

【作者】 朱宗霞

【导师】 冀宗儒;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 民商法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 民事保全制度作为民事诉讼法上不可或缺的重要制度,有其存在的重要意义和价值。但是我国现行民事诉讼法上的保全制度仅限于财产保全和先予执行,远不能满足日益复杂多变的民商事活动之需要,未能发挥出其应有的作用,尚需进一步完善。本文首先在全面分析民事保全制度之性质的基础上,把握民事保全制度区别于其他诉讼制度的特性,并对其进行了重新界定和分类,得出结论认为民事保全制度是为了弥补诉讼后救济之不足而设立的,出发点在于给予申请人足够、充分的保障和救济。它是一种特殊的司法救济,介于公力救济和私力救济之间,其根本特征在于紧急性、临时性和预防性。接着,笔者对各国相应的保全制度进行了比较分析,英美法和大陆法的保全制度规定不尽相同,体现了各国不同的价值取向与侧重。紧接着,笔者在分析我国现行保全制度的立法和司法现状之后,挖掘出我国现有保全制度存在的缺失与不足,诸如保全种类比较单一、民事诉讼法中没有对行为保全进行系统的规定、诉前停止侵害在保全制度中的定位不明、保全中各种担保的性质不尽明确、程序启动的条件不统一、缺乏程序的终结机制等等。文章在最后一部分提出完善我国民事保全制度的构想,一要设立行为保全与财产保全相对应,使得我国的民事保全制度在架构上更加丰满和完善;二要在程序上进一步明确保全申请的条件,降低保全的门槛,改变原本以申请人提供担保为要件的错误理念,设立相应的保全撤销机制,使得保全程序能在适当的时候以适当的方式退出案件的舞台。

【Abstract】 The civil securing judgment procedure is one of the indispensable during the whole civil procedure, with very important value and significance of existing. However, that in our China is limited to the securing of property and the enforcement in advance, which is far to meet the needs of the increasingly complicated civil and commercial activities, far to exert the full uses of the securing system and is urgent to perfect. This thesis is trying to figure out the identity of the civil securing, which is the key difference from other civil procedures, and its new definition and classification as well, based on the overall analysis of its characters. The conclusion drawn is that civil securing, as a kind of special judicatory relief balanced between the public and private relief, is established to make up the relieves by the final judgment, which usually cannot live up the needs of the party who is entitled to get the security of the authority, starting to offer the party who is seeking for security the full and enough protection and relief, with the key characters of urgency and temporariness. The following is the comparison and analysis of the relevant systems in different nations. The different regulations show their different value orientation and preference. Thereafter, the third part is focused on the shortages of our securing system based on the analysis of the present situations about the relevant laws and regulations and their practices, such as the singularity of the securing classification, the lack of the systematic regulation about the securing of behavior, the unclearaess of the status about the injunction on the infringement before starting the action, the indefiniteness about the essence of the assurances promoted by the parties during the securing procedure, the lack of uniform conditions for starting and ending of the securing procedure, etc.

【关键词】 救济财产保全行为保全担保
【Key words】 reliefsecuring of propertysecuring of behaviorassurance
  • 【分类号】D925.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】363

