

A Cognitive Approach to Fostering Metaphoric Competence in English Learning--Studies of Metaphors in Business English

【作者】 杨耀辉

【导师】 曾利沙;

【作者基本信息】 广东外语外贸大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 几千年来,隐喻一直是学者们讨论研究的对象。相对于近年来的隐喻热,二/外语教学中对于隐喻的教学及学习者的隐喻能力的培养的研究才刚刚起步。本文在对隐喻进行认知理解的基础上提出在二/外语教学中对学习者进行隐喻能力的培养。本文对英语经济报导中的隐喻进行了分类归纳,探讨了隐喻理解过程中进行意义推理的认知过程,试图通过对认知过程的了解以及相应影响因素的概括分析找出一些适用于隐喻教学的可行的方法。在研究的过程中作者还进行了一次问卷调查,旨在了解英语学习者理解隐喻的情况。回收的问卷显示英语学习者在理解隐喻的过程存在很多问题。本文对存在的问题进行了归纳并在例证分析的基础上提出了一些解决办法,同时文章还通过对一些经济类隐喻的认知理解过程的分解提出在教学中如何教授隐喻。本研究仅对作者收集到的经济类隐喻进行了分类、定性分析,初步提出如何进行隐喻教学,提高学习者的隐喻能力,其实际应用价值则需要进一步通过大量的实验分析来验证。

【Abstract】 The present research, by analyzing and categorizing some business metaphors, tries to explore the cognitive process of inferring metaphorical meanings in understanding metaphors by English learners. The topic is chosen out of two considerations: first, most English learners find it difficult to understand metaphors, especially those that require effort to work out the metaphorical meanings; second, metaphoric competence is closely related to the ways in which a culture organizes its world conceptually, a cultivation of metaphoric competence would help to develop conceptual fluency in second/foreign language learning. Discussion of a questionnaire designed to find out the status quo of Englishlearners’ ability of understanding metaphors shows that students have many difficulties in understanding metaphors, which suggests that the topic of metaphors should not be neglected in second/foreign language teaching and learning. Solutions are given to the problems revealed by the questionnaire, and some feasible means in metaphor teaching are also proposed for reference.

  • 【分类号】H315
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】909

