

【作者】 黄凌

【导师】 刘树林;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 金融学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 个人信用信息在金融领域尤其是消费信贷方面非常重要,因此本论文将消费信贷作为研究和分析的背景,目的是为个人信用信息在消费信贷等领域发挥作用寻找一些可行的思路。本论文对个人信用信息的登记和使用方面进行了一些具体研究,包括征信机构的产生和发展、个人信用信息登记使用的内容和机制以及登记使用过程中面临的问题等,并结合国外经验和我国实际提出了相关建议。文章主要遵循了从理论到实践的研究思路,以事实为依据,客观地分析和比较了国内外个人信用信息登记和使用方面的情况。在分析了为什么要登记使用个人信息以及建立信用信息系统的作用之后,针对我国情况,我们建议不要让个人信用体系承载过多与信贷无关的社会职能。个人信用信息登记和使用离不开征信机构,因此文章讨论了影响征信机构建立的因素,并将理论运用于国内实际的研究。通过阐述比较国内外征信机构的发展状况,本文对在我国设立征信机构提出了相关建议,即以民营征信机构为主要经营主体、先建立区域性征信机构再进行全国联网并在征信领域引入竞争机制。个人信用登记和使用中主要面临着信息准确性和隐私保护的问题,本文得出的结论是通过加强政府监管和消费者争议机制来解决信息准确性问题,并在隐私保护的立法方面提出了具体建议。最后,我们还研究了正面、负面信息的比例以及负面信息的存储时限问题,根据我国的实际情况,建议从简单的负面信息系统开始,然后加上贷款风险和正面数据,并在初始阶段把存储期限定得稍长一些。通过对具体的运作和问题进行研究,我们希望这些建议能在我国个人信用体系的建立过程中发挥作用。

【Abstract】 Personal credit information plays an important role in the financial sector, esp. the consumer credit market. So against the backdrop of this market, the thesis studies personal credit information in order to seek feasible ways of use.Our attention is focused on specific points, such as the birth and development of the credit reporting agency, the content and mechanism of personal credit information registry and use, and problems emerging so far. For every point, we produce relevant suggestions with regard to experience overseas and domestic reality.The thinking is from theory to practice. Based on a sea of facts, we analyze and compare registry and use of personal credit information inside and outside China. After answering why do people register and use credit information and functions of the information sharing system, we suggest not bearing the personal credit system with too many irrelevant social functions. As the credit reporting agency is the key to registry and use of personal credit information, we proceed to discuss factors that determine the appearance of the agency, and apply the theory to domestic reality. Following recountal and comparison of developments in and outside China, we propose on how to set up credit reporting agencies of our own, i.e. to have private agencies as major players, to establish regional ones before sharing information nationally, and to introduce competition into the credit reporting field. Accuracy and privacy are the two prominent problems occurring during registry and use, we come to the conclusion of solving the accuracy problem by enhanced regulation and consumer dispute mechanism, and give detailed suggestions on privacy protection laws. Last but not least, we discuss dosage between positive and negative information, and memory of the system. With situations here in mind, we propose to start with black lists, then add positive information step by step, and to make memory of the system comparatively longer in the beginning.By concentrating on the operation and specific problems, we hope these suggestions may be of use in establishing China’s personal credit system.

  • 【分类号】F832.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】197

