

【作者】 卫育新

【导师】 赵忠;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 精密仪器及机械, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着科学技术的飞速发展,单一的导航定位定向系统已经不能满足我国在军事领域和民用领域对导航、定位、定向精度的要求,组合导航定位定向系统以其较高的精度、低廉的成本逐渐被应用于各个领域。所以,以GPS与INS相结合构成的组合导航系统成为导航定位定向系统的一个发展方向。 本论文针对GPS/INS组合导航定位定向系统的一些技术问题和算法进行了探讨:研究了惯性测量元件(陀螺仪、加速度计)的误差补偿算法及其误差模型中误差系数的标定方法;研究了用双自由度挠性陀螺和加速度计进行精确寻北(定向)的原理,推导了带误差补偿的寻北计算公式,并利用寻北结果实现了快速、准确的初始对准,通过实验达到了满意的效果;推导了在新坐标系(初始点惯性地理坐标系)中惯导系统的导航定位算法及误差方程;讨论了GPS/INS组合导航定位定向系统的组合导航算法,推导出在新坐标系中组合导航卡尔曼滤波器的状态方程和量测方程等。

【Abstract】 With the development of science and technology , single navigation locating and directing system can’t satisfy the need to the precision of navigation and locating and directing in the military field and public field .The integrated navigation system have been applied to many field for it’s high precision and lower cost .The integrated navigation system composed of inertial navigation system and Global Position System have been to the trend of the navigation and locating and directing system .This thesis discusses some technical problem of GPS/INS integrated navigation system : deduces the error compensation algorithm of the error model of inertial measurement component(such as gyroscope and accelerometer ) , and presents the method of separating the coefficient of the error model; discusses the theory of high accurate north-seeking with double free dimension flexible gyroscope and accelerometer ,infers the north-seeking calculate-formula with error compensation , achieves fast and exact inertial alignment with result of the north-seeking ,and test shows the results are satisfying ; deduces the algorithm and error equation of the strap-down navigation system with the new coordinates (inertial position geography inertial coordinates); study the algorithm of INS/GPS integrated navigation system , infers the state equation and measurement equation of the Kalman filter within the integrated navigation system etc.

  • 【分类号】V249.3
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1432

