

【作者】 喻菊华

【导师】 张家瑾; 曾强;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 国际贸易学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文从国内中小企业的角度,以采购为主要研究对象,根据采购的发展方向,即全球性采购,同时结合电子商务的优势,分析全球电子采购的特点、主要模式,并结合不同企业的特点分析电子采购具体模式的选择。以这些理论知识和分析结果作为基础,根据国内中小企业的自有特点为其参与国际范围内竞争进行全球电子采购战略的布局。同时具体勾画出国内中小企业在未来进行全球电子采购战略时所必经的阶段,分析各个阶段可能会遇到的各种问题以及解决方案。并且对全球电子采购的前景进行了预测。本人认为由于国内中小企业具有自身的特点,所以在进行全球电子采购战略时不能照搬国内外大型企业的经验,应该立足于国内的实际情况和具体国情进行战略布局。虽然如今全球电子采购风起云涌,电子采购的方案和模式也是千变万化,但是国内中小企业在进行战略布局时,要根据自身情况选择合适的电子采购方案,同时站在战略的角度上看待全球电子采购,不仅要找到目前的解决方案,更重要的是要对今后的发展前景进行预测,这样才能提高企业竞争力。本论文的新颖之处在于,站在中小企业的角度谈全球采购;摆脱过去从技术的观点看待电子商务,站在战略的角度来分析全球电子采购战略;首次提出“全球电子采购本土化”的战略观点;在采购这一问题上,灵活看待企业的角色定位,不单单只从采购方的角度分析采购过程,从企业的双重身份,即既是采购方又是供应方的角度来分析,得出国内中小企业在全球电子采购战略中的角色定位和发展思路,即“请进来”和“走出去”的战略:作为供应商,不仅要利用全球电子采购体系同国外大型采购商“请进来”,而且还要通过战略合作夺得的采购谈判中的话事权;作为采购商,要利用全球电子采购系统走出去,进行跨国采购,打破过去只有大型企业或政府才能进行全球采购的保守观念。

【Abstract】 From the perspective of the middle–or- small-scale enterprises, this thesis takes the purchase as the subject matter, analyzing its main characteristics and main purchasing models, describing the concrete periods of its development, suggesting the suitable way of their E-Procurement and foreseeing the prospect of the globle E-Procurement.The traditional related theories have shown us the basic way to perform the procurement, however, with the development of procurement, it began to extend globally. It is called cross-country procurement.IT Times has come. We’re entering a totally new world which is on the basis of E-Commerce. In this new world, procurement is required to change to meet the need of the times. When enterprisers start to use ERP or other soft wares and Internet to purchase the necessary products or resources, E-Procurement is then created. Indeed, E-procurement provides a new way to develop for those middle-or- small-scale enterprises in China, which seldom have chances to purchase overseas now.However, though E-Procurement is very popular now, it is necessary to find their own way of development in accordance with those enterprises’ special characteristics.So it is suggested that those enterprises or companies should choose the most suitable way of E-procurement and the most proper strategies to develop. There are some creative ideas in this thesis:Usually, when talking about E-procurement, most people would relate it to those large-scale enterprises or just consider it as the task of the government. However the middle-or-small-scale enterprises or companies also need to find proper method to perform E-Procurement, because actually they have great potential to develop in this field. Therefore this thesis focuses on them and tries to find the best way for them to purchase through E-Business.In this thesis, E-Procurement is not only a kind of technique but also a strategy which can help those middle-or-small-scale enterprises to find the key to success in the future. Purchase does not only involve buyers but also suppliers who are equally very important in the whole process of E-Procurement. It’s not a game just for buyers. Meanwhile the role of enterprises can be considered in a flexible way. Usually enterprises play the double roles in the process of E-Procurement, that is, they are buyers and, at the same time, they are also suppliers when facing the different cooperators. So the thesis makes their strategies of E-Procurement by considering these two aspects. Therefore, the thesis divides the strategies of E-Procurement into two parts, that is, “coming in” and “going out”. <WP=5> There are also some weak points in this paper, of course. But it is hoped that this research can provide a bit help to those middle-or-small-scale enterprises about their future development!

  • 【分类号】F276.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】877

