

【作者】 刘升

【导师】 鲁篱;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 经济法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 诚实信用原则起源于民法即私法,而且在私法上的适用范围有一个不断扩大的趋势——从主体上看,从债务人到债权人;从领域上看,从合同及债扩大至一切民事行为。所以,诚信原则被学者们称之为私法领域中的帝王条款。然而,伴随着社会生活的变迁,诚实信用原则逐渐脱离了传统私法的藩篱,开始逐渐在公法中采纳并适用,日益呈现出扩散的趋势。但毕竟诚实信用原则在民事法律关系中仅适用于平等的主体之间,而税收法律关系异于民事法律关系。税收法律关系自己固有的特性在很大程度上将成为左右诚实信用原则能否在税法中得以存在的前提。因此,探讨税收法律关系的性质是论证诚实信用原则在税法上适用的先决条件。本文内容分为四部分:第一章、诚实信用原则适用于税法的理论基础在税收法律关系的性质的问题上,曾长期存在着税收权力关系说和税收债务关系说的争论。对税收法律关系性质的探讨必须以税收法律关系的体系为前提,具体问题具体分析,而不宜笼统地谈税收法律关系的性质。这样一种看法也与国内越来越多的学者的观点相同,而其中税收征纳实体法律关系是一种公法上的债务关系也成为学说的主流话语。把税收视为一种公法上的债,从而导致与税收相关的一系列理论问题发生了重大变革,这一变革不仅仅是理论上的,它对于税收立法、执法、司法、守法以及税收法治建设都将产生长远的影响。在理论上,由于税收之债概念的提出,税法便可以借鉴民法债法的理论,重新审视税收实体法律关系的性质,重构税收实体法的体系。税收之债理论提供了税法学上的说理工具,也为现代税法规范结构的构建提供了新思路。由此,它赋予了税法以崭新的地位和体系。在实践上,可以平<WP=4>衡纳税人与国家之间的法律地位,保障纳税人的合法权利,防止征税机关权力的滥用,诚实信用原则也因而具有了适用于税法的理由和可能。第二章、诚实信用原则适用于税法的衡量尺度因为诚实信用原则本身是一项法律原则,有必要通过相应的制度加以具体化,或者说有必要贯彻到相应的具体制度当中去。税务行政行为的公定力和确定力就是诚信原则的具体化。税务行政行为的公定力只是一种推定税务行政行为合法的法律效力。也就是说,只要对该行为没有争议,或在有争议时还没有被法律所推翻,该行为就应被视为合法、有效。因此,公定力并不意味税务行政行为真正合法、有效。在税务行政行为引起争议,其合法性、有效性受到怀疑时,就需要对税务行政行为进行法律审查。通过审查,对合法的行为予以肯定,对实质上违法的行为予以否定,对程序和形式上的违法予以补正。税务行政行为的确定力的目的或使命是为了使权利义务关系尽快得到稳定,减少纷争及解决纷争的成本,从而实现法的目的。税务行政行为的确定力并不具有绝对禁止征税机关改变税务行政行为的效力,而只意味着对征税机关改变行政行为的限制,对所设定权利义务关系的安全保护。只要有法律上的正当理由,征税机关仍可以改变所作的税务行政行为。第三章、诚实信用原则适用于税法的范围体现诚实信用原则要求征税机关和纳税人都要正确认识自身的权利义务,按照法律的要求行使权利、履行义务,既要顾及特定的税收法律事实,又要顾及国家的经济政策、社会政策,既要反对征税机关滥用执法权力,特别是行政自由裁量权,侵害纳税人的合法权益,也要反对纳税人采取欺诈、隐瞒等违背诚实信用要求的手段去逃避或减轻纳税义务,损害国家的税收利益,影响税收职能作用的发挥。只有这样,才能实现诚实信用原则所特有的平衡国家和纳税人利益的目的。就诚实信用原则适用于税法而言,其对纳税人的权利产生以下彰显性影响: <WP=5>第一、税收法律稳定的权利。在税收成为影响国民经济发展和个人选择的重要因素的情况下,保持税收规则的稳定是非常重要的。第二、纳税便利的权利。当今世界各个国家的税收规则都以复杂、多变和专业化著称,给纳税人带来巨大而不必要的成本和损失。第三、行使纳税人权利便利的权利。从诚信原则的角度出发,纳税人行使权利的时候有权要求征税机关给予方便。第四、诚实推定的权利。政府必须推定纳税人诚实纳税,并以此为出发点正确处理征税主体与纳税主体的关系,而不是带着纳税人不诚信、试图偷税漏税的有色眼镜看待纳税人。诚实信用原则适用于征税机关,主要体现在征税机关的税务行政行为上,包括:无效税务行政行为不具有公定力,自始就不产生任何法律效力。宣告无效税务行政行为不受时效的限制。税务行政行为被宣布无效之后, 征税机关通过相应行为从纳税人处所获得的一切,均应返还给纳税人,所加与纳税人的一切义务均应取消,对纳税人造成的一切损失,均应赔偿。可撤销税务行政行为原则上也具有实质确定力,不受任意改变。即使在形式确定力尚未发生,纳税人提起诉讼和人民法院审理期间,征税机关自己已认识到税务行政行为瑕疵的存在,要改变该行政行为也要受到一定限制。征税机关未经撤销或废止原税务行政行为,而径自以新的税务行政行为取代之,此时信赖保护原则则以跨程序拘束力的形式出现,禁止征税机关作出不利于社会成员的变更。第四章、诚实信用原则在我

