

【作者】 王大波

【导师】 林义;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 金融学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 论文的选题和基本思路企业年金制度的发展在国外已经有了上百年的历史。自上世纪70年代以来,以代际转换和现收现付为特征的传统养老保险模式由于受到人口老龄化的挑战,在财务机制上逐渐难以为继。随着多层次养老保障模式的普及,企业年金制度在多层次养老保障结构中的重要作用日益突显。中国的养老保障制度目前正处于改革发展阶段。在完善基本养老保险制度的同时,大力发展以企业年金为代表的补充养老保险,逐步减少基本养老金的替代率,对于扩展社会保障空间和应付日趋严重的老龄化挑战,构建有中国特色的多层次社会保障体系有着特殊重要的意义。企业年金制度在中国是新生事物,国内普遍缺乏与之相匹配的理念和意识。在这种情况下,借鉴国外的成熟做法是加速我国企业年金制度发展的必由之路。但是考虑到各国社会保障制度的差异性,面对国外纷繁芜杂的具体模式设计,我们必须从中挖掘出规律性的东西,并将之同中国的具体国情相结合,在充分尊重中国补充养老保险发展历史和现实状况的前提下,探索具有可操作性和有效性的中国企业年金制度。基于以上认识,笔者尝试着对国际企业年金的历史发展和制度演进进行粗浅的梳理,归纳并展望了企业年金发展的趋势。在此基础上,笔者进一步就企业年金制度的模式选择和运行机制以及政府监管等方面展开国际比较。通过比较,笔者全面阐述了发达市场经济国家在发展企业年金制度方面的成功做法并积极推荐了发展中国家和经济转型国家在探索本国企业年金发展道路方面的有益尝试。最后,结合中国的经济社会环境,根据国际比较得出的经验启示,笔者就发展中国企业年金制度中的模式选择,完善相关法律体系和加强政府监管以及拓宽年金基金投资等问题提出了研究思路。 <WP=4>论文的主要内容及观点论文主要由四部分,共六章内容组成。第一部分介绍了国际企业年金的历史发展和制度演进;第二部分就企业年金制度的模式选择和运行机制以及政府监管等方面展开国际比较,是论文的主要部分;第三部分阐述了国际比较的启示;第四部分简要探讨了发展中国企业年金制度的思路。第一部分的内容体现在论文的第一章。该章首先对企业年金的概念进行了定义说明,采用广义的企业年金概念,即企业年金指基本的养老保险或统一国民养老金(不包括收入关联部分)之外,由国家专门规范,由专门机构管理与实施的补充养老保险计划。其次,该章阐述了国际企业年金的历史发展和制度演进,并展望了今后的六大发展趋势。第二部分包括二至四章,主要针对企业年金制度的具体内容进行国际比较。第二章是企业年金模式选择的国际比较。按照企业年金计划的举办方式不同,企业年金可以划分为直接承付模式和信托基金模式。此外还存在其他模式的企业年金,如雇员持股计划。其中信托基金模式又包括基金会或基金管理公司模式和养老信托模式。养老信托模式是目前世界上最为流行的模式选择。在此模式中,根据年金计划受托人和投资管理机构的不同,又可以划分为共同基金或单位信托基金模式、商业银行模式、商业保险公司模式等具体运做方式。面对纷繁复杂的企业年金模式选择,我们很难简单地得出哪种模式最优的结论。企业年金作为现代经济社会中一项重要的制度安排,并不是孤立存在于真空中的抽象的经济机制。实际上,各种企业年金模式都并且只能根植在特定的社会、经济、文化土壤,反映一定的历史文化存在和经济发展状况,同时又与其存在紧密的关联,在关联与互动中演化出千姿百态的具体的年金计划形式。第三章是企业年金运行机制的国际比较。企业年金的运行机制主要包括年金的治理结构、财务机制、保障水平和给付方式、投资管理等内容。其中治理结构和投资管理是本章的比较重点。大多数国家的<WP=5>企业年金计划以养老信托基金的形式建立并管理,受托人在治理结构中处于中心地位。规范的年金治理结构应该使企业年金计划的受益人、受托人、基金管理人、基金托管人在行政与财务上相对独立,各司其职;相互制约,相互监督,通过委托代理关系明确自身权利和义务,使企业年金计划在机制制衡和专业化管理中平稳运做。各国对年金的投资管理严格程度和投资工具差别较大,这主要是资本市场发育程度不同使然。但是确保投资的透明性,制订合理的投资决策是各种年金计划共同追求的目标。第四章是企业年金政府监管的国际比较,主要包括监管体系的组建、基金投资监管、偿付能力监管、信息披露监管和对计划收益人的保护等内容。尽管企业年金计划一般不需要国家出面组织,但由于其担负着一定的社会功能,享有政府税收优惠,政府仍须对企业年金计划进行调节、监管。各国对企业年金基金投资的监管大体上可以分为两种模式。一种是严格的数量限制模式,在欧洲大陆和拉美国家具有一定的代表性。另一种是审慎性管理模式,在英美、加拿大和澳大利亚等发达国家较为常见。英国对企业年金计划的监管无论在监管机构的组建还是相关法律法规的完备性方面都较为成功,值得其他国家认真学习。论文的第三部分是第五章,即企业年金国际比较的启示。通过国际比较,笔者认为:1.各国企业年金模式选择应该立足?

