

【作者】 李丰园

【导师】 徐时仪;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 古典文献学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 《碧巖錄》是圆悟克勤禪師以雪竇重顯禪師《頌古百則》所舉一百則禪宗公案為基礎,加以垂示、著語、評唱,又經過其門人編集而成,是宋代文字禪的代表作,也是研究禪宗發展和思想,特別是研究文字禪的一本重要著作。然而,由於研究資料缺乏和禪宗内容深奥等原因,一直都没有對此書進行過系統地研究,故本文以《碧巖錄》為研究對象,參考和利用國内外的研究成果,分别從著者、版本、内容、思想、語言等幾個方面,對此書進行全面系統地分析和考證,揭示此書在宗教、思想、語言等方面的價值和作用。 本文在考證作者生平的同時,糾正了《全宋詩》把克勤與佛果列作两人之誤,並補充其漏收詩一首。 《碧巖錄》一書版本源流複雜,不易梳理。本文在日人末木氏研究的基礎上,結合中日兩國所見之版本,對末木氏文章中懸而未解或沒有涉及到的問題,如成書時間,一夜本、福本、蜀本、張本之關係,有關南本的情況和南本、北本與張本的關係等,進行了詳細地考證和推測。 對於此書及作者的評價,歷來批評多過褒獎。一般認為此書違反了禪宗不立文字的宗旨,貽誤學人,且考證過於煩瑣,思想過於單一。本文通過考證所得的大量第一手资料全面分析審視了圆悟克勤禪師其人其書,從而對此作出了较為客观的新評價。 禪宗語言極具特色,也是漢語史和近代漢語研究中的難點,故本文專設一章考證了克勤所用的詞語。其中《漢語大詞典》未收詞語和書證偏晚的詞語,不僅為《漢語大辭典》的修正提供了書證,更體現了《碧巖錄》一書的重要學術價值。書中克勤的自釋之詞則為近代漢語詞語的考釋和研究提供了可靠的依據。 此文尚是一個開端,冀有俾益于此書及相關禪宗文獻的研究向縱深發展。

【Abstract】 The Blue Cliff Records is written by Zen master Yuan Wu Ke Qin, it ison the base of another book-Song Gu Bai Ze that is written by Zen masterXue Dou Chong Xian. Zen master Yuan Wu Ke Qin and his subordinates expounded Song Gu Bai Ze carefully and compiled The Blue Cliff Records at last. So, this book is a representative work in Song Dynasty as well as an important work about the dhyana sect. However, this book has not been studied systematic because of it’s profound. This paper studies the book through all kinds of . reference books. This paper is very comprehensive because it studies author, edition, content, idea and language of The Blue Cliff Records and reveals its values and effect.This paper also verifies all the author’s life and corrects the errors in Song Poems. The edition of The Blue Cliff Records is very complicated, this paper is based on the achievements of Muo Mu in order to resolve this difficult question. This paper also infers some questions detailed that is not exist in Muo Mu’s work. For example, the time when the book is finished, the relationship between all of the editions.The Blue Cliff Records and the author receive lots of criticism constantly. Many scholars think that the book violates the aim of the dhyana sect and misleads the readers. In addition, the investigation in the book is very mixed and disorderly, the idea in this book is very single, too. This paper examines the book again and evaluates it objectively.The language of the dhyana sect has some distinguishing features, it is also a difficult point in Chinese. One chapter in this paper verifies Zen master Ke Qin’s language specially and replenishes the examples in Chinese Dictionary. So, the values of The Blue Cliff Records is very high. Ke Qin’s language in The Blue Cliff Records supplies reliable basis for the study of Chinese in the modern times.But this paper is only a beginning. I hope this paper will beneficial to the study of the documents about the dhyana sect.

【关键词】 圆悟克勤版本系统一侗颂古蜀本悟禅魔集宋代文打令希陵
  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】339

