

A Probe into Theoretical Background of L2 Vocabulary Learning Methods

【作者】 李坚

【导师】 蔡芸;

【作者基本信息】 广东外语外贸大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2004, 硕士

【副题名】An Examination into Relative Effectiveness of the Mnemonic Keyword Method for Chinese First-year University Students

【摘要】 本研究不仅从认知心理学的角度,而且从比较语言学的层面探究二语词汇习得策略的理论背景,并且通过实证研究检验影响中国学生使用这些词汇方法的效果的因素。本研究对现有的文献做了详尽的综述,并在此基础上提出了两个假设,即:(1)运用阐释性词汇习得方法(如语境法,关键词记忆法等)产生的记忆比维持性方法(如死记硬背)的更有效;(2)汉语语言特征所要求的心理加工模式可能会延伸到英语的表征过程,进而影响词汇习得策略的效果。 本研究在68名中国大学一年级学生中对三种词汇习得方法进行了实证性检验。实验提供了关键词记忆法的最佳条件——缺乏二语学习经验的成年学习者对表具体意义的单词的前进式的瞬时记忆。以往的许多实验已经证明了关键词记忆法在这个条件下产生的记忆最佳。然而本研究中受试者的母语和以往类似实验的主体的母语存在很大的差异;汉语属于象形文字,区别于以往的字母文字,如英语,法语等。因此,这些方法的效果可能产生的任何变化都应当归因于母语语境的作用。在实验之后进行的问卷调查反映了这个群体使用词汇习得方法的现状。 实验得出的结果有力的证实了之前提出的两个假设。作者在最后提出了本研究对于二语学习和教学的意义,并且指出了其中存在的不足之处供后来者参考。

【Abstract】 The present study investigates the cognitive-psychological as well as cross-linguistic factors that probably contribute to the effectiveness of L2 vocabulary learning methods among Chinese ESL learners. A thorough review of literature in relevant theories and empirical studies leads to two assumptions: (1) elaborative methods, specifically the keyword method and the context method, will result in better retention than maintenance method i.e. the rote repetition method for Chinese ESL learners; (2) the mental processing pattern entailed by specific features of Chinese can be carried over to the learning of English, which may result in variation to the efficacy of L2 learning method.An examination into the relative effectiveness of three L2 vocabulary learning methods is conducted among 68 Chinese first-year university students learning English as a second language. The optimal condition for the keyword method is satisfied, specifically, the forward instant recall of L2 concrete words by inexperienced adult learners. There is only one variation to the optimal condition in this study, that is, the subjects involved in the present study have a non-alphabetic L1 background (Chinese), whereas the subjects in the previous studies have an alphabetic L1 background, e.g. English, French etc. Therefore, any difference in the efficacy of the keyword method will be attributed to this linguistic contrast. At the end of the experiment, a questionnaire is conducted to probe into the status quo of the use of L2 learning methods among Chinese ESL learners.The results of the present study show that both the context method and the keyword method significantly outperform the rote repetition method, and the keyword method does not outperform the context method under the optimal condition. Thus, it can be inferred that the effectiveness of the methods is influenced by the contrast of English and Chinese.In the end, the implications of the study for ESL learning and teaching in the context of China are discussed. And recommendations are made for future research in this regard.

  • 【分类号】H09
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】457

