

【作者】 冀建峰

【导师】 李雅云;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 法学理论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文围绕新闻媒体对司法审判活动进行报道和评论的界限设置问题,结合我国新闻体制、公民法律意识和司法改革现状,对我国现阶段新闻媒体监督司法审判实践中产生的多种冲突进行了分析并探讨了改善的措施。本文分为三个部分。第一部分对新闻媒体监督司法审判的正当性和受限性进行了法理分析。指出新闻媒体监督司法审判是公民和媒体新闻自由的直接要求,是人民主权原则的本质体现,是实现审判公开的重要手段,有利于司法公正的实现和司法权威的树立。同时,新闻自由与司法独立一定程度上的排斥性,新闻媒体与司法审判各自运行机制的对立性,过分强调媒体监督对司法公正和司法权威的损害性,决定了对新闻媒体监督司法审判必须进行合理的限制。 第二部分分析了我国新闻媒体监督司法审判的现状,重点对现阶段新闻媒体监督司法审判实践中的多种冲突进行了归纳,指出冲突的产生原因不仅在于司法界对媒体监督的正当性认识不足,存在抵触情绪;在于媒体监督受限性体现不足,缺乏规范和约束;更在于我国文化传统和体制方面的负面影响。新闻媒体的官方化,重实体轻程序的法律文化,以及法官不能做到“只服从法律”是必须充分考虑的三个方面。 第三部分考证了美国和德国在处理媒体与司法关系上的相关经验,并在此基础上,探讨了我国新闻媒体监督司法审判的改善措施。一方面要进行相应的立法,为新闻媒体监督司法审判设置合理的界限,消除由于媒体与司法的互动中缺乏规则而造成的冲突;另一方面要充分考虑我国的现实国情,重视解决传统文化和体制障碍,加强媒体自身建设,提高民众法律意识,增强法官独立程度。

【Abstract】 The dissertation, aiming at the ambit setting of the media’s reports and critical opinions toward judiciary judgement and combined with our country’s actuality of news system, judiciary reform and people’s legal consciousness, analyses the conflicts which exist in the reality of media supervision toward judiciary judgement, so that we can realize which measures should be taken to improve the media’s supervision.The dissertation consists of three parts. Part one gives some analysises about the reasonability of the media supervision toward judiciary judgement. It is granted by freedom of press that people and media owned, constitution principle of popular sovereignty and public trail. The medium supervision is just one of the practical ways people exercise their supervision right. At the same time, it’s necessarily that restriction should be setted in the process of the media supervision, because that there is repellency between the freedom of press and judicial independence, and difference <WP=5>between the run mechanism of media and court. Part two comprehensively analyses the actuality of the media supervision toward judiciary judgement in our country, and place emphasis on the induction about multilayer conflicts existing in the practice of media supervision nowadays. There are three reasons to these conflicts, and the important point is we should pay more attention to the effect of our country’s culture tradition. Part three discusses the measures should be taken to improve the media’s supervision on the basis of correlative experience of America and Germany. On the one hand, a clear line should be drawn by corresponding lawmaking to prevent the abuse of media supervision. On the other hand, we should think much of our country’s actuality and attach more importance to clear up the obstacle resulted from culture tradition. To get harmony between court and media, it is indispensable to improve law level of the media, cultivate legal consciousness of the fellow citizens, boost up independency spirit of the judge.

  • 【分类号】D926;G219.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1051

