

【作者】 董喻超

【导师】 方明生;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 鲁迅作品的教学在中学语文教学中是个“重头戏”,但在学生中,却普遍存在着疏离甚至排斥鲁迅的现象,很多教师也感到鲁迅作品很难教甚至无法教,针对这一问题,本文以设法将现当代鲁迅研究的成果导入教学的方法,对中学鲁迅作品的教学作了一些探索。全文共分为四个部分: 第一部分,疏理了以往各时期的教参对鲁迅作品的分析,指出了这一分析的功利性及其给教学带来的弊端。提出了让教学回归人文性的鲁迅作品阅读的观点。 第二部分,以中学语文散文教学为例,探讨了在学生初接触鲁迅作品时期,如何展开鲁迅作品教学的问题。根据学生的年龄特点,教学的重点应该是,引导学生感受鲁迅对童年的眷恋,对生活的热爱,和对师长、亲友的温情,因为,这一点最容易引起学生的共鸣,从而激发起学生的阅读兴趣;另外,对“人”的关注是鲁迅创作的原点,对这一原点的理解和认同,将有助于学生进一步理解鲁迅对“国民性”、历史文明和社会时弊的批判。 第三部分,提出了理解鲁迅走上文学道路的精神经历,对理解鲁迅小说内涵的重要性,探讨了被选入中学语文教材的鲁迅小说中,应让学生认识到哪些批判“国民性”内容。 第四部分,提出了鲁迅的杂文教学应在这样一个层面上进行:鲁迅的杂文是社会批评和文明批评的武器。同时探讨了理解这一内容的路径:背景的补充、杂文与小说的联读。

【Abstract】 The teaching of LuXun’s works accounts for a large proportion of middle school Chinese education. But many students are estranged or rejected form LuXun. Many teachers also feel that it’s difficult or impossible to teaching LuXun’s works. As to these problems, this paper will explore them from the dimension of pedagogy. There are four parts in this paper.The first part is the Introduction. In this part, I sort out all kinds of analysis about LuXun’s works in the lextures , point out the utility of these analysis and it’s abuse to teaching ,and put forward a viewpoint: let teaching come back the humanism of the reading of LuXun’s works.In the second part, I make an inquiry --according to the featureof the age of students, the points of teaching should be: guiding students to feel LuXun’s being sentimentally attached to childhood, being ardent to living tender feeling to teacher, senior , relative and friends, because these can strike an responsive chard of students, So they can arouse students the interests in reading .Ortherwise, paying attentions to "human" is the logical starting point of LuXun’s works. If students can understand and approve that, it is helpful for students to understand further LuXun’s criticism to "national nature", historical civilization and the current situation of society.In the third part, this paper points out that understanding the spiritual course of LuXun’s road of literature is important to understand the intension of LuXun’s novels. And explore: teachers should make students understand what is the criticism to "national nature" in the LuXun’s novels.In the fourth part, this paper forwards: the teaching of LuXun’sessays should be on this level--LuXun’s essays are the arms of socialcriticism and civilizational criticism. On the same time, this paper explores for the understanding ways: the complement of clues , the co-reading of essays and novels.

  • 【分类号】G633.33
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】878

