

【作者】 张联庆

【导师】 李玫;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 国际法, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 知识经济下,众多专利相互交叉的“专利丛”状况以及由此产生的新技术专利产业推行中的侵权诉讼风险的不确定性使得专利池许可和专利权交叉许可模式有其存在的必要性。在交叉许可和专利池许可模式中,相关的多个权利所有人有可能形成在某一技术领域的垄断地位从而限制竞争,损害他人利益和社会公共利益。事实上,专利权交叉许可和专利池许可模式在具体运作中的众多法律特征都是建立避免反垄断规制风险的基础之上的。 本文在探讨知识产权法与反垄断法相互关系的基础上,结合这一领域的经典案例,介绍了当代美国对专利权交叉许可和专利池许可模式进行反垄断规制的基本理论和适用原则。同时通过对美国司法部与联邦贸易委员会发布的知识产权许可的反垄断指南以及美国司法部反垄断司针对MPEG LA和DVD pool两个专利池组织发布的商务复核意见的深入分析,总结了专利池许可模式,尤其是为推行标准设立的大型开放型专利池许可模式在运作中所应遵守的包容性,自愿性以及诚实信用原则以及若干具体的法律特征。 近来,国内媒体、企业乃至政府围绕标准问题展开了一系列的论战,WAPI、IGRS、AVS、EVD、TD-SCDMA等一系列标准的制定与推行成为舆论讨论的焦点。标准是以一系列的核心专利为依托的,标准的推行不可避免地涉及到专利的许可,其中专利池许可是国际众多标准推行中惯例性的专利许可模式。本文对当代美国对专利池许可模式若干反垄断规制及其体现的法律特征作出初步的探讨分析,以期对国内的众多标准制定组织在制定专利许可模式时提供有益的借鉴。

【Abstract】 The crossing-license and patent pool are necessary in the knowledge-based economy century for the situation of the patents thicket and the uncertainty for infringement on other patents when a new technology patent is used for production. The participants may have somewhat monopoly power in some technology field which is anticompetitive in the operation of cross-license and patent pool license, that is why they should be regulated by antitrust law and in fact, many legal characteristics of them is based on the consideration of antitrust risks.On the basis of the discussion of the relationship between the intellectual law and antitrust law, the disquisition give a brief introduction for the basic theory and applicable principles for the antitrust regulations in this area in USA. In addition, by the deep introduction of Antitrust Guideline for the Licensing of Intellectual Property issued by the U S Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission and several Business Review Letters on MPEG and DVD pools issued by the antitrust division of U S Department of Justice, the disquisition provides the basic principles for operation of the patent pool, such as the inclusion rule, voluntary rule and bona fide rule ,as well as many specific legal characteristics of the patent pools.Recently, the establishment and implementation of the standard, such as the WAPI, IGRS, AVS, EVD, TD-SCDMA, become the focus in China. The standard relies on the a series of essential patents and its implementation is inevitably in connection with license of patent, in which the patent pool is a customary one for the license of patents of many international standard. The introduction by the disquisition for the antitrust regulations in this area in USA and the specific legal characteristics for the patent pool will give a helpful reference for the standard setting organizations in China.

  • 【分类号】D971.2
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】1218

