

【作者】 马海峰

【导师】 李治国; 陆爱勤;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 产业经济学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文致力于中国保险业市场结构及其优化的研究。笔者运用规范和实证研究相结合的方法,从理论和实践两个方面进行分析,力图得出一些对优化我国保险业市场结构有用的结论。 首先,对国内外有关市场结构的文献进行回顾和总结,把各家学派的理论观点加以对比分析,通过理论上的逻辑推理得出影响市场结构的关键因素。接着给出一种关于市场结构的理论分析框架,对市场结构及其要素进行综合分析。这是本文第一章的主要内容。 其次,对我国保险业市场结构进行实证研究。先对影响我国保险业市场结构的各个要素进行统计分析,如市场份额、市场集中度、进退壁垒等,得出实证性的量化结论。再对各要素之间的相关性进行分析,如集中度与规模经济、集中度与利润率等,得出相关性的结论。然后,对我国保险业市场结构与行为进行实证分析,结合实践中我国保险公司的行为并分析其行为背后的动机。这是本文第二章的主要内容。 第三章的内容是结合前面两章的分析,提出我国保险业市场结构的目标模式——寡头主导,大中小企业共存的网络型企业组织。重点对寡头垄断市场结构进行研究,并对它的规模经济、市场集中、绩效、行为等要素从理论上进行逻辑推导,找出各个要素之间的相关或者非相关的联系。 第四章主要是进行理论和实践的相结合,即对我国保险业市场结构进行优化分析。先是陈述对我国保险业市场结构的基本认识,这是实践部分的内容;然后提出我国保险业市场结构的目标模式,这是理论上的内容;两者的相结合得出了我国保险业市场结构优化的具体措施。 第五章是结论和建议。笔者认为:我国保险业仍然属于在政府过多管制下的幼稚型产业,市场结构模式缺乏有效的竞争机制,市场总体规模较小和市场集中度过高是我国保险业市场结构的显著特征。所以,我国保险业市场结构的目标模式是构建以寡头为主,大中小企业共生的网络型市场结构。企业之间的共生网络不仅存在于寡头与中小企业之间,也存在于寡头之间、中小企业自身之间,不过从整个保险业的发展来看,起主导作用的还是寡头企业,支撑整个产业的是寡头和众多的中小企业。

【Abstract】 This paper is devoted to study China insurance market structure. I try to draw useful conclusions on China insurance market in theory and in practice. To get such results I will use theoretical and empirical study.Firstly, I reviewed and concluded the papers about market structure in home and abroad field, and achieved key factors influenced market structure in theory. Then I brought forward a theoretical framework to analyze the insurance market structure in all ways. This is the main content in chapter 1.In chapter 2,I made empirical test on China insurance market. I analyze the statistics factors of China insurance, such as market share, degree of concentration, barriers to entry and exit. Then I contrasted these factors, such as concentration to scale economics, concentration to rate of profit and so on. I made a relative analysis on the behavior company and market structure of- China insurance, and I try to find the background in the behavior of China insurance companies.In chapter 3,I brought forward objected model for China insurance market structure through studying previous results. The model is that oligarch companies play dominant role and all kinds of companies existing. So my research emphases on oligarch monopolized market, and give logic deduction on scale economics, degree of concentration, efficiency, behavior and so on. The aim to do this is to find correlative results between all the factors.In chapter 4,I made an optimize research on China insurance market structure in theory and in practice. I draw a basic station of China insurance market in practice, then I bring forward the optimize model in theory. I got the utensil suggestions on China insurance market structure from theory to practice.The main contents of chapter 5 are conclusions and suggestions. My result is that China insurance industry is still a young industry under government guaranteed. The market structure lacked an effectively competed mechanism. The obvious character of China insurance market is both the small scale of whole market and highly degree of concentration. The objective model of China insurance market is to construct a net organize that oligarch company play dominant role and all kinds companies existing.

【关键词】 中国保险业市场结构优化
  • 【分类号】F842
  • 【下载频次】315

