

【作者】 何毅

【导师】 林义; 付代国;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 金融学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 二十一世纪是风险管理的世纪,风险形态的迅速变化导致了风险管理革命的诞生。而处于这场革命风口浪尖的正是以处理社会纯粹风险为核心业务的非寿险公司。当这场革命以惊人的速度席卷全球时,中国的非寿险企业正处于改制和开放的嬗变中。在各种综合因素的作用下,现有的承保风险管理水平和管理观念已经不能适应风险状况的变化和人们自觉保险需求不断萌发的需要。如果我们也用历史唯物主义来看待这一问题的话,对承保风险进行“整合”管理已经成为转轨时期我国非寿险公司技术革新和观念革命的必然要求。而本文的任务就是对一些有关“整合”的问题做出回答。从篇章结构上看,论文共分三个部分。第一部分回答什么是“整合”与为什么要“整合”这一基本理论问题。该部分从“整合性风险管理”产生的制度根源,即风险形态的变化着手,通过综合比较这一概念形成的各种主要路径依赖,提炼出了整合性风险管理的基本规定性“一个中心,两个融合”。接着,作者将视角转移到本文的研究主体——非寿险公司,分析了它所面临的风险状况与风险管理背景的变化,指出了对承保风险进行整合管理所具有的现实必要性。第二部分回答的是整合“什么”的问题。该部分深入分析了本文的研究对象承保风险。其中主要包括对其性质、度量、描述、影响因素以及在非寿险公司地位的探讨。第三部分是全文的主体部分,讨论怎样“整合”的问题。本部分包括论文的第三、四两章,循着“一个中心,两个融合”的基本思路,第三章主要论述了“两个融合”问题在非寿险公司承保风险整合管理中是怎样通过技术整合实现的。第四章则重点在价值整合,探讨了“一个中心”,即整合要围绕企业价值这个中心,在非寿险公司整合性风<WP=4>险管理的实现问题。所以,“整合性风险管理”及其基本规定性是贯穿全文的一个基本线索,全文在篇章结构的组织和论证逻辑的安排上都是围绕这一中心。而对“承保风险”概念的深入探讨则是全文分析的逻辑起点:由于从性质上看,“承保风险”是以纯粹风险为风险因素的投机风险,因此在第三章分析技术整合时就必须综合考虑投机风险管理与纯粹风险管理的方法;又出于“承保风险”在非寿险公司风险体系中的地位是承上启下的,因此要求将承保风险的技术整合手段与价值整合手段相呼应,这又为第四章价值整合做了铺垫。技术整合和价值整合是两个前后相继程序,本文的主体部分试图借助它们从理论基础和实践操作上揭开非寿险公司承保风险整合管理的面纱。作者对技术整合的分析首先是从投机风险的组合管理模型开始的,这一模型为承保风险的“集合平衡”与“时间平衡”提供了理论支持。“集合平衡”和“时间平衡”是两套纵横交错的风险平衡手段,它意义重大却一直被非寿险公司所忽视:对内它提供了一个多角度、多支柱、多层次的风险管理技术模块,它可以整合包括传统风险管理、现代产品组合管理、传统及创新再保险管理,风险证券化管理以及损益结转系统管理在内的多元风险管理方案,对外它提供了一个非寿险行业与其它金融系统(证券与银行)沟通的深层理论参考。本文对价值整合的分析紧紧围绕“资本”这一价值范畴展开。作者首先对非寿险公司资本体系做了一个解构,解构的主要目的在于区分资本在“承保风险”保障过程中的不同功能,提出了必要资本、信号资本等概念。随后,本文紧接技术整合讨论,考查了技术整合过程对非寿险公司资本保障体系的影响,特别是对必要资本的节约作用——“资本释放”。于是,资本“释放”效应就自然地提供了一种开创性的资本来源渠道——表外资本。在价值整合分析的最后,作者通过综合分析表外资本、债券资本、权益资本的加权平均资本成本,提出了一个考察非寿险公司企业价值的崭新模型,将风险管理与资本管理做了一个全面整合。当然,在技术整合与价值整合理论分析的同时,本文还探讨了理<WP=5>论模型现实应用的障碍与主要问题。对于技术整合而言,在我国非寿险行业刚刚从“跑马占荒”的粗放型经营中走出来向集约型经营转化的过程中,最可能出现的问题是一些精雕细琢的技术方法很容易被束之高阁,当作摆设。在理论研究之后有必要辟出专门的篇幅来说明其现实应用问题,作者认为承保风险的技术整合过程是一个很复杂的系统工程,但不是一个脆弱的花瓶工程。虽然现实中的制约因素相当多,但是技术整合本身存在弹性的思路,不要求一蹴而就。一些制约我国技术整合的现实条件问题,也必将会随着非寿险业改革开放进程的深入、经营管理水平的提高而得到解决。而承保风险的价值整合是一个理念框架,在理论问题得到充分阐释之前,它已经通过市场行为监管向偿付能力监管的过渡在我国非寿险业上下得到应用了。本文所要做的就不再是完成原有理论的现实推广,而是在现实应用中进一步充实新近理论研究所得到的结论。作者认为,我国非寿险公司的资本保障体系在多年消极经营思维的影响下出现了一些鲜明的特点,这些特点的存在,将从根本上改变我国未来一段时间承保风险资本保障体系的构建。本论文谈不上什么重大的理论创新,但是作者本着创新的精神,在收集国内外相关资料的基础上,对非寿险公司

