

To Discuss the Way to Remedies about Environment Tort

【作者】 印卫东

【导师】 邢鸿飞;

【作者基本信息】 河海大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 环境侵权是污染、破坏环境造成他人人身、财产、及环境权益损害的一种特殊侵权行为,它具有累积性、潜伏性、复杂性、广泛性等特点。环境侵权对民事权利制度产生着重大影响。各国环境侵权法的形成和发展主要是从传统环境法脱胎而来。英美法系国家的环境侵权法主要从妨害行为法发展形成的。日本的环境侵权法律制度则是起源于公害的无过失责任制度。各国环境侵权法律制度中,无过失责任原则和因果关系推定规则已成为通制。在民事救济上,主要是赔偿损失和排除侵害,其中,在排除侵害的适用上,各国都带有浓厚的利益权衡色彩。 我国现代意义上的环境侵权法起步虽晚,但体系已初步形成。其法律渊源主要有宪法、民法、环境保护基本法及单行法、法律解释等。我国环境侵权法的无过失责任原则最先是由《海洋环境保护法》确立的。环境侵权的构成要件有行为的违法性(侵害行为)、损害事实、侵害行为与损害事实之间的因果关系等三个条件构成的。其中行为的违法性(侵害行为)是构成环境侵权的前提,因为合法行为不能引起民事责任的产生。环境侵权的损害事实包括财产损害、人身损害、精神损害等。承担环境侵权责任的方式主要有我国《民法通则》中规定的停止侵害、排除妨碍、消除危险、恢复原状、赔偿损失等五种。我国环境侵权法制建设取得了较大的成就,同时也存在着体系不协调、规范不健全等问题。因此有必要对我国民法和环境法及其他相关法律的规定进行修改,使我国环境侵权法体系进一步完善,在环境保护事业及可持续发展战略中发挥更好的作用。

【Abstract】 Environmental tort is one of specific torts, that not only causes environmental pollution and damage to the systems, but also causes personal injury, loss of property and damage to environmental rights, there are many characteristics in environmental tort, it has had great influence on civil rights systems. Environmental tort law in many countries is from traditional torts law. In common law countries it has developed from nuisance, in civil law countries, environmental tort law has been established from Immersion in Germany. Environmental tort law in Japan has originated in liability without negligence in public nuisance, today, liability without negligence and presumption of causation have become common legislation systems in environmental tort law all over the world, compensation and get rid of infringe are the major remedies in civil legal systems. but in the application of removing infringe, there is balancing the equities in environmental tort law in many countries.In China environmental tort law system in modern sense has already, the forms of it are constitution law, civil law, environmental protection law, interpretation of law, etc. China ocean environmental protection law (1982) has established the criterion of liability without negligence, the requisites to constitute an environmental tort are injurious act, damage, causation, etc. among of them injurious act is the prerequisite of environmental tort. Damages of environmental tort include property damage and moral damage. Presumption of causation has been used in its causal relationship. There are five important forms of environmental tort liability, junction, removal of obstacles, removing a hidden damnation to the original state, compensation for losses, the way to remedies is consultation, conciliation, litigation, arbitration.Environmental tort law system in China has gained great achievements in short period, but there are still some questions in its legislation, it needs some improvements.

【关键词】 环境环境侵权法律救济
【Key words】 environmentalenvironment tortlaw remedies
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】D912.6
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】461

