

【作者】 梅宇

【导师】 沈四宝;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 电子商务脱离不了资金流环节,因此网上支付是电子商务的必要和关键环节。现阶段,我国电子商务以及网上支付发展迅速,新的电子货币形式不断出现,网上支付服务提供商大量涌现。技术创新大力促进网上支付发展的同时,也向现有法律制度提出了新的挑战。网上支付法律问题,涵盖了民法、刑法、经济法、诉讼法、国际法等多个法律部门。当前我国现有法律、法规并不能完全规范、解决网上支付中出现的新问题。而我国网上支付方面相关立法明显滞后于其市场发展,很多方面出现法律“真空地带”。因此,通过比较研究国际相关立法并结合中国国情来完善我国网上支付的法律规定已迫在眉睫。本文从网上支付的特征及其支付工具入手介绍了网上支付的发展现状,接着分析了网上支付的主要当事方及其相互之间的法律关系。通过对各国法律规定和法学理论的比较,归纳出电子货币的定义、法律性质及其在发行与使用方面的法律责任。同时,结合我国电子货币的发展现状及法律规定提出完善我国相关立法的可借鉴之处。文中通过对美国电子资金划拨法律责任制度的研究,探讨了网上支付交易风险产生的损失责任承担问题及其对我国网上支付资金划拨的立法启示。作者针对我国网上支付个人资料被滥用的现状,指出隐私权保护的重要性;并通过比较国际上隐私权保护的做法提出我国网上支付方面隐私权保护的立法建议。

【Abstract】 Internet Payment is an indispensable and key sector of Electronic Commerce since Electronic Commerce cannot function without capital movement. Nowadays, both China’s Electronic Commerce and Internet Payment grow rapidly with the invention of various kinds of E-Money and the emergence of Internet Payment Service Providers. While technological innovation greatly boosts the development of Internet Payment, it challenges the current legal system. Legal problems related to Internet Payment get involved in several legal institutes, ranging from civil law, criminal law, economic law, procedure law to international law. At present, laws of our country seem to fail to solve the new problems arising from Internet Payment. However, legislation on Internet Payment in China lags behind its market performance, therefore, there is vacuum in legal enforcement. In order to enhance the development of Internet Payment in China, laws and regulations in this domain need to be perfected urgently on the basis of China’s National Situation and research on relevant regulations of other countries and international organizations.In the thesis, the author makes an introduction about the current development of Internet Payment by analyzing the features of Internet Payment and its tools. The legal properties of parties in Internet Payment and their legal relationship have also been demonstrated in details. Based on a comparison of the legislation and legal theories of countries, the author illustrates the concept and legal property of E-Money and liabilities for the issuance and circulation of E-Money. Meanwhile, being aware of the current E-Money development and its relevant legislation in China, the author highlights a few points as reference for the perfection of China’s legislations on E-Money. Furthermore, through the research on Electronic Fund Transfer Act and UCC 4-A of the United States, the author probes into the damages arising from Internet Payment risks or failure and the enlightenment for China’s legislation on Electronic Fund Transfer. Finally, the author figures out the importance of Privacy Protection and comes up with the advice of perfecting our regulations on Privacy Protection by using the advanced laws and regulations abroad for reference.

  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】733