【Abstract】 Risk management will prevail in 21st century. At the beginning of this century, a fundamental revolution of risk management evolved because of the risk transformation. On the tip of this revolution, there is non-life insurance company that treats pure risk management as a core business.Chinese non-life insurance company is on the way to reforming and opening when the revolution engulfs the entire world. Being involved in many composite risky environments, Chinese non-life insurance company makes its existing concepts and methods of Underwriting Risk (UR) management fail to catch up with the consumer’s growing conscious needs to insurance products. On the view of historical materialism, it is an inexorable law to switching on an holistic approach to manage UR, especially in the process of technical innovation and concept revolution in Chinese non-life insurance company.In structure, this paper is composed of three parts.The first part is chapter 1, answering the basic question of what is “integrated approach” and “why to integrate”. It starts on the transformation of risk, which results in the “Integrated Risk Management” (IRM). After comparing to ERM TRM HRM, we induce the basic rule of IRM, which can be called “ONE CORE and TWO MELTING”. Then, the paper focuses on non-life insurance company to study its risk transformation and environments changing of risk management, before pointing out the necessity of taking out IRM to UR in non-life insurance company.The second part, chapter 2, answers the question of “what is the object of integrating”. This part deeply analyzed the nature, measurement, stipulation, effective factor and status of UR in non-life insurance <WP=8>company. The third part is the main body of the paper, talking about the problem on “how to integrate”. This part is composed of chapter 3 and chapter 4. Considering the basic rule of IRM, chapter 3 focuses on “TWO MELTING”, which can be realized by “mechanical integrating system”; And chapter 4 talks about “ONE CORE”, which has a “value integrating system” to realized the enterprise value of non-life insurance company.So, we come to know that the basic rule of IRM is a thread to link up the demonstration of entire paper. But It is not enough to know the thread, readers are also asked to know that concept UR is the start point of analyzing logic: firstly, studying the nature of UR, we get to know that it is a speculative risk which comes from the pure risk. So when we are dealing with UR, we must melt two series of risk management theory, no matter what it studies on, whether pure risk or speculative risk; secondly because of its core status in non-life insurance company, it is a connecting link between the product management and capital management. So “mechanical integrating” is asked to match the “value integrating”, this also gives out a reference to chapter 4.“Mechanical integrating” is a process proceeding to “value integrating”. Just by looking into their nature theoretically and practically, the main body of the paper can discover the veil of IRM to UR in non-life insurance company.In this paper, portfolio management model of speculative risk is the start point of analyzing “mechanical integrating”. This model is the base of “pool balance” and “time balance” of UR. This two balance differ each other in their horizontal and vertical dimensions but all of them are of great importance to non-life insurance company: Inside, it take out a multi-pillar and multi-dimension method to manage risk, it is a plural risk management plan which integrating traditional risk management, modern <WP=9>product portfolio management, traditional and innovational reinsurance management; Outside, it helps us to build a connecting system between non-life insurance company and other financial institutions such as bank and security company.This paper studies on “value integrating” by means of analysis on capital system. The author deconstructs this system according to their functions to entail UR. So that the co

  • 【分类号】F842
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