

【作者】 荣秀君

【导师】 秦现生;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 机械电子工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 市场竞争的生命力在于产品的创新。对企业而言,新产品开发能力是构成企业核心竞争力的重要部分。随着产品复杂度的提高,有必要建立一套用于辅助产品开发过程管理的系统,其中,任务管理是一个关键子系统。任务管理通过详细定义任务内容来降低任务执行难度;通过优化任务分配来将合适的任务分配给合适的人员;通过跟踪管理任务生命周期来掌握任务完成的进度。这三方面共同作用,以达到缩短产品开发时间的目的。 首先,本文分析了目前用于产品开发过程管理的项目管理、工作流管理、产品数据管理中的任务管理现状及存在的问题,并阐述了任务分配算法及管理的研究现状,在此基础上,归纳总结了本课题的研究意义。 其次,在分析西飞公司的项目管理处、设计处与生产处的任务管理的现状及弊端的基础上,应用针对问题逐个解决的优化思路,提出了优化企业任务管理的几点方法,如细化任务内容,建立一套计算机辅助任务管理系统;并且基于任务管理基本流程设计了任务管理的工作原理。 然后,在对计算机辅助任务管理系统(CA-TMS)进行功能、数据及性能需求分析的基础上,通过对比三种体系结构确定该系统采用客户机/服务器体系结构,进一步划分了子系统并确定各子系统的功能。依据功能需求分析绘制了系统的功能模型IDEFO图;依据数据需求分析绘制了信息模型IDEF1X图,并完整设计了系统数据库。 最后,描述CA—TMS的软件实现和应用情况,并论述了系统实现的几个关键技术,例如,ADO数据操作方式的选择,Excel的调用。

【Abstract】 Innovation in products is the key force to market competition. Especial for enterprises, it is the capacity to develop new products that is one of the most important parts to the core competitive capacity. For the products becoming more and more complex, it is necessary to develop an aided system of Product Development Process Management (PDPM), of which, the Task Management is a key subsystem. In the task management, the task content is defined detailedly to reduce the difficulty in the task’s implementing, and the task distribution is optimized to let the worker match up to the task, and the task lifecycle is tracked to control the task ’s schedule. On the work of them, it is reached that the aim of shortening the time spent on product development.Firstly, in this paper, the status and problem of task management in Project Management, Workflow Management and Product Data Management applied to the Product Development Process Management is analysed. And the study status of the algorithm and management of the task distribution is discussed. On the basis of these, this paper’s research meaning is summed up.Secondly, after analysis of the task management’s situation and abuse in the item management section, yield section and design section in Xi’Fei Company, several methods to optimize an enterprise’s task management are put forward under the guidance of resolving problem one by one, such as defining the task in detail and developing a computer aided system of task management. And the operating theory of the task management is designed based upon its basic flow.Then, founded on the requirement analyzing on function and data and capability of Computer Aided Task Management System (CA-TMS), the system structure is fixed to adopt the Client/Server structure after the compare of three kinds of system structure. Farther, the subsystems are carved up, and at the same time, their functions are confirmed. In succession, the function model pictures (IDEFO) are drew by the function requirement and the information model pictures (IDEF1X) are drew by the data requirement, and the database is planned.At last, the software programming and application of the CA-TMS are described. And several key techniques in programming are discussed, such as, the selection of the database’s operation mode and Excel’s transfer.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】278

