

A Study of Genre Evolution in American Postmodernist Novels

【作者】 杨春春

【导师】 王新国;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 美国小说走进后现代,得到了明显的发展:文学艺术的边界模糊了、衍化了。后现代主义小说超越了虚构与现实的界限,超越了文学体裁之间的传统界限,也超越了各类艺术的传统界限。美国后现代主义小说突破了传统小说的美学标准,并且适应传媒时代的需要,从大众文化吸取了有益的艺术手法,形成了自己的写作模式和叙事话语。本文总结与探讨了美国后现代主义小说中新出现的写作模式,写作技巧和叙事话语,并具体分析了美国后现代主义小说家罗伯特库弗和唐纳德巴尔塞姆的代表作《保姆》和《白雪公主》作为后现代主义小说的特点。通过这些总结、探讨和具体分析本文揭示了美国后现代主义小说不仅颠覆了传统小说的内部形态和结构,而且反思和发展了小说这一体裁和其叙述本身。后现代主义小说在颠覆传统的艺术形式时形成了自己的艺术特征:在写作模式和叙述技巧上以其跨体裁的艺术创作,非线形的叙述,嬉戏的形式,碎片的效果,高科技在小说中的运用,虚构和现实相结合的手段等,鲜明地表现了不同于传统小说体裁的特征。作者通过对美国后现代主义小说体裁发展的研究,将后现代主义小说的有关理论运用于文本分析,丰富了读者对美国后现代主义小说乃至整个后现代美国社会的认识。

【Abstract】 There are a lot of features in American postmodernist novels which are different from the traditional ones. The thesis systematizes and discusses the new narrative modes and new types of narrative discourse in American postmodernist novels. In narrative modes American postmodernist novels combine non-novel and novel, reality and fiction, science fiction and fiction, serious novel and popular novel, fairy tale and fiction, novel and other art forms. In narrative discourse, American postmodernist novels employ cross-genre irony, direct speech of characters, advertising discourse, author’s voice-over, and hypertextual discourse as narrative discourse. Besides, in American postmodernist novels, non-linear narration, intertextuality, parody, fragmentaiion and hypertextuality are the essential methods to employ. The thesis attempts to analyze the postmodernist novels’ features of two representative American postmodernist novels- Robert Coover’s The Babysitter and Donald Barthelme’s Snow While in details. Through these discussions and analyses, the thesis intends to disclose that American postmodernist novels deny traditional novels’ internal narrative structure and aesthetic criteria and thus evolve the genre of novel. In addition, the author intends to use the theories of postmodernist novels in the analysis of certain works. The purpose of the thesis is to enrich readers’ knowledge about American postmodernist novels and postmodern American society.

  • 【分类号】I712.074
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】480

