

Performance Analysis for Serial Robot Manipulator

【作者】 许亚靖

【导师】 黄真; 郭希娟;

【作者基本信息】 燕山大学 , 机械电子工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 如何评定机器人操作臂的动力学性能好坏,对于开发高速、高精密机器人以及机器人的结构设计和控制方案的拟定都有重要的作用,因此引起国内外学者的关注和研究。从1971年Vinogrador提出了工作角概念一直到1991年C.Gosselin,J.Angeles提出的基于Jacobian矩阵的全域性能指标(Global Conditioning Index),所有研究都局限在速度性能指标的讨论,对于加速度分析仅仅刻画了机器人在时的局部动态性能。本论文利用新提出的性能指标定义对传统的串联机器人进行了运动学性能和动力学性能方面的实例分析。本文用对比法验证了这种方法的实用性,研究了同时基于Jacobian矩阵和Hessian矩阵的运动学和动力学性能指标。然后选择典型的串联机构PUMA560机构和A4010H SCARA机构进行分析。在具体研究每一个机构的过程中,首先依据黄真教授提出的影响系数法建立一阶、二阶影响系数矩阵。然后根据机构的实际工作尺寸和工作空间大小,初步选定机构尺寸。最后利用郭希娟教授在其博士论文中提出的机构性能指标为机构绘制性能图谱,并以此为据找出一组尺寸各不相同的机构中性能较优的机构,从而为机构设计提供理论依据。本文在对串联机构分析后得出的结论中发现,传统的串联机构在机构设计方面具有较好的运动学性能,而动力学性能较低。本文使用的方法主要是讨论机构尺寸的设计,如何提高机构的动力学性能还有待进一步讨论。

【Abstract】 How to evaluate the dynamic performance of manipulator of the robot has drawn much attention at home and abroad. It has an important influence on development of high speed and high precision robot as well as mechanism design of robot and programming of manipulator project. From the definition of working angle (Vinogrador,1971) to the definition of global conditioning index which based on Jacobian matrix (C.Gosselin, J.Angeles,1991), all research is limited to the discussion on velocity performance indices. To acceleration, it only describes the part dynamic performance of some spot when robot is in the state that . This paper analyzes the serial mechanisms on kinematical and dynamical performance. In this paper, based on strict demonstration to the validity and practicability of the method, we first research the performances of kinematics and dynamics that based on both Jacobian and Hession matrix. The mechanisms, which are analyzed in this paper, are serial PUMA560 mechanism and serial A4010H SCARA mechanism. During the analysis, this paper calculates one-order kinematic influence coefficient matrices and two-order kinematic influence coefficient matrices of the mechanisms according to the influence coefficient presented by Pro. Z.Huang. Then the range of dimension, in view of the mechanisms’ trim size and workspace, is chosen for research. At last, this paper draws performance atlas to find the mechanism who has better performance in a group of mechanisms with the indices proposed by Pro. X.J.Guo in her thesis. In the result of the analysis, the conclusion is that the serial mechanism has better kinematic performance but worse dynamic performance. The method in this paper mainly focuses on the design of mechanism. How to develop the dynamic performance is under discussion.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 燕山大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TP242.6
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】928

