

【作者】 王伦刚

【导师】 章群;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 经济法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 1992年,中国共产党第十四次全国代表大会将“建立社会主义市场经济”作为经济改革的目标。为适应形势,学者们在对1979年—1992年的“旧经济法理论”进行了反思,并在此基础上创立了“新经济法理论”。十年来,经济法学得到了全面发展,而且发生了持续的“新诸论”之争。回顾这些论争,我们可以发现“新诸论”的理论逻辑起点均为“市场失灵”。而“市场失灵”概念却来源于西方市场经济发达国家的历史经验,对于中国经济法论者而言是舶来品,也并非中国经济转型的现实。因此,“新诸论”所公认的理论逻辑起点还不是一个自明的问题,于是本文从中国经济转型的现实出发,对新经济法理论逻辑起点—“市场失灵”进行全面系统的反思和检视。本文试图通过对新经济法理论逻辑起点“市场失灵”的检讨,进而揭示出经济法理论对市场经济条件下中国市场政府关系普遍预测的偏颇,并挖掘出支配这种看法的“前见”,这将有助于对中国经济法理论进行全面的观察和审视,有助于重新打破现有知识对我们的限定,促进经济法理论的成熟,有助于我们形成在引入西方概念研究经济法时的一种自觉。而且,通过对现有经济法理论逻辑起点的检讨,从而把“市场失灵”作为逻辑出发点的思路转换成将它视作参照框架的思路,让我们在经济法研究中进一步关注中国现实,也有助于形成本土化的真正能够指导实践的中国经济法理论。本文基本思路是先逐层解构作为新经济法理论逻辑起点的“市场失灵”及其导致的理论局限,然后根据中国经济转型的现实从各个层面批判“市场失灵”,同时层层建构新理论逻辑起点,最后说明新理论逻辑起点的意义和价值。本文采用了层层解构旧逻辑起点“市场失灵”,又层层建构新逻辑起点的逻辑结构。解构旧逻辑起点包括“市场失灵”确立为逻辑起点的过程、含义;它隐含的市场政府观;以它为基础的研究框架的形成及适用状况和导致的理论局限以及“市场失灵”适用者的认识论。建构新逻辑起点,包括批判和重新确立中国经<WP=4>济法理论逻辑起点的认识论;对中国市场政府关系进行实证分析,批判二元分工的市场政府观,同时重构中国经济法理论的市场政府观;对中国市场现实进行实证分析,批判“市场失灵”作为理论逻辑起点的局限性,提出包含“市场不完善”的中国化的“市场失灵”作为新的理论逻辑起点。本文内容主要由导论、三章和结论组成。导论部分主要在于提出本文研究的主题。文章开篇简要回顾了新经济法理论取得的巨大成绩和经济法“新诸论”论争的现状,进而指出“新诸论”虽争论不休,但其理论逻辑起点都是“市场失灵”。虽然“市场失灵”在中国经济法理论中享有自然科学中公理一般的地位,但这个概念的形成却以西方市场经济发达国家为社会原型,因此“市场失灵”能否完全适用于经济转型时期的中国社会不无疑问。于是提出本文研究对象,即以经济转型时期的中国社会为背景对作为中国经济法理论逻辑起点的“市场失灵”进行全面系统地检视和反思。按照著文惯例,导论对研究思路、分析框架、研究方法作了交代,还对本文基本概念如理论逻辑起点、经济转型等进行了界定。第一章解构作为中国经济法理论逻辑起点“市场失灵”及其导致的理论局限,为第二章确立了批判对象和奠定重构的逻辑层次基础。第一章共分为四节四个层次,考察了“市场失灵”作为理论逻辑起点的过程和含义;揭示出其背后隐藏的二元分工的市场政府观;指出以“市场失灵”及其市场政府观为基础的经济法研究框架的形成以及这些研究框架适用两种状态(作为解释模式而适用和作为建构模式而适用)的混淆及其导致的总体理论局限;最后挖掘出支配学者们适用“市场失灵”并造成上述问题的认识论是普遍历史观和对市场经济“千禧年的追求”。 第二章是本文的核心内容。其主旨在于根据现实逐层批判适用“市场失灵”的认识论,其市场政府观和作为新经济法理论逻辑起点的片面性;同时从理论上重构中国经济法理论的认识论、市场政府观和新理论逻辑起点。第二章共分三节三个层次,首先批判了普遍历史观和对市场经济“千禧年的追求”的认识论,阐述了重构中国经济法<WP=5>理论逻辑起点的世界观应该是一元多线历史发展观和面对中国经济转型之难;接着对中国市场政府关系进行了实证分析,指出经济转型期间中国政府培育完善市场的积极主导作用,在此基础上批判了“市场失灵”隐含的二元分工市场政府观适用于当今中国的不足,并主张以分工合作的市场政府观代替二元分工的市场政府观,从而在理论上重构了经济法研究的市场政府观;最后分析了中国市场现实是“市场不完善”和“市场失灵”的并存,指出“市场失灵”作为新经济法理论的逻辑起点不符合理论逻辑起点的几个条件,批判了其片面性,提出应该以包括“市场不完善”的中国化的“市场失灵”作为经济法的理论逻辑起点。第三章在于说明中国化的“市场失灵”,尤其是作为其类型之一的“市场不完善”的理论价值。第三章共分两节。第一节从一般方法论层面指出“市场失灵”中国化的方法论价值;从具体方法论层面阐述“市场不完善”的提出有助于经济法由规范研究转向实证研究;有助于经济法从静态研究转向动态研

