

【作者】 李哲

【导师】 毛加强;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 信托是一种创新的财产管理制度,其起源于英国,发展于美国、日本。由于具有财产管理、资金融通的功能,其目前已成为市场经济国家中普遍运用的财产管理方式。我国自改革开放以来,信托业历经五次整顿,终于回归本业。在现阶段,对信托业的发展历史进行回顾,并分析当前信托业的发展方向和促进信托业发展的措施,是一个既有理论意义又有现实意义的重要课题。 信托制度对我国来说是泊来品,是一种继受制度。继受不能忘记本源,只有全面系统把握本源的继受,才会在自己的发展过程中掌握方向,并根据自身的环境与条件有所创新。因此,本文首先从信托的基本概念入手,剖析信托业的基本特征和其在市场经济中的作用,接着通过对世界主要发达国家信托业发展历史的回顾,分析其对我国信托业发展的启示;然后,本文对我国信托业的发展历史和现状进行分析,从而确定我国信托业的定位和职能。在此基础上,本文对我国信托业的发展方向和发展战略进行了探讨,并提出了自己的观点。对我国信托业发展方向的分析和信托公司发展战略的设计是本文的主要创新之处。

【Abstract】 Trust is an innovative property management system, it originates from England and developed in American and Japan. Because of the function of property management and finacing,it has already become the property management mode that is often used in market economy countries. Since the reform opening in China, trust industry was went trough five times reorganization, and came back to itself finally. During this period, we review the development history of trust industry and analyze the current development direction to find out measures to accelerate it is an important task that has theoretic significant as well as reality significant.Firstly, the article starts with the basic concept of trust, taking apart the character and the effect in market economy, then through looking back of the development history in the leading developed countries to analyze the revelation to our trust industry. The article analyzes the Chinese trust industry from the development history to actuality, confirming the orientation and function of our trust industry. Based on it, it discusses the development direction and stratagem of our trust industry and put forward the viewpoint. At last, through analyzing the limitation elements to point out the main measures which can hasten the development of our trust industry.The analysis on development direction of our trust industry and the design on development stratagem of trust companies are the innovation of this article.

  • 【分类号】F832.49
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】378

