

Adjacency Pair Analysis of Courtroom Cross-examination

【作者】 韩征瑞

【导师】 刘诒廷;

【作者基本信息】 广东外语外贸大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 法庭对话是口头的互动过程。它的抗辩性质贯穿于构成庭审的各个阶段:出庭的证人既享有被己方律师提问的权利,又承担接受对方律师质证的义务;任何类型的庭审,律师/公诉人都有权在庭审前申明代理、辩护意见,并在庭审结束时进行总结陈词;陪审团出庭的案件中,法官还要向陪审团做出关于法律适用的指令。虽说每个阶段对庭审都不可或缺,但质证辩论还是被认为是实现司法公正的核心之所在。法律语言研究者从权力分配、庭审技巧等方面对其作了大量研究。 本文力图从邻近应对的角度来分析庭审中的交叉询问。交叉询问中,律师/公诉人可以使用不同的方式质疑证人证词、引导证人/被告作答或将所诉之罪归责于被告。这方面的研究以Drew(1979)和Drew(1990)为代表,其研究多集中于纠错(correction)、改正(repair)和叙事(narrative),笔者将选择邻近应对(adjacency pair)作为切入点。关于邻近应对,Schegloff,Sacks和Pomerantz提出了不同的特点,如方式条件(conditional relevance)、顺序条件(relative ordering)和优选条件(preference organization)。本文以邻近应对为中心把这三个条件组织为理论框架(见第30页),对庭审交叉询问进行分析。笔者将析出语料中的三类现象:打断(overlap),沉默(pause)和‘以言行事’(management of action sequence),以所构建的理论框架对其进行分析、解释。这些分析会明晰并加深我们对律师/公诉人询问技巧的理解,对法官及时发现律师/公诉人的引导性问题以及对律师/公诉人提高询问能力都有一定的帮助。

【Abstract】 Courtroom discourse is spoken and interactive. The adversarial nature of the trial process is the immediate determinant of its structural elements: the different stages which structure the proceedings. These ensure that for each witness/defendant there will be an examination-in-chief, by his own supportive counsel and a cross-examination, by the adversarial counsel/prosecutor. As well, each counsel/prosecutor typically will open his case by an opening address, and will close the case by a closing address. There will be as well a direction from the judge, directed to the jury. Although each stage is crucial to the process, the examination stage is usually perceived to be the core of the trial process. It is this stage that has attracted the greatest attention from those legal and linguistic observers concerned with the distribution of power, and with forensic strategies.This thesis examines courtroom cross-examination from the angle of adjacency pairs. In cross-examination, a counsel/prosecutor can challenge a witness/defendant’s testimony; lead the witness/defendant to answer predesigned questions, or throw blame on him/her. Drew (1979&1990) has given fruitful research in this field, but most of the research focuses on correction, repair or narrative. This author will choose the framework of adjacency pairs. Sacks, Schegloff, and Pormerautz have proposed different properties about adjacency pairs. In this thesis, conditional relevance, relative ordering and preference organization are combined into the theoretical framework, which are analytically reverted into three skills: overlaps, pauses and local management of action sequence. (For a clear and direct understanding, please refer to the diagram on page 30) The study may be of theoretical and practical significance. It may contribute, if any, to the development of forensic linguistics in China and may help counsel/prosecutor in trial to examine the witness/defendant more strategically and appropriately.

  • 【分类号】D916.2;H05
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】328