【Abstract】 At the 14th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in 1992, “to establish the socialist market economy” was regarded as the target pattern of economic reform. In order to adapt to the development of the situation, economists have founded the “new economic law theory” which was based on the reconsideration of the “old economic law theory” between 1979 and 1992. Within the recent 10 years, the science of economic law has been brought into full development, and the prolonged dispute of the “new different theories” has taken place. Reviewing the dispute of the long period of time, we can find that all the theoretical logic starting points of the “new different theories” are market malfunction”. However, the concept of “market failure” and the theoretical frame resulted from it stem from the historical experience of the western developed countries of market economy. It is an imported “commodity” for Chinese economic law theorists, not a reality of Chinese economy transformation period. Therefore, the theoretical logic starting point generally acknowledged by theorists of the “new different theories” is not a self-demonstrated question. Thus, from the reality of Chinese economy transformation, this paper has an overall and systematic review and inspection to the existing theoretical logic starting point of the economic law—“market failure”. By means of the self-inspection to the existing theoretical logic starting point of the economic law, it reveals the deviation of the general predication of the economic law theories from the relationship between the Chinese market and government under the market economy, and excavates the “pre-understanding” which dominates this view. So it contributes to the all-round observation and consideration of the Chinese economic law theory, to the re-breaking of the restriction by the existing <WP=8>knowledge, thus to the promoting the maturity of the economic law theory, and to the formation of our self-consciousness when we research the economic law by introducing western concepts. Furthermore, through the self-inspection to the existing theoretical logic starting point of the economic law, it changes the train of thought which takes “market failure” as the logic starting point into one which takes it as a reference frame, thus it makes us pay further attention to the Chinese reality in economic law research, and contributes to the formation of the localized and real Chinese economic law theory which can direct the practice.The train of thought of this paper is that: at first, it points out the limitation of “market malfunction” as the logic starting point of the economic law; then it constructs the new logic starting point according to the reality; at last it illustrates the significance and value of the new logic starting point. The author adopts a logic structure which first dissects the old logic starting point—“market malfunction” layer upon layer and then constructs the new logic starting point. The dissection of the old logic starting point includes the process through which and the meaning by which it has been established as the logic starting point and the viewpoint about the relationship between market and government which it contains and the epistemology of the “market malfunction” advocates; the construction of the new logic starting point includes the re-establishment of the epistemology of the logic starting point of Chinese economic law, the authentic analysis and theoretical reconstruction of the relationship between Chinese market and government , and the raising of “market failure” which contains the “market imperfection” as the logic starting point. This paper is composed of an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion. The introduction mainly lies in putting forward the research subject of this paper. In the beginning, the article briefly reviews the great achievements of the new economic law theories. Then it further points <WP=9>out that the “new different theory” takes “market failure” as its theoret

  • 【分类号】D922.29
  • 【被引频次】4
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