

【作者】 殷茗

【导师】 赵嵩正;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 企业管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 当前世界范围内各行业的竞争不断加剧,各行业生存发展的环境越来越多变,在此背景下,工程项目管理的传统环境正逐步向虚拟环境转变。虚拟环境实现了一种超越时间、地域的交流方式,消除了信息沟通的种种壁垒,大大改变了项目中各方之间的业务联系方式。由此,研究虚拟环境下的工程项目信息沟通系统(V_PICS)具有理论和现实意义。 本文首先比较了当今几种流行的信息系统开发方法的优缺点,结合本系统特点,确定本系统的开发采用结构化系统开发方法、原型法和面向对象UML(Unified Modeling Language)建模技术相结合的一种实用化系统开发方法。在此基础上,研究了信息流在工程项目要素流动中的作用,并且详细研究了工程项目信息的分类、特征及流动形式,同时还研究了传统环境下工程项目信息流动存在的问题,从而提出了工程项目中的虚拟环境,并对虚拟环境下各参与者信息流进行分析。其次,对V_PICS进行分析与设计,其中包括V_PICS与PMIS其他模块的关系、总体规划、系统分析及系统设计。然后,研究了基于B/S模式的信息发布技术和Web服务器与Database服务器的接口技术,重点研究了V_PICS中采用的B/S接口技术JSP及其在本系统的应用。最后,对软件的运行及开发环境进行了描述,并对本系统开发中的几个关键问题如用户登陆设计、在JSP中实现文件上传、自动生成文档管理器及系统安全性进行了详尽阐述。

【Abstract】 As the drastic competitions of trades in the whole world, trades’ environment of survival and development become more and more changeable. Under this background, the traditional environment of project management is being transformed into virtual environment step by step. Virtual environment creates a kind of communication way of surmounting time and region. Furthermore, it dispelles all sorts of barriers of the information sharing and it changes the business communication way in the project greatly.Therefore, the research of virtual project information communication system (V_PICS) has theoretical meaning.Firstly, this paper compares the popular methods in IS development and clarifies their advantages and disadvantages. According to the system’s characteristics, a comprehensive method, which combines Structured System Development Methodologies (SSDM), Prototyping and UML (Unified Modeling Language) for OO (Oriented Object), is adopted to develop this system. Secondly, this paper studies the function of project information flow in the project flows, and it also shows the classification, characteristic and forms of project information flowing. After that, it refers the existing problem under the traditional environment and raises virtual environment in project. Thirdly, this paper studies how to analyse and design V_PICS including the relationship between PICS and PMIS, overall planning, system analysis and system designing. After that, it shows the technology on B/S mode and the interface technology between web server and database server, the emphasis of which is the application of JSP used in V_PICS. Finally, the paper describes the executive environment of the system and discusses several critical problems.

  • 【分类号】F284
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】244

