

【作者】 卢炫璇

【导师】 张谊生;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 全文共分四个部分: 第一章分析“X点”和“X些”充当定语的情况:“一点”、“一些”表示少量或不定量的时候,可以用在名词性成分之前充当定语。“一点”所表示的量比“一些”所表示的量要少些;“一点”、“一些”在修饰名词性成分时,在计数与不计数、抽象性与具体性两个方面存在着一定的差异。“点”、“些”跟“这/那”等指示代词组合后意义上的差别较大。“一些”和“一点”修饰的名词性成分存在着有定与无定的性质上的差别。“有点N”、“有些N”和“好些N”既能作定语又能作主语,而且都具有不同的选择搭配关系。 第二章讨论“X点”和“X些”充当补语的情况:“点”和“些”充当补语既可以用在动词的后面,也可以用在形容词的后面。在具体的使用中,既可以进入祈使句,也可以进入陈述句。形容词后面加“点”和“些”往往同其本身的语义特征有关。而句中时态助词“了”和语气词“了”的使用与否,在一定的条件下,涉及到句类的转换及句子的表义重点。不同的重音模式、说话人的主观意愿,说话的语境等都对“点”“些”的表义功用具有一定的影响。 第三章探讨“X点”和“X些”充当状语的情况;“有点、有些”既可以分别修饰含有贬义、消极义的动词、形容词“A~2”和“V~1”,也可以分别修饰含有褒义、积极义的动词“V~2”和“A~2”。在不同的组合搭配中,除了词义的褒贬以外,往往还同“了”的使用与否,动词、形容词的重叠形式,以及不同的结构形式有关。此外,“有点、有些”还可以同“稍微”类程度副词连用,表示程度的减弱。 第四章比较“稍微”与“有点”的异同。本章从语义限制、比较对象、表义倾向、词义幅度、时体特征这五个方面比较了“稍微”与“有点”的区别:认为前者的共现成分是有限制的,后者则无限制;前者有明确的比较对象,能进入一定的比较句式、后者没有,不能进入比较句式。;前者偏向客观陈述,后者偏向主观感受;前者表程度的词义量幅较狭窄,后者则相对比较宽泛;前者可以表示未然,也可以表示已然,后者一般只能表示已然。 最后是简短的结语。

【Abstract】 There are four parts in this thesis. The first chapter of the thesis discusses "X dian" and "X xie" used as the attributive. When "X dian" and "X xie" have the meaning of small or indeterminate quantity, they can be used before the noun as the attributive. The quantity which "X dian" implies is less than that of "X xie". There is some difference between "X dian" and "X xie" when modifying the noun in respect of the noun’s being countable or uncountable, abstract or specific in meaning. There isbig difference in meaning when "dian" and "xie" collocate with__the demonstrativepronoun_’zhe" or "na". The noun which is modified by "X dian" and "X xie" has the quality of defmiteness or indefiniteness. "You dian N", "you xie N" and "hao xie N" can be used both as the attributive and as the subject and have different choice of collocations.Chapter two discusses "X dian" and "X xie" used as the complement.They can be used both after the verb and after the adjective as the complement and can enter the imperative sentence and the declarative sentence.The usage of "dian" and "xie" after the adjective tend to be in connection with the semantic feature of the adjective.The usage of "liao" as the auxiliary of tense and as mood is concerned with the transformation of kinds of sentences and the emphasized meanings of the sentences under certain conditions.Different stress pattern,the speaker’s subjective intention and the context etc. have some influence on the function of "dian" and "xie" with their meanings.The third chapter discusses "X dian" and "X xie" used as the adverbial. "You dian " and "you xie " can not only modify V 1 and Al with derogatory sense, but also V2 and A2 with commendatory or positive sense. In different collocations, their usage also has some relationships with the usage of "liao", the reduplicative forms of the verb and the adjective and different structure forms besides the words’ commendatory or derogatory sense.Moreover, they can be used with the intensifier like the kind of "shao wei" to express the weakening of the grade.The fourth chapter compares the usage of "shao wei" and "you dian" in semantic limit, compared objects, tendency of meaning, scope of meaning and features of tenses and aspects. We hold the view that the co-occuring clement of "shao wei" is limited, has perspicuous objects to be compared with, be able to enter particular sentence pattern, tend to state objective things, has narrow range of degree and can refer to either things to be done or things having been done while the co-occuring element of "you dian" is unlimited,does not have perspicuous objects to be compared with, can not enter comparative sentences, tend to state subjective feelings, has wide range of degree and can only refer to things having been done.A brief summary is followed at the end of the thesis.

【关键词】 量词功能表达语义
【Key words】 measure wordfunctionexpresssemantic meaning
  • 【分类号】H146
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】694

