

【作者】 彭伟

【导师】 宋东;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 并行处理是指同时对多个任务或多条指令、或多个数据项进行处理,从而大大提高计算速度。实现这种并行处理的计算机系统称为并行计算机系统。并行计算采用并行程序实现,并行程序设计的算法结构与并行计算机系统结构紧密相关,当前流行的算法结构有共享存储、消息传递、数据并行等多种模型。DVM系统是一个基于数据并行的并行程序模型,因其良好的特性而受到越来越多的关注。 本文设计了一个基于DVM系统的并行程序设计图形可视化系统。该系统通过一个可视化的编程环境为DVM并行程序设计提供了一条有效的途径,降低了编写并行程序的难度。 论文首先讨论了高性能计算的需求,分析了各种并行计算机的特点,阐明了并行计算机的发展方向。并详细阐述了并行算法结构、并行程序设计的基本原则、并行程序设计环境等并行程序设计的基本理论。然后,在详细分析DVM系统模型和DVM程序的执行特性的基础上,设计了图形可视化并行程序设计平台的总体结构并以VC为基本编程工具,具体实现了该平台的主要功能,图形化地显示了数据块在各处理器上的分配、数据对齐,远程数据访问等情况。 综上所述,本文设计了一个基于DVM系统的并行程序可视化开发平台,实现了该平台的主要功能,同时也为系统的进一步完善和改进奠定了基础。

【Abstract】 Parallel computing means to handle several missions, several instructions or data units so as to improve processing speed. The computer to realize parallel computing is called parallel computer system. Parallel computing is performed by parallel program. The arithmetic architecture of parallel pragram is closely related with the architecture of parallel computer system. Presently, there are some popular models such as share-memory model, message passing model and data paralleling model. As a kind of data paralleling model, DVM system gets more and more concern for it’s excellent characteristic.In this paper, based on DVM system, a visual parallel program developing system is designed, which offers a visual developing environment. The system will make it simple and convenient to develop parallel programs.In the first part, the demands of parallel computing, the characteristic of different parallel compute systems and the trend of parallel computer are introduced, then what on parallel arithmetic structure, basic principle of parallel computing, parallel program environment are discussed in detail. On the foundation of analysis of DVM system, a graphic visual parallel program developing environment is designed, and with VC as the basic tool, the main function of the developing enviroment such as display the data distributed onto some processors, as well as data align, data remote access are realized.In conclusion, a developing environment based on DVM system is designed. With the main fuctions realized, the environment lays a solid foundation for further research and improvement.

  • 【分类号】TP311.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】79

