

Research on the Technology Based the Realization of WAP Page Conversion

【作者】 温泉

【导师】 曹敬;

【作者基本信息】 河海大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 Internet与无线通信网的结合日益紧密,成为互联网发展新的增长点。两者相结合的产物是无线应用协议(WAP),移动互联网必须遵守该协议,相应地,必须建立WAP站点以提供信息服务;配置WAP网关以实现Internet与无线通信网之间的连接;并开发具有WAP功能的移动终端和微型浏览器,例如WAP手机及其内置浏览器。 移动互联网的应用是非常广阔的,虽然发展历程不长,但其发展过程却经历了波折,究其原因,存在着以下几个制约因素:网络带宽、终端性能、内容服务以及若干非技术因素,例如资费和用户的使用观念。当前,移动互联网的发展真正进入了一个快速应用阶段。首先,得益于移动通信网正在向第三代(3G)过渡,事实上,国内的GPRS和CDMA等2.5G技术已经使网络带宽得到了很大改善;手机等移动终端的性能增长迅速;资费的降低刺激了消费需求。接下来,移动互联网的发展必将进入到类似Internet所经历的发展阶段,即基于内容和服务的需求将成为重点。 本文的研究工作就是基于以上的背景和考虑。所做工作包括:(1)提出WAP页面的直接和间接转换思想,充分利用既有的Web资源;(2)讨论并提出具体实现算法和方案,为WAP网站的建设提供辅助手段,并为WAP网关的转换代理提供技术支持;(3)联系周边实际,提供可行的WAP站点应用方案。在实现这些目标的过程中,比较了HTML、XML和WML三种网络语言之间的异同,突出了XML进行数据交换的优势,使得资源共享程度显著增强;同时,利用WAP页面转换技术降低了WAP站点的建设难度、减少了维护投入;另外,以河海大学“思源”网、扬子晚报无线版为实例进行分析,表明WAP页面转换技术具有可行性和实用价值。展望前景,该技术的研究与应用将会对今后移动互联网的持续快速发展起到积极的作用。

【Abstract】 Internet is combined with wireless communication network more and more tightly. And this is becoming a new increase field of Internet development. The outcome of the combination is Wireless Application Protocol (WAP). Mobile Internet must comply with the protocol. Accordingly, WAP sites must be built up to provide information service; WAP gateway must be set up to realize the connection between Internet and wireless communication network; Mobile terminals and micro-browser must be developed, such as the WAP-enabled mobile phones embedded micro-browser.The application of mobile Internet is very broad. Although the course of its development is not very long, the process is very devious. The restrictions are mostly as follows: network bandwidth, terminal performance, content service, charge and conceptual factors. The mobile Internet has entered the phase of fast development. Firstly, the mobile communication network is shifting to the third generation (3G). In fact, the new technologies such as GPRS and CDMA in our country have broadened the bandwidth greatly, and the capability of mobile phones has been improved. The reduction of charge has increased the consume demand. Secondly, its development will be certain to step into the similar phase as Internet, and the requirements of content and service will become the keystone.The major research work done in this paper is based on such a keystone. The work done is listed as follows: (1) It introduces the idea of the direct and indirect conversion of WAP page, and make great use of existing Web resources. (2) It discusses and puts forward with the algorithms and projects that can be assistant measures for the build of WAP sites and give the technical supports for the conversion agent of WAP gateway. (3) It introduces a practical project. It compared HTML, XML and WML during its implement. It shows the advantages of XML as the approach of data exchange. And, the conversion technology of WAP pages will decrease the development and maintenance costs. Through the analysis of "Siyuan" homepage and the wireless site of Yangzi evening paper, it can be seen that the conversion technology of WAP pages is feasible and valuable. On the long run, the development and application of this technology will greatly promote the development of the mobile Internet.

【关键词】 移动互联网WAP页面转换WMLXMLHTML
【Key words】 mobile InternetWAPpage conversionWMLXMLHTML
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】TN929.5
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】310

