

【作者】 陈菡

【导师】 张世正;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着国际互联网的普及,远程教育在经历了基于邮政系统的函授教育和基于广播电视系统的电大教育之后,正向着基于Web的方向发展。作为信息技术与教育融合的新的教育形式,基于Web的远程教育以其有别于传统教育的新理念和“革命性”因素,为教育注入了新的活力。但如同其它任何新生事物一样,基于Web的远程教育也面临着诸多问题和困难。答疑是教学活动中必不可少的关键环节,而网络的介入却给师生之间的双向交流带来了阻碍,因此,答疑系统的研究与开发,即如何在基于Web的自主式学习环境中实现有效答疑就成了发展基于Web的远程教育的核心问题之一。本课题通过对国内外研究概况的分析与相关技术的研究,提出了一个基于Web的具有初步智能化的远程答疑系统WBQAS(Web-Based Question Answering System)模型。本文共分为五章。第一章介绍本课题研究的目的和意义,并比较分析了目前国内外的研究和发展状况;第二章从总体构架上介绍基于Web的远程答疑系统,描述各个模块及其功能,并从技术的角度探讨如何开发系统,分析所面临的技术问题以及可行的解决方案;第三章和第四章详细介绍系统的重点模块之一——自动答疑系统的设计原理、开发方案、关键技术及其实现;第五章比较、分析和评价系统模型,并对系统发展趋势和方向进行了预测。

【Abstract】 With the popularization of the Internet, distance education has developed to web-based education after correspondence courses via post system and courses via TV. As a new educational mode which brings information technology and education together, with new theory which is different from the traditional education and new character which contains numerous" revolutionary factors", web-based distance education injects new vigor into education. As a new thing which hasn’t developed fully, however, web-based distance education faces a great deal of problems and difficulties. Question-answer is the key to the teaching-learning activities, but the network’s getting involved hinders this two-way exchange between learners and instructors. Thus, research and developing question-answering system, that is, how to giving learners satisfied reply efficiently is the core mission to the development of web-based distance education. The task of this thesis is to put forward a model of web-based question answering system being characterized by its primary intelligence. This thesis has five chapters. The first part introduces the purpose of the research and comparatively analyzes present research status. The second part introduces the web-base distance education system as a whole, describing each module and its function in detail, and 昦lso discussing how to develop this system through analyzing problems and difficulties confronted with and feasible solving methods. The next two parts illustrates in detail automated question answering system which is one of the most important parts of the whole system, including the principles of design, developing project, key technology and realization of the system. The last part compares, analyzes and evaluates the system model and proposes the prediction of the development of the system.

  • 【分类号】G434
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】440