【Abstract】 The good faith principle is one of the fundamental principles in modern civil law. The scope of application of the good faith principle had a trend of expanding constantly from the debtor to the creditor, from contract to civil behaviors. So the good faith principle is called the emperor of the civil law in the field of scholar.The good faith principle is following the changes of social life. It has broken away from the hedge of the traditional civil law gradually. It is adopting among the public law gradually. The content of this text is divided into four parts:Chapter one, the good faith principle applies to the theoretical foundation of the tax law. The more and more scholars` view are the same that the legal relation of the tax law is the debt relation. The good faith principle is becoming from the civil law to the administrative law and even constitutional law. This trend is not accidental. If we use the good faith principle in the tax law, the following important documents are necessary: First, there is the trust foundation of the tax law. Second, the trust behavior of tax law is existed. The trust behavior that means the punishment behavior that the taxpayer had taken. Because of the trust of the administrative behavior of tax, the taxpayer is injuried.Third, it is worthing to protect the trust behavior.Chapter two, the good faith principle applies to the measurable yardstick of the tax law.Because the good faith principle is a legal principle, it is necessary to specify it through the corresponding system. It is necessary to carry out <WP=8>the corresponding concrete system in other words.The strength and confirmation of administrative behaviors of tax law is specifying the good faith principle.The strength of administrative behavior of tax law is the inference of legal effect. That is to say, if there is no dispute of this behavior, this behavior should be considered as legally and effectively. So it does not the administrative behavior of tax law is real legally and effectively.The confirmation of the administrative behavior of tax law that does not forbid the tax imposing institutions to change the effect of the administrative behavior of tax law. If there has a reasonable ground in law, the tax imposing institutions can change the administrative behavior of tax law.Chapter three, the reflects of the good faith principle applies to range of tax law.The good faith principle requires the revenue govern and taxpayer have a correct and understanding view on rights and obligations. The good faith principle has the following influences in taxpayer:First, the right is that the tax law is stead.Second, the right is that the taxpayer when he pays is convenient.Third, the right is that the taxpayer executes the right conveniently.Forth, the right is that the taxpayer is honest who is inferred by the revenue govern.The administrative behavior of tax law is not legal after annulment. There revenue govern should return everything that the revenue govern had obtained from the taxpayer.Chapter four, the embodiment and perfecting about tax law of the good faith principle.China`s tax law admits a certain extent protection of the trust interest. The good faith principle also displays on the invalid system of the right:First, the right of the revenue govern is invalid. <WP=9>Second, the right of the taxpayer is invalid.The legislative purpose of the tax law does not accord with the good faith principle.Currently, the trust of the state of tax revenue is bad. Reasons are complicated.We need to devote more efforts to rectifying the order of the tax revenue in accordance with the law.

【关键词】 诚实信用原则税法适用
【Key words】 Good faith principleTax lawApplication
  • 【分类号】D912.2
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】402

