

【作者】 公磊

【导师】 商红日;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 行政管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 我国自建国以来,随着国家发展情况的变化,其行政组织先后进行了多次改革。这些变革反映了我国为了进行社会主义建设而对国家行政管理体制的不断认识和发展。因此可以说,这些变革在不同程度上对我国行政管理体制的完善产生过积极的影响,也起到了加快国家经济建设、稳定社会生活和社会治安的作用,从中也积累了一些有益的经验。但是,这些变革并未完全取得预期的成效,特别是1998年以前的数次行政改革,相反而在某些方面强化了行政管理体制上的某些弊病和不足。当前,随着WTO的加入,我国已经进一步融入全球化进程之中。不断加快的全球化进程对政府管理水平的要求越来越高。因此,这就要求我们在新的国内国际形势下进一步加快行政体制改革。 与此同时,二十世纪八十年代以来,为迎接全球化、信息化、国际竞争加剧的挑战以及摆脱财政困境和提高政府效率,几乎世界上所有国家,特别是西方发达国家都掀起了一股公共行政改革的潮流。在这一股公共行政改革的浪潮中,新公共管理的实践模式成为西方政府改革的最基本的趋势。这一管理思想对西方各国的政府实践产生了深刻的影响,已经在相当程度上改变了英、美等许多西方发达国家的政府行政架构、管理理念和服务范式,在相当程度上改善了西方国家的公共管理水平,大大促进了西方国家经济的与社会的发展,同时也增强了西方国家在国际社会中的竞争能力。不仅如此,新公共管理思想所形成的这股强大的公共行政改革力量,也正越来越多地影响到许多发展中国家的政府管理改革。 因此,本文通过了解和分析我国国内形势发展的变化,总结我国建国以来历次行政管理体制改革的经验教训,发现其中存在的问题。同时,通过对新公共管理理论的理论基础、内涵特征及其在西方国家实践成效地分析,来不断地探寻我国政府未来的发展模式,构建政府未来行政改革的对策。

【Abstract】 Ever since the founding of our country, along with the changes of the national developmental circumstances, China’s administrative organizations have been reformed many times. These transforms reflected that our nation managed to understand and develop the administrative management system in order to carry out our socialist construction. So we can say, these transforms have produced active influences in different degree to perfect the administrative management system in China, and have brought about some effects to accelerate national economic development, stabilize social life and social public security. But these transforms didn’t obtain prospective results completely. Especially, some administrative reforms before 1998, on the contrary, resulted in some maladies and disadvantages in some aspects to the system of administrative control. Consequently, these reforms affected the function of national administrative control. Along with the entry into WTO, our nation has further melted itself into the progress of globalization. The progress of globalization being quickened continuously enhances requests upon the governmental management level. Therefore, these situations demand us to further quicken the system reforms of administrative under the new local and international situation.At the same time, to meet the challenge of the globalization, informationization and aggravating international competition, since the 1980s, almost the whole world, especially all the western developed countries, have rolled up a tidal current of public administrative reform to get away from the finance predicament and to increase governmental efficiency. In this tidal wave of publicadministrative reform, the practice model of the New Public Management becomes the most basic trend that western governmental reforms hold. This management thought has produced deep influences to all the western governmental practice. The governmental administrative frameworks, managerial conceptions and service paradigms of the western developed countries are just like those Britain and America have already undergone in comparative degree. And the public management levels of the western countries have been improved in comparative degree. This thought promoted the economical and social development of the western countries. At one time , it strengthens the competitive ability in international society. The powers of public administrative reform that come from the New Public Management thought have affected the governmental management reforms in many developing countries more and more.Therefore, this paper will investigate the experiences and precepts in the administrative management system since our country’s founding and tries to uncover the problems among them by means of analyzing the change of local situations in our country. At the same time, we want to explore the future development mode in our government constantly and set up the countermeasures of future administrative reform in government by means of analyzing the theory basis and intensive characteristic of new public management, and the practice results in western country.

  • 【分类号】D630
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1523

