

【作者】 张军

【导师】 崔义中;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 江泽民同志在担任军委主席十几年来,我军建设所处的时代背景和需要回答的主要问题都发生了深刻变化。从国际情况来看,冷战结束后,世界格局由两极对立转向单极多元化,民族宗教矛盾、地区冲突此起彼伏,特别是恐怖主义已经成为必须正视的严重问题,这对于我军建设与发展赋予了新的使命和方向。与此同时,信息技术为核心的高新技术发展,极大地改变了人类社会的生产生活方式和国际经济政治关系,也改变了战争的形态,现代战争正由机械化战争向信息化战争转变,世界范围内的新军事革命蓬勃兴起。从国内情况来看,改革开放和社会主义市场经济体制的建立和发展,深刻影响和改变着人们的生产方式、生活方式和思维方式,给国家和军队建设注入了新的生机和活力。但与此同时,它对物质利益原则的重新定位,又使得人们以往的世界观、人生观和价值观发生了巨大变化。尤其是拜金主义、享乐主义和极端个人主义等腐朽思想的影响,使一些人的价值观发生了一定程度的摇摆或偏差。在这种情况下,如何加强军队思想政治建设,保持部队政治上的坚定性和思想道德上的纯洁性,就成为新时期军队建设与发展面临的重大课题之一。 在跨世纪的征途上,面对复杂严峻的国际国内环境,江泽民认真研究军事斗争形势正在发生的重大变化。在全面继承马克思主义军事理论,尤其是毛泽东军事思想和邓小平新时期军队建设思想的基础上,结合当代新形势、新任务和新要求,解放思想、实事求是、大胆探索、勇于创新,紧紧围绕“打得赢”、“不变质”两个历史性课题,认真地思考和谋划着国防和军队现代化建设的战略问题,悉心研究和探索新时期军事教育改革与发展的特点和规律,发表了一系列重要的军事教育论述,提出了一系列极其英明的重大决策,从而形成了他具有中国特色的军事教育思想科学体系。这对于新时期加速培养高素质新型军事人才,努力完成机械化和信息化建设的双重历史任务,实现我军现代化的跨越式发展具有十分重要的现实意义和深远的指导意义。 江泽民军事教育思想科学地揭示了现代教育特别是军事教育的普遍规律,深刻地阐述了新形势下院校建设和人才培养的一系列重大方针原则。在军队革命化建设方面,江泽民提出要按照“政治合格、军事过硬、作风优良、纪律严明、保障有力”建军治军“五句话”的总要求,始终把思想政治建设摆在全军各项建设首位的军事教育思想,用“三个代表”重要思想武装全军,增强时代感,努力探索新思路、新措施、新办法,不断加强和改进思想政治建设,以永葆人民军队的性质、本色和作风,明确了现代军事人才培养的宏观目标。在军队现代化建设方面,江泽民提出要积极适应“两个根本性转变”的要求,提出了建设高素质干部队伍的战略任务和必须把造就大批高素质人才作为军队现代化建设的根本大计来抓的思想、,为我军在历史转折时期把军事人才培养摆上关键位置,提供了思想政治保证。在军队正规化建设方面,江泽民提出探索新的历史条件下军事教育的特点和规律的军事教育思想,积极推进国防和军队建设的各项改革。在军事人才培养方面,江泽民提出按照复合型军事人才的“三项指标”(良好的全面素质、复合的知识结构和综合能力、创新精神和创新能力),坚持“三个面向”的教育方针,把院校教育摆在优先发展的战略地位,实现教育观念、教育内容、教育机制“三个转变”的军事教育思想,应把超前教育摆在更加突出的位置,为我军现代军事人才的培养提供了基本理论依据。在军事教育体系的构建与创新方面,江泽民提出要坚持质量、规模、结构、效益协调发展的原则,明确提出了“建立起总体规模适当、结构合理、效益较高的具有我军特色的新型院校体系”的改革任务,要大力推进改革,坚持稳中求进,实行开放办学,积极推进素质教育、创新教育,不断提高人才培养质量;依托国民教育,拓宽进才渠道;实行学科专业及院系优化重组,形成整体优势,为我军院校教育的改革方向和发展途径提供了理论指南。 江泽民军事教育思想内容丰富,博大精深,反映了新的时代、新的实践的客观要求,蕴含着马克思主义与时俱进的理论品格,科学阐明了跨世纪军事人才发展战略的理论原则和基本内容,具有“首位”论断的根本性、战略构想的时代性、办学理念的先进性、人才建设的前瞻性和建军治军的系统性,在新的历史起点上丰富和发展了党的军事人才建设思想,开创了军事人才培养新格局,指明了我军院校教育的正确方向,为实现我军军事教育的战略转变提供了理论依据,创造了我军培养新型军事人才的良好条件,体现了鲜明的中国特色、强烈的时代色彩和很强的理论指导作用,使我军人才培养模式在新世纪的发展建立于系统、全面的战略谋划之上,使我军军事教育在新世纪的发展有了最有力的支撑,对于积极推进中国特色的军事变革,解决好人民军队“打得赢、不变质”两个历史性课题,对于建设一支强大的现代化正规化革命军队,必将起到巨大的历史性?

