

【作者】 盛国辉

【导师】 李一鸣;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 产业经济学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 一、本文的主要内容及观点本文分为四章。第一章是本文的理论基础,着重阐述了产业组织学的基本范围和理论框架。本章分为四节。第一节对产业组织理论的产生和发展过程及主要学派观点进行了阐述,并介绍了其研究范式和主要逻辑结构。第二节介绍了产业组织理论的基本范畴——市场结构的相关内容,主要包括市场集中度、规模经济、进退壁垒、产品差别四个方面,并介绍了国内外对市场结构分类的标准和方法。第三节介绍了产业组织理论的另外一个重要范畴——绩效,并对市场绩效的含义和评价方法进行了简要说明。第四节是文献综述部分。对市场结构和绩效关系的理论和文献进行了概述,重点介绍了传统共谋假说和有效结构假说以及国外研究对两种假说的检验结果。同时对国内关于银行业市场结构和绩效的研究文献进行了介绍,并进行了简要的评述。第二章是本文的主体部分,是对第一章产业组织一般理论的运用和具体化,共分为七节。第一节在具体分析商业银行业的市场结构之前,对我国商业银行的历史变迁进行了概述,以便读者对其历史背景有大致的了解。第二节分析了我国商业银行的市场份额状况。结果发现,除利润外,国有商业银行在资产、存款、贷款、资本方面都占有绝对的市场份额,大银行与中小银行市场份额差距悬殊。另一方面也发现利润份额与其它四项指标的比例不相称。第三节对决定市场结构最重要的因素——市场集中度进行了分析。分别对银行业的市场集中率、赫芬达尔指数、洛伦兹曲线和基尼系数进行了分析。结果指出,我国商业银行集中度很高,但有逐年下降的趋势。同时也进行了横向的国际比较,发现各国银行业的市场集中情况差异很大,部分欧洲国家的集中程度与我国类似。因此文章认为,不能仅以市场集中的高低来判断其合理性,关键是要看其形成原因及所形成的市场效应如何。第四节对银行业规模经济和范围经济进行了分析。首先分析了银行业规模经济,结果指出,我国银行业存在着规模经济,但是规模最大的国有商业银行的规模经济并不明显。后面接着分析了银行范围经济的<WP=4>形成,说明了我国银行业存在着范围经济,并引用其它学者的研究成果说明了股份制银行范围经济系数高于国有银行。第五节分析了我国银行业的市场进退壁垒及其对市场结构其它因素的影响。结果认为,我国银行业的进退壁垒主要体现在政策性壁垒上,过多的进退管制导致了进退壁垒过高,缺乏相应的退出机制,导致了行业内高度集中与低水平恶性竞争并存,市场绩效难以提高。第六节对我国银行业产品差别的主要特点进行了分析,说明目前以主观差别为主,随着经济发展和竞争加剧,产品差别必然向以客观差别为主转变。第七节依据前几节分析情况对我国商业银行市场结构进行了整体判断。说明我国商业银行市场具有鲜明的寡头垄断的特点,国有商业银行的市场垄断地位在短期内难以动摇。从纵向变化来看,逐渐由高度集中的寡头垄断向垄断竞争型市场转变。随着银行业的开放程度加大,市场集中将进一步下降。第三章是本文的核心部分,对我国商业银行业市场绩效及其与市场结构的关系进行了实证分析。本章分为两节。第一节运用盈利指标、成本费用指标和风险指标对银行业绩效进行了分析,着重对比国有和股份制两类银行情况,并对中外银行的主要项目指标进行了对比。结果认为,国有商业银行的绩效水平整体不高,而股份制银行平均绩效水平较高。第二节对银行业市场结构与绩效关系进行了分析。结合第二章市场结构状况和本章市场绩效分析发现,我国商业银行市场集中度高,但并没有相应较高的市场绩效。新兴中小银行效率高,绩效水平也高,但市场份额小。这与传统共谋假说和有效结构假说是相悖的。为了进一步验证该结论,我们从实证的角度对上述两种假说进行了检验,得出了以下结论:传统共谋假说和有效结构假说在我国银行业都不成立,这与国外研究情况是不同的。市场集中度与商业银行绩效之间呈现负相关关系,效率高的银行也未取得高的市场份额。同时研究也发现,效率是决定银行绩效水平的内因,而宏观经济发展水平是影响绩效水平的外因。银行规模与绩效水平呈弱的负相关关系,证明我国银行业并未呈现规模经济效应,经营风险高的银行也未取得好的绩效水平。 <WP=5>第四章在前文分析的基础上对我国银行业寡头垄断市场结构和较低水平绩效原因进行了分析并提出了政策建议。从实证检验结果来看,在于市场集中度高,银行规模过大导致的规模不经济。似乎为了提高绩效水平,进行改革应该从调整市场结构入手。但通过对比发现,法国、德国等欧洲国家银行业市场集中度也较高,以花旗银行为代表的世界大银行资产规模也很大,但是为什么没有出现规模不经济和效率低下的问题呢?通过分析不难发现,国外银行目前状况是市场竞争和优胜劣汰的结果,而我国商业银行高度集中的市场结构带有行政垄断色彩,是历史及体制方面的原因人为造成的,不是效率的结果,自然也不能保证效率的提高。我国银行业出现效率较低,绩效水平不高的现象的深层次原因在于体制和产权造成了国有商业银行运行效率低下,进而造成了较低的绩效水平。从实证分析结果也可以看出,效率是决定绩效水平的?

