some years. How Bancassurance develop in healthy way is the proposition that Bancassurance supervision institution of China and the specialist and the figure in Bancassurance field concerned about.The thesis starts off the theory base that the Bancassurance come into being, and draws lessons from the foreign Bancassurance well-developed experience, consults the Bancassurance of China developing actuality at the moment, analyses the different patterns of the Bancassurance, points out the distinct distinguishing feature of different development patterns, and finally obtains the conclusion: The pattern fitting for Bancassurance development of China is holding company.The data is gathered easily because the author works in Bancassurance field. In the forepart of the thesis, the author expound detailedly the backdrop coming into being and the development course of Bancassurance of China, analyze the restriction element of Bancassurance of China, adopt greats quantity datum, trying hard for completely describing and analyzing the pattern fitting for the Bancassurance development of China. Through the argument, we can make the conclusion as below: the pattern fitting for Bancassurance development of China is holding company. First of all, holding company is the realistic choice to develop Bancassurance of China. Secondly, bank and insurance company are subjected to financial holding company control together, yet dominate the relationship reciprocally, that accords with the international rule that bank and insurance company operate independently. The more significant is, by means of the common financial holding company between bank and the insurance company working together, it causes the Bancassurance develop highly from group strategy.

  • 【分类号】F842
  • 【下载频次】252

