

【作者】 袁中华

【导师】 吴潮;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 产业经济学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 世界经济全球化浪潮下的区域经济仍然表现出极不均衡的状态,那些快速增长的区域引起了人们的广泛关注并深入研究。波特(1990)指出:许多地区和产业都是以集群的方式组织起来的,大量中小企业集结成群,形成专业化分工与合作的网络,促进了区域经济的快速发展,具有极强的竞争力,而且这种竞争力具有不易模仿性和复制的特征。第一章,在总结国内外学者对企业集群不同的研究视角下给出不同概念的基础上认为:企业集群是指在特定领域内,一群在地理位置上相对集中的企业及其相关机构基于专业化分工与合作的柔性集聚体,是一种比市场稳定、比科层灵活的非正式制度的中间组织形态。它具有空间集聚特征、灵活专业化生产特征、合作网络特征和非正式制度的中间组织等特征。国外有关企业集群的理论从外部经济理论到集聚经济理论,从地域生产综合体与增长极理论到新竞争经济学理论,是有其历史演进过程的。马歇尔着重从外部规模经济的角度对这一现象进行解释,他从技术外溢、专属性附属行业的创造和劳动力市场共享这三个方面来分析企业集群所带来的外部经济效应。韦伯则着重从空间组织的角度,在分析企业投资区位选择时将其视为一个重要的考虑因素,也即所谓的集聚指向,他还运用定量分析的方法来研究企业集群能够达到的最大规模。马歇尔和韦伯都认为企业集群的形成与发展都是自上而下的,都是企业出于对集群各种效应的追求而自发形成的。而地域生产综合体和增长极理论却倡导通过政府人为的干预形成集聚,通过建立推动性、支配性产业来带动经济的增长。波特的新竞争经济学则主要从竞争的角度来分析产业簇群对国家、地区的重要意义,并运用大量的实例来进行实证分析,建立了一个菱形(又称钻石)模型。作者在介绍这些理论的同时又简单地对这些理论进行了评论,以期能站在一<WP=4>个新的高度(角度)来认识企业集群。我国学者在二十一世纪前还停留在对国外理论的一般介绍,但近几年,结合我国企业集群的实践,许多学者进行了一些实地调研,取得了许多宝贵的第一手材料,开始对企业集群展开多视角的探讨并取得了一定的进展,但是到目前为止,仍缺乏系统性的理论分析,而且在研究方法上也处于尝试和探讨阶段。第二章着重论述发展企业集群的宏观及微观意义。从宏观角度看,企业集群是基于劳动分工理论形成的产业区,它较好地结合了当地的历史背景、资源禀赋乃至文化传统等方面的因素,通过专业化分工与合作提高了生产效率,降低了生产成本,因而提高了区域竞争力;同时,企业集群强调企业在本地的根植性,重视了中小企业与中间生产的重要性,从而能不断的地吸引新企业的进入与衍生,有利于区域经济持续发展。企业集群作为一种新的产业组织形式,具有广泛的适应性和生存能力,借助于其内部细密的专业化分工与协作,不仅可以使中小企业找准自己的定位,建立大、中、小共生的模式,优化产业组织结构,还可以促进技术创新,改善我国产业技术结构,推动产业升级,另外,企业集群还是解决我国产业布局中长期存在的地区结构趋同问题的一条有效途径,能够优化产业地区结构和提高资源配置效率。拓展我国理论界仅从宏观和微观两方面对中小企业发展的促进作用的研究视角,通过对单个中小企业和集群内中小企业在生产效率、技术创新、人才的吸纳与培育、信息的收集与利用、品牌营销等方面的比较,认为企业集群能够有效克服中小企业发展中的种种劣势,重塑其竞争优势,是中小企业发展的中观环境,并且通过我国一些企业集群在现实中的表现来进一步验证我们的结论。第三章,企业集群的产生需要一些前提条件,即并非任何地方、任何产业都可以形成企业集群,这些条件包括:生产环节的纵向可分离性、产品丰富的差异化机会、产品市场需求的超本地化和企业竞争环境的动态多变性和速度经济性,这四个条件是经济方面的或者说是核心的条件,在这些前提条件下,企业集群才能够形成。另外,还需要诸如<WP=5>完善的辅助机构、良好的社会资本等辅助条件。企业集群作为一种产业组织形式,作为一种非正式制度的中间组织形态,它从无到有的过程就属于制度变迁的范畴。与一般的制度变迁一样,企业集群的形成首先亦需要初级行动团体,或称之为网络发起人、庄家,而且初级行动团体在企业数量上还要达到一定的临界规模,超过临界规模,在外部利润包括外部规模经济、交易费用的转移与降低、风险的降低的诱使下,诱致性制度变迁将发生作用,企业集群的形成过程也就表现为外部利润内在化的过程。但因为诱致性制度变迁的长时间跨度及外部性等问题,有时亦需地方政府采取一些措施以防止这些问题的出现,确保企业集群能够有效地形成。企业集群初步形成后,因其本身存在的自我增强机制和路径依赖性,能够推动企业集群不断发展,形成一个正反馈效应。然而路径依赖会因某一因素、条件的改变而改变方向,从而有可能使制度变迁长期陷入某种无效率的状态,为此,企业集群的发展需要企业战略、要素供给、相关及支撑性机构、市场效率和地方政府的公共政策等一系列因子条件的支持。第四章,首先介绍了我国企业集群的发展现状,浙江省“原生型”企业集群因为?