【Abstract】 Since Jian Zeming became the Chairman of China’ Military Central Committee, the historical background of China’s military construction and the major problems to be solved have undergone profound changes. From the global view, after the Cold War, the old world structure with two opposing extremes has shifted to pluralistic pattern with a single pole; racial religious contradiction and regional conflicts have arisen one after another; particularly, terrorism has become a very serious issue that China has to face. All these changes put forth new task and indicate new direction for China’s military construction and development. In the meantime, hi-tech development with information technology as its core has, to a far greater extent, changed the mode of production, the way of life, the international political economic relation as well as the pattern of modern war, which has shifted from mechanized war to information war. From a domestic view, reform and opening to the outside world, along with the establishment and development of socialist market economy has been greatly influencing and changing people’s mode of production, way of life and pattern of thought, and strengthened the national and military construction with fresh vigor and energy. But meanwhile, this new trend reestablished people’s principle of physical interests and changed people’s world outlook, opinions on life and concept of value. In particular, due to the effect of the degenerate ideologies such as money worship, hedonism and extreme individualism, some people’s concept of value has, to some degree, deviated from the correct one. In this case, how to strengthen military ideological and political construction and how to keep the army politically stable and morally purifiedbecomes one of the key issues of the military construction and development during the new era.On the way to the new century, under the complex and severe international and domestic environment, Jiang Zeming, the chairman of China’s Military Central Committee, did thorough analysis of the great changes of the situation of military struggle. With the inheritance of Marxist military theories, especially Mao Zedong’s military thoughts and Deng xiaoping’s thoughts on military construction at the new era, based on the concrete situation, new task and new requirements, Jiang emancipates minds, seeks truth, dares to explore and has the courage to innovate. Focusing on the two historical subjects-"ensuring the military victory in regional hi-tech war" and "preventing political, ideological and moral degeneration", he has reflected deeply on and tried to find a solution to the strategic problems of national defense and military modernization construction. Besides, he has devoted himself to the study and exploration of the characteristics and principles of modern military education and reform, issued a series of important exposition on military education, and advanced many extremely brilliant decisions. As a result, the scientific system of his military educational theories has taken shape, which has great practical and directive significance in accelerating the training of more military talents with high qualities, accomplishing such two historical tasks as military mechanization and information construction, and realizing the leaping development of China’s military modernization.Jiang’s military educational thought reveals the universal rules of modern education, especially the military education, and illustrates a series of vital guiding principles of academy construction and talentscultivation. In terms of military modernization construction, Jiang puts forward a general requirement of military construction and management, which is summarized as the five points ("be politically qualified", " be militarily empowered", "be excellent in style of work", "be strict in principles" and "be efficient in supply"). He also emphases that ideological and political construction must rank first among all military construction work. He advocates that the army must be armed with suc

【关键词】 江泽民军事教育思想
【Key words】 Jiang ZemingMilitary educationThoughts
  • 【分类号】E20
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】370