【Abstract】 1.The research topic and basic idea Occupational pension systems have been in foreign countries for over 100 years. Since the 1970’s the traditional pension model which depends on pay-as-you-go and generation shifting financial mechanisms is becoming unworkable. With the popularity of the multi-pillar social security model, occupational pension systems play a more and more important role.The Chinese social security system is reforming to both complete the basic pension system (to reduce its replacement rate in retired income) and expand the security range and deal with the aging challenge. It’s especially high time for China to construct a civil multi-pillar social security system through developing occupational pension systems.The concept of occupational pension systems is so fresh that people lack experience with it. In that case, studying mature systems from other countries is a necessary way to accelerate the Chinese occupational pension system. However, considering the differences among individual country’s social security systems and facing so many complex design models, we have to extract worthwhile principles. Then we should combine these principles with concrete Chinese needs, respecting the development history and realities of Chinese supplementary pensions, to develop an operable and efficient pension system.The author analyzes the history and evolvement of international occupational pensions and their prospects toward future development. Then the author compares the model selection, operation, and regulation of pension systems in different countries. Through comparison, the <WP=8>author sets forth the successful exercises of advanced countries and useful experiments of developing and transitional countries. Finally, the author considers how to select Chinese occupational pension models, perfect relative laws and broaden investment channels of pension funds.2.Main contents and viewpointsThis thesis is comprised of four parts. The first part (Chapter I) introduces the historical evolvement of international occupational pensions. The second part (Chapters II III IV) makes the international comparisons. The third part (Chapter V) expounds on the lessons we’ve learned from these comparisons. The last chapter (chapter VI) deals with research into how to develop Chinese pension systems. In Chapter I, the author explains that the broad definition of occupational pension is a complementary pension plan that is regulated by special authorities except for basic pension or uniform national pension (not including the income-related part). Next the author narrates the historical evolvement of international occupational pensions and their six development trends.In the second chapter, occupational pensions are divided into “direct pay” model, “trust fund” model and Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). In fact, Under the “trust fund” model, pension plans can be managed by a pension council or trustee, Which usually is a fund company, a commercial bank, or an insurance company. As a result, so many operational models exist that it is difficult to identify which one is best. As an important system in modern society, pensions are not nonfigurative economic systems existing in vacuum. On the contrary, they root in certain social, economic and cultural backgrounds and through interaction these pensions evolve into various models. <WP=9>The third chapter focuses on the comparison of pension operation mechanisms, which include governance, finance, benefit level/way and investment management. In most countries, pension plans are erected in the form of a pension trust fund and the trustee plays a central role in pension governance. In the normative pension governance structure, we must make the trustee, investment manager and fund keeper keep independent in finance and administration and restrict and monitor each other through clientage to define individual rights and responsibilities. Because the financial markets’ maturity levels are different, there are

  • 【分类号】F842
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】1699

