

【作者】 李荣强

【导师】 姜澄宇;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 网络化制造是20世纪90年代产生的一种新的制造模式和理念,是制造企业利用网络技术开展产品设计、制造、销售、采购、管理等一系列活动的总称。本文结合国家863计划重点项目“关中高新技术产业带网络化制造系统开发与应用”,开展基于XML的夹具产品建模与共享技术研究。夹具的网络化设计制造是关中高新技术产业带网络化制造的重要组成部分。 根据项目的总体设计,结合关中区域的企业特点,本文对夹具网络化设计的主要关键技术进行了研究,在关键技术研究的基础上建立了夹具网络化设计系统的基本构架并实现了基本功能。 通过分析夹具产品结构信息,提出了面向夹具结构信息的支持TOP-DOWN的分层结构树模型,并采用基于XML的信息建模技术,实现了夹具结构信息的建模,夹具结构信息主要包括结构树信息和拓扑关系信息。 参照模式-视图-控制器(MVC)系统设计模式,将XML、XSLT和Servlet三种技术结合,提出了XML+XSLT+Servlet的XML信息共享方法,实现了基于Web的夹具XML结构信息共享。 利用虚拟现实建模语言VRML的三维建模能力,研究了基于VRML的产品三维模型可视化问题,并给出了三维模型基于Web的可视化实现方案;论文最后研究了基于XML的产品三维几何信息模型及模型基于Web的可视化问题。 本文研究的技术思想和方法己在项目中得到实现和验证。

【Abstract】 Networked Manufacturing is a new pattern and a new idea of manufacture generated in 1990’s. It is the sum up of a series of activities of designing, manufacturing, selling, stocking and management of manufacturing enterprises using network technology. Combining with the key item of Advance Technology Development Project of China (863 Program) - "Networked Manufacturing System Developing and Applying in Advanced Technology Industry Area of GuanZhong", the thesis has researched the jig modeling and sharing technology based XML. Jig Networked Designing and Manufacturing is the important part of Networked Manufacturing in Advanced Technology Industry Area of GuanZhong.According to the system design, and combining with the characters of enterprises in GuanZhong Area, the thesis researched the key technologies of Jig Networked Designing. Then, the author set up the systems framework of Jig Networked Designing and realized the basic functions.The thesis analyzed the structure information of jig, and brought forward a hiberarchy tree model which can support "TOP-DOWN" designing. The thesis has also realized modeling the jig structure information, the tree structure information and the topology information included, adopting the information modeling technology based XML.Referring to the MVC system design pattern, the thesis integrated the XML, XSLT and Servlet technologies, and brought forward the XML+XSLT+Servlet information sharing method and realized the jig XML information sharing on Web.Taking the full advantage of the three dimensions modeling functions of VRML, the thesis researched the visualization of three dimensions models, and gave a realizable scheme on Web. At last, the thesis researched the three dimensions geometry information models based XML, and researched the issue of visualization on Web.The technique principles and methods in this thises have been testified in the project.

【关键词】 网络化制造夹具XML建模
【Key words】 Networked ManufacturingGigXMLModeling
  • 【分类号】TG75
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】146