【Abstract】 1.Main content and viewpoints Besides the preface, this thesis consists of four chapters.Chapter one is the theoretical basis of the thesis. It mainly introduces some basic concepts and a theoretical frame. It is divided into four parts. Part one introduces the development history of industrial organization theory. Part two introduces market structure theory, such as market concentration, economy of scales, economy of scope, Market barriers and product differentiation. Part three introduces the definition and measurement of performance. Part four introduces two main hypotheses: traditional collusion hypothesis and efficient structure hypothesis. Besides, it makes a review on the reference about market structure and performance.Chapter two is the main body of this thesis and is the application of the theory above-mentioned. It consists of seven parts. Part one reviews the Chinese commercial banks evolution. Part two analyses the present condition of market shares in banking industry. It points out the market share of state-owned commercial banks is greatly higher than that of middle-small sized banks. Part three analyzes market concentration including concentration ratio, herfindal index, Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient .it points out the market concentration is very high. But the value is decreasing gradually. Part four mainly analyses the current condition of economy of scale and scope in banking industry .it points out that economy of scale and scope exists indeed, but is not obvious. Part five analyses the entry barriers and withdrawal barriers. It finds that owing to abundant policy regulations in banking industry, Monopoly and excessive competition exist at the same time. Part six analyzes the classification and cause of production differentiation. It holds that because of excessive regulation and lacking of innovation, the level of <WP=8>product differentiation is very low. Part seven reaches a conclusion on the basis of analyses in the former parts. It holds that there is an evident character of monopoly in Chinese banking industry and this situation will be changed gradually in the future years.Chapter three consists of two parts. it is the core of this thesis. Part one analyzes the current condition of market performance in banking industry .it makes an appraisal of performance with profit index, cost index and risk index. It finds performance in state-owned banks is inferior to that of middle-small sized banks. Part two analyzes empirically relationship between market structure and performance in Chinese banking industry .it draws a conclusion that the relationship between them accords with neither traditional collusion hypothesis nor efficient structure hypothesis. At the meantime, it finds efficiency and macroeconomic condition are the main determinants of performance. There is negative statistical relationship between market concentration and performance.Chapter four consists of two parts. Part one discusses the reasons why Chinese banking industry performance is low. Basically speaking, it is the single state-owned property rights that produce the low performance instead of high concentration. Part two presents some advice on how to enhance performance and improve efficiency of domestic commercial banks. The measures include propelling property rights reform in state-owned banks that is the most important in all the reforms and perfecting market structure, such as enlarging the middle-small sized banks to increase competition.2.the contributions and shortcomings of the thesisMost of the papers that apply the theory of industrial organization to study Chinese banking industry only concentrate on the market structure analyses. This thesis studies performance and the relationship between them not only from theoretical angle but also from empirical angle. <WP=9>Meanwhile, this thesis reaches a conclusion what result in low performance in domestic commercial banking industry are the single state-owned property rights and traditional mechanism. It is the most valuable contribution of the

  • 【分类号】F832.3
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】850

