

A Pragmatic Analysis of Hedging in Lawyers’ Arguments

【作者】 曲志英

【导师】 张新红;

【作者基本信息】 广东外语外贸大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文运用描述分析方法,对汉英两种语言的律师辩论中的模糊限制现象进行研究,旨在揭示律师辩论中模糊限制现象的特点和作用。 根据Hyland提出的模糊限制现象的分类模式,我们在汉英两种语料中辨别出三类模糊限制语:准确性指向类,说者指向类,听者指向类。这三类模糊限制语具有各自不同的语言实现方式和不同的作用。通过汉英法庭语言材料的对比分析,我们发现语言的不同会对模糊限制语的语言实现方式有所影响,但总体而言,两种语言中的模糊限制语存在较大的相似性。 本研究还表明,律师在辩论中经常使用模糊限制现象实现自己的交际目的,即最大限度地赢得听者对自己辩论观点的支持。模糊限制语可用于明确律师语言的准确性,保护律师在辩论过程中不受驳斥,表明律师对听者在辩论中的积极作用所持的态度。 我们希望,本文对律师辩论中模糊限制现象的探讨,能丰富现存的对模糊限制现象的研究,帮助了解律师语言的特性,进一步加深对律师的语言策略使用的认识。

【Abstract】 Employing descriptive and analytical method, the present thesis probes into hedging in lawyers’ arguments, in both Chinese and English contexts. The aim of the study is to describe routine practices of hedging in lawyers’ arguments and demonstrate how hedging functions in the legal context.Following Hyland’s model, three types of hedges are identified in the Chinese and English data: accuracy-oriented hedges, speaker-oriented hedges, and hearer-oriented hedges. Detailed analysis suggests that there are different linguistic devices and different functions as to the three types of hedges. Although the difference between languages affects the linguistic devices, as a whole, however, there are great similarities in Chinese and English arguments.The research also shows that lawyers frequently use hedging to achieve their communicative purposes in their arguments. Hedging can be used to display the lawyer’s concern of precision, to protect the lawyer from possible negatabitility, and to convey the lawyer’s attitude towards the hearer’s active role in the argument.It is hoped that the present study may add to the existing research on hedging, and may help to gain a deeper understanding of the nature of lawyers’ arguments and the linguistic strategies lawyers used.

  • 【分类号】H019;H030
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】270

