

【作者】 缐庆福

【导师】 林汉川;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 商业伦理学是将一般规范伦理学的原则与方法应用于工商管理活动而产生的新兴学科。其主要任务是依据一般规范伦理学的原则和方法探究工商活动的伦理规则;并据此对工商管理的活动、制度和规范进行道德评价;研究工商企业的伦理建设等。近二十年来,在美国以及许多发达国家,曾引起社会关注和热烈讨论的商业伦理课题,大致概括有这么几段:70年代初有产品安全问题;70年代末的政治影响、贪污、企业目的等;80年代初有对工业安全、工人权益、公民权利等的关注;80年代末则多见性骚扰、性别歧视等问题,90年代至新千年的关注焦点有全球化、宗教传统、计算机和生物等技术发展等引起的道德问题和商业伦理在管理实践中的应用性。分析我国企业“信用危机”和“伦理短缺”的原因,主要是长期以来奉行功利主义,对伦理道德认识不足;分配法则畸变和不良社会风气的影响;有关企业经营的法律制度不够健全;企业经营管理者的非伦理决策。欲善其事,必利其器。本文介绍商业伦理分析的理论和工具。对后果主义原则、非后果主义原则和社会综合契约理论进行了讨论,上述所有标准都有弱点,这些弱点的存在使建立适用于企业自身的企业准则和企业伦理成为必然。商业伦理方面的核心问题是如何平衡利益相关者之间的利益。我们选取了雀巢公司的转基因标识、集体跳槽和裁员、招商银行债转股等三个案例。三个案例都涉及到伦理问题,但是他们各自解决问题的方式不同,依据和违反的伦理准则也不同。接下来我们探讨企业商业伦理建设的课题:介绍商业伦理决策的影响因素;管理道德行为的改善的措施;企业社会责任的履行和如何建立和改进公司的道德准则。笔者由于时间和水平的限制,没能更深入的对商业伦理的道德困境进行分析,一些观点可能有失偏颇,敬请批评指正。

【Abstract】 Business ethics is a new subject stepping from putting the rules and methods of the general normative ethics into the process of business administration. The functions of the rules of business ethics include researching the ethical rules of business based on general normative ethics, ethical evaluating the activities and systems and criterions of business management, and studying the construction of ethics of enterprise, and so on.During the recent 20 years, the business ethics had ever been the society hotspot and caused fiery discussion in the developed countries such as American. Its movement passed through the following periods: the problems of product security in the beginning of 1970s; the political influences, corruption and the purpose of firms in the end of 1970s; industry safety, the rights and interests of workers and citizens in the beginning of 1980s; the problem of sexual harassment and sexual discrimination in the end of 1980s; the business ethics practice in management caused by globalization, religion tradition and technologic development in computer and biology fields from 1990s.The reasons of the credit crisis and absence of ethics in Chinese enterprises are: the deficiency of knowledge of ethics caused by the acting rule of utilitarianism; the freakish rules of society allocating system; the absence of codices for enterprises operation systems; the unethical decisions from decision makers of firms.In this paper, we discuss theory and method of analyzing business ethics. The theory included teleological, deontological and integrative social contracts theories are discussed as well. Each theory and method has its weakness, therefore, feasible enterprise codes and ethics must be established in each corporate.The core of business ethics is how to balance profit of stakeholders. In this paper, we describe and analyze three cases in Nestle, dismiss employee and China Merchants Bank. Three cases are all involved in ethics, however, there approaches and theory basis are different. <WP=5>The author researches how to construct corporate ethics: introduce factor of business ethics decision; study methods of improved management behavior; performance social responsibility of corporate and establish and execute code of ethics. For lack of sufficient time , this paper is limited in its depth and width for illustrating the ethics dilemmas of business ethics,.However, the author sincerely hopes that this paper sheds some lights on further research in this field.

【关键词】 商业伦理案例准则建设
【Key words】 Business EthicsCaseCodeConstruct
  • 【分类号】F270
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】2723

