

【作者】 杨志坚

【导师】 杨尚勤;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 “互联网”作为以信息技术为中心的新技术革命的重要特征,已经影响到政治、经济、文化等社会生活的各个领域。高等学校作为社会的重要组成部分,是中国社会“网络化”发展的前沿,受到了信息技术快速发展带来的广泛影响。大学生作为最大的网络群体,因其特殊的心理特征,受到了网络这把“双刃剑”的深刻影响,网络既给他们带来了全新的观念、丰富的知识和创新的思维,也对其行为模式、价值取向、心理发展、道德观念等产生着巨大的冲击,并催生了许多心理问题。因此,如何在“网络时代”加强对大学生网络心理问题及其成因的分析和研究,就成为一个无法回避且亟待解决的重大课题。 对大学生网络心理问题及其成因的分析研究是时代发展对高等学校提出的迫切要求,也是高校人才培养目标的根本要求。本文根据心理学、教育学、社会学、青年学、传播学等多学科的基本原理,在研究网络对大学生广泛影响的基础上,从四个方面对大学生各种网络心理问题的具体表现形态,产生的原因,以及调适的对策进行了较为系统的分析和深刻的研究与探讨。

【Abstract】 Internet, one of the important characteristics of new technology revolution with the IT as its core, has influenced our social life politically, economically and culturally. Being an important component of society, the schools of higher learning stand in the frontier of the process of the networkization of Chinese society and are influenced deeply by the rapid development of IT. College students, as the largest internet consumers and users with unique psychological characteristics, are deeply influenced by the network-a two-blade sword. Network equips them with new ideas, enormous knowledge and creative way of thinking, greatly influencing their behavioral patterns, value orientation, mental development as well as moral conceptions and thus giving rise to lots of mental problems. Hence, it becomes an inevitable and urgent issue for us to strengthen the study and analysis of the network psychological problems of college students.The study and analysis of the network psychological problems of college students has become an urgent requirement advanced by our times. It is also one of the rudimental requirements of talent training objective of universities. The study systematically, profoundly analyzes and explores the concrete syndromes, causes, and then the solutions of various network mental problems of college students from four respects, using the basic principles of disciplines such as psychology, pedagogy, and sociology and dissemination and being on the base of the study of impacts of network on college students.

  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1273

