

The Bush Doctrine and the Iraq War

【作者】 何媛

【导师】 张益庭;

【作者基本信息】 外交学院 , 英语语言与文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 美国总统小布什上任伊始便一反克林顿政府的全球接触政策,退出一系列得到广泛承认的国际条约,大力发展军备,竭力推行孤立主义政策,遭到国际社会的强烈批评。 “九·一一”事件使美国外交政策发生骤变。布什政府在新保守主义势力的推动下,暂时放弃了孤立主义的立场,拼凑了一个不大不小的国际联盟,发动了空前惨烈的反恐战争。阿富汗战争的胜利是美国单边主义政策的催化剂,布什不久便提出了一条后来被称为“布什主义”的新政策,宣称美国已经做好准备,对威胁美国安全的恐怖分子发动先发制人的打击,必要时将弃联合国安理会多数反对于不顾,采取单边行动。布什主义追求他人“无法挑战”的绝对军事优势,视任何可能对美国在世界或任何地区的绝对优势构成威胁的国家或集团为其敌人或对手。布什主义的出笼说明新保守主义势力已在美国政治舞台上占据中心位置。 布什主义第一次付诸实践是在伊拉克。2003年3月,美国借口伊拉克拥有并威胁使用大规模杀伤性武器,对伊拉克进行了军事打击。国际社会公认这次战争违反了国际法,因为战争没有联合国安理会的授权,而且至今没有在伊拉克找到大规模杀伤性武器,因此美国自卫的说法也难以自圆其说。 从布什宣布在伊拉克的主要军事行动完成到现在已经有一年,但战争远远没有结束。甚至在萨达姆被捕之后,伊拉克又爆发了新一轮反美游击战。显然,这次战争带来的不会是和平,而是地区不安定和美国新的困境。

【Abstract】 Within his first six months as US President, George W. Bush had incurred criticism abroad and at home for his isolationist policy. He denounced Bill Clinton’s policy of global engagement, pursued military build-up, and extricated the US from a host of widely accepted international treaties.The September 11th terrorist attacks marked a turning point in the US foreign policy. The Bush administration dropped its isolationist stance and managed to assemble some sort of international coalition in its most bloody war against terrorism. America’s victory in Afghanistan turned out to be a catalyst to its unilateralism. Bush came up with what was to be called the Bush Doctrine, which declared that the US was ready for a preemptive military action against terrorists that threatened its security, unilaterally, if necessary. It also stated that the US would pursue global military superiority beyond challenge. The adoption of the belligerent policy is a clear indication that the hawkish neoconservative group has occupied the central place on the US political stage following the 9/11.The Bush Doctrine was first put into practice in Iraq. March 2003 witnessed US military operations against a sovereign country under the pretext of its possession and threat of use of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). However, the war is widely acknowledged as violating the international law for lack of UN authorization. In fact, no evidence has been presented so far on the Iraqi possession of WMDs, and the right of self-defense has proved to be nothing but an excuse for war with ulterior motives.Although one year has passed since Bush announced the conclusion of major combat operations in Iraq, the war is still far from over. A post-Saddam wave of anti-US guerrilla warfare has broken out. Obviously, what the war brings is not peace, but regional instability and a quagmire for the United States of America.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 外交学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】D871.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】373

