

【作者】 姚瑛

【导师】 毛加强;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 银行业的市场营销观念最早起源于20世纪60年代的美国,它打破了传统的市场营销与金融企业无关的思想。经过五十年的探索与发展,西方金融业的市场营销已经进入了成熟阶段,它已经形成了一种以金融市场为导向,运用整体营销手段向客户提供金融产品和服务,在满足客户需要和欲望的过程中实现金融企业利益目标的社会行为过程。西方金融业充分认识到企业要获得良好的业绩,保持永久的优势地位,必须加强对金融环境的调研和分析,整合企业的所有资源,培养企业的核心竞争力,以谋求创立和保持与客户之间的长期互利合作关系,实现本企业的战略目标。而中国银行业目前的整体营销还处于广告宣传和公共关系阶段,尤其是对于初具规模的城市商业银行来说,如何在日益激烈的竞争环境下,扩大市场份额,提高核心竞争力,在2-3年内有更大的发展,建立适合自身拓展的营销体系,形成有效的市场营销策略,是当前一项重要的工作。 本篇论文从市场营销的基本概念及银行业市场营销的历史演变入手,阐述了目前城市商业银行市场营销的特点,并通过与国外银行业的对比,指出城市商业银行营销过程中存在的主要问题,并就如何构建城市商业银行的营销体系提出自己的设想。同时,本文以城市商业银行的个人金融业务为切入点,在整体营销思路的背景下,按照个人金融业务的需求因素,提出了实施“一对一营销”的策略。在以信息技术为代表的新科技革命迅速发展之中来研究城市商业银行的市场营销体系与营销策略,对城市商业银行今后的发展将会产西北!:业人学硕十学位论文生重要的意义。

【Abstract】 In the 1960’s, a new concept of the marketing theory about bank industry come into being in American ,it built a new relationships between the traditional theory about market-development and the financial institution. In the past 50 years, the financial institutions didn’t stop exploring and anglicizing the market. In that process, many foreign use the tool of comprehensive marketing to provide the new finance products and service.For the purpose of keeping the outstanding position and getting the more profits, the financial institution of developed country have known there are some factors are important. For example, as a financial institution, it has to explore and study the real market environment it must face, build and keep the cooperation-relationship with customers, and cultivate the core competitive ability to reach the strategic goal. But, today, the Chinese bank industry is still in stage of advertising to build the public-relationship. Especially, as a chief senior official of a commercial bank that has a little scale, who has to think about the problems that how to get more market share, establish a marketing system do a big development in the future 2-3 years and so on.In above of this paper, the author explained the concept of marketing, then introduced the process of changing. Through comparing with foreign banks, the author point out the issues is now being about Chinese bank.Meanwhile, the suggestions of how to resolve these problems are presented in the paper.In the other hands, the author of this paper study the characters of the personal financial affairs in china and give out the method of "p to p personal marketing ". in the future, The innovation of new information technology that will play very important role in the progress of the city commercial bank.

  • 【分类号】F832.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】599

