

【作者】 刘丽群

【导师】 苏浩;

【作者基本信息】 外交学院 , 外交学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 美国国家安全战略也称为“大战略”,它主要阐述美国政府在内政、外交和防务方面的总体目标和宏观政策。在制订国家安全战略时,美国首先要对国际安全环境,特别是面临的威胁做出判断。冷战时期美国面临的威胁单一而明确,其国家安全战略也清晰而连贯,即对前苏联实行遏制。冷战结束后,老布什政府和克林顿政府虽然开始认识到美国面临多方面的新威胁,但其国家安全战略仍立足于对付地区性或全球性的常规威胁,而布什政府的国家安全战略防范的对象不是具体的某一类国家,而是具有攻击能力的所有国家、集团、甚至个人;反恐成为美国国家安全战略的长期组成部分并成为近期主要任务,美国与其他国家的关系在一定程度上取决于其他国家在反恐方面与美国的合作;反恐的重点是在国外对威胁根源进行“先发制人”的打击,或称“预防性干预”;从应对威胁的需要出发,可以使用任何手段,包括必要时使用核武器;在地区军事战略中,将亚太地区视为重点;在防范非传统安全威胁的同时,依然对传统安全问题保持警惕,特别是防止在欧亚大陆出现一个主导性的强权。“先发制人”作为美国国家安全战略中新的战略手段,是美国国家安全战略的“分水岭”,标志着美国已经改变了二战以来的对外用兵原则,把绝对军事优势作为确保美国“绝对安全”的最有力后盾。美国调整国家安全战略的根本目标是在国际格局中确立其单极战略坐标,在全球范围内扩展“自由市场经济”和所谓“民主”价值观。美国把反恐和维护国家安全作为首要任务,推出“先发制人”战略手段,以打击恐怖主义和所谓搞大规模杀伤性武器扩散的“无赖国家”。在此背景下,美国对华政策定位中积极因素增多,发展中美建设性合作关系渐渐成为主流。但是美国对华政策中的消极因素依然存在,中美关系仍然面临挑战。

【Abstract】 The National Security Strategy of the United States of America is also entitled "Grand Strategy" .It mainly set forth the collective aim and macrocosmic policy on interior affairs, foreign affairs and defense aspects of the American government. When the National Security Strategy is worked out, above all, the United States of America will judge the international security situation, especially in face of the threat. The United States of America was confronted with the single and definite threat during the Cold War, moreover, the National Security Strategy was also in focus and linked up, that is, it carried out "Containment" for the former Soviet Union. After the end of the Cold War, the Old Bush Administration and Clinton Administration began to realize that the United States of America will be confronted with extensive new threats, but National Security Strategy is still established in entreating the regional and global conventional threats. The new security view of the Bush Administration paid more attention to the mainland security. It will keep away all of the states, groups, even individual of possessing the ability of "attacking", the object maybe will not be a certain kind of concrete countries. Anti-terrorism will be turned into composed part of the American Strategy for a long period of time, and it will be the main task in the near future. The relations between America and other countries, to a certain extent, will rest with the cooperation of the other countries with the United States of America on terrorism. The stress of the anti-terrorism is to proceed to "Preemptive attack", or called "Preventive intervention" for the root of the threats abroad. The strategy may use any means, even play down the limit of the nucleus according to meeting the demands on dealing with the threats. The region of the Asian Pacific-ocean will be stressed in the regional military strategy. Except for that, the United States of America will still keep an eye on the traditional security, simultaneously, keep away the threat of the non-traditional security, especially it will prevent to come into being the dominant power on the Euro-Asian continent. The National Security Strategy of the United States of America confirmed "Preemption" as new means of the NationalSecurity Strategy of the United States of America in the new century. The means of "Preemption" is the watershed of the National Security Strategy in America. It symbolized that the principle of external resorting to force has been changed after the Second World War. It also showed that "Absolute military superiority" will be the strongest backup force as ensuring American "Absolute security". The fundamental aim of adjusting the National Security Strategy in America is to establish the unilateral strategic coordinate in the international situation, therewith, to enlarge "Free market economy" and so-called "democratic" axiology all over the world. The United States of America took anti-terrorism and protecting the national security as the chief responsibilities, at the same time, brought forth "Preemption" in order to attack terrorism and combat with the so-called "Rogue countries" with carrying on Combat Weapons of Mass destruction. At the time, the United States of America corresponds to adjust the policy for other countries in order to accelerate the cooperation with them. Under this background, the United States of America orientated itself positively with China, and it is the mainstream to develop the constructive symbiosis between Sino-America. But the passive factor is still existed in the American policy to China. Sino-American relation is confronted with challenge.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 外交学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】D871.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1200