【Abstract】 Regional economy still appears unbalanced under the tide of globalization. Those regions that develop quickly attract wide attention and inspire research into it. Porter (1990) argued that enterprises cluster exists in many regions and industries, which has eminent competitive advantage on the basis of synergy effect and this competitive ability is not easy to copy.In chapter 1, based on summarizing different concepts of enterprises cluster, the thesis gives its own concept and looks cluster as a new form of industrial organization, whose structure is between complete market and bureaucracy. The author reviews the evolution of enterprises cluster theory from external economic theory, agglomeration theory, territorial production complex and growth pole theory to new competitive economic theory. Marshall tries to explain this phenomenon by focusing on external scale economic, and Weber looks it as an important agglomerative factor while making decision on regional investment. But territorial production complex and growth pole theory advocate that enterprises cluster can be formed by government investment. From the perspective of competition, Porter emphasizes the importance of cluster to country and region.Our scholars still stayed around general introduction towards western theories before 21st century. But in the last few years, combining with the practice of enterprises cluster in our country, many scholars have carried out some on-the-spot survey and obtained lots of precious first hand material. They research into enterprises cluster from different angles. But so far, there is still lack of systemic theoretical analysis.Chapter 2, based on macro view, enterprises cluster is of great significance to the development of regional economy and the <WP=8>enhancement of competitive abilities of regional economy. Moreover, cluster plays an important role in the improvement of our industrial structure. From micro view, the weakness of mid-small enterprises can be overcame by the existence of enterprises cluster, mid-small enterprises in cluster can take advantage of technological innovation, high production efficiency and so on, which are important in development of them. At last, a positive study on the function of cluster in the development of mid-small enterprises in Zhejiang and Guangdong province is carried out in this thesis, which supports the opinion presented above.Chapter 3, firstly, the thesis discusses the preconditions of enterprises cluster formation. The necessary conditions for clustering are technical divisibility of production process, rich opportunity of product differentiation, global market and low transportation cost. It also argues that mature institutions and good social capital and so on are the subsidiary conditions.Secondly, the author describes the formation mechanism of enterprises cluster in detail. In essence, the cluster formation is a process of institutional evolution. It needs network founder or market maker, and the amount of enterprises must reach some critical mass. After that, the inducing institutional evolution will work. The process of pursuing the external profits including external scale economy, lower transaction cost and so on is just the process of cluster formation. But the public policy carried out by local government is needed because the inducing institutional evolution has some problems such as long-term and external economic feature.The enterprises cluster itself has the mechanism of self-enforce and path dependency, depending on which can cluster develop smoothly. But the path dependency will change its way because of the change of conditions. So the public policy is also needed in order to avoid inefficiency. <WP=9>In Chapter 4, the author introduces the present situation of enterprises clusters in our country, the development of local small businesses and regional economy in Zhejiang and Guangdong province has been put forward dramatically by the existence of enterprises cluster. The second sector analyzes existing problems in enterprises clusters,

  • 【分类号】F270
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】616

