

【作者】 黄春花

【导师】 陈永生;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 金融学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 历史证明,在世界经济发展过程中,期货市场扮演着极其重要的角色。尤其是最近几年,发达国家和新兴市场经济国家的期货市场迅猛发展,期货品种不断创新,期货市场已经成为全球化交易体系和国际金融市场中不可缺少的组成部分。改革开放以来,我国经济迅速发展,中国已成为世界经济新的增长引擎。我国经济市场化程度越高,企业利用期货市场规避生产经营性风险的需求就越强烈。因此我国期货市场近年来交易量猛增,期货市场的春天已经到了。但是,在发展的同时,我们也应注意到我国期货市场是一个新兴的市场,总规模与我国的经济地位还不相称,还存在很多其他问题,比如期货市场上市品种少,品种结构不合理是制约期货行业自身发展、影响期货市场经济功能发挥的瓶颈。因此,我国期货市场迫切需要进行品种创新。本论文的写作意图也在于此。我国期货市场交易品种问题是本文的核心问题,希望本文能够对我国期货市场交易品种的未来发展起到一定的建议作用。本论文运用经济学、金融学等理论,遵循由理论到实践、由历史到现状、由一般到具体的逻辑原则,通过对我国期货市场主要问题——交易品种问题的分析研究,旨在探索我国期货市场交易品种的创新思路。本论文共分为四个部分,第一章是期货市场基本理论的概述,它为进一步分析奠定了理论基础。第二章先简要回顾了我国期货市场这几年的发展历程,然后深入分析了我国期货市场交易品种的现实问题及其历史原因。第三章根据历史和现状,分析当前我国期货市场增加交易品种的必要性和可行性。第四章是本文的重点,它试图提出如何科学地设立期货交易品种、推出社会迫切需求的新品种及改革我国期货市场交易品种上市制度的一些建议。本论文主要采用了理论研究、实证研究和对比研究三种分析方法。第一章是对期货市场基本理论的综述,介绍了期货市场产生的原<WP=4>因,三大功能及基本交易制度,对全文起铺垫作用。期货市场的产生源于生产商和消费者为了规避商品价格大幅波动的风险,因此套期保值功能是期货市场的核心功能。同时,在自由竞争的期货市场中,期货价格围绕着真实的供求关系及预期的价格波动,充分实现了期货市场的第二功能,价格发现功能。期货市场作为商品经济发展到一定阶段的产物,也具备一般市场的基本功能——资源配置功能。期货市场功能的正常发挥依赖于制度的保证,完善的交易制度可以保障期货市场的健康运行。本章为后文深入探讨交易品种问题奠定了理论基础。第二章主要分析了我国期货交易品种的现状、面临的主要问题、及其历史原因。我国期货交易品种现存的问题,源于我国期货市场的发展历史,讨论期货交易品种的现状必须先了解整个期货市场的现状。因此本章第一部分简要回顾了我国期货市场的发展历程。我国期货市场产生于二十世纪八十年代,当时农产品实行价格双轨制,农产品价格大起大落。为了规避价格风险,期货交易所应运而生。其后,期货市场迅猛发展,但由于投机盛行,套期保值严重不足,我国政府从1994年开始对期货市场进行了长达六年的治理整顿。在2000年,整个期货市场的规模达到历史最低点。从2001年开始,在新的经济形势下,期货市场开始复苏并加速发展,2003年交易金额显著上升。在我国期货市场曲折发展的背景下,期货交易品种经历了盲目上市、快速膨胀、数量削减、结构调整阶段。本章第二部分着重研究了我国期货市场交易品种的现状。通过国内外期货品种的对比、期货品种交易量与GDP的占比分析,本章得出了我国期货交易品种结构不合理、品种数量少、品种深度和广度不足、交易量过于集中于几个品种、大品种过少的结论。通过分析当前我国期货交易品种的功能发挥,本章又得出我国现有的活跃交易品种已充分展现出期货市场套期保值、价格发现和资源配置功能的结论。这两个结论说明我国期货交易品种还有很大的发展空间。本章第三部分主要分析了我国期货市场交易品种之所以存在若干缺陷的深层次原因,即部分品种由于套期保值严重不足、过度投机以至于被停止交易,导致了目前期货市场交易品种过少。在分析了我国期货交易品种的现状及其历史原因的基础上,第三<WP=5>章重点论述了增加期货交易品种的必要性与可行性。上市品种创新是整个期货市场发展的重要源动力。本章第一部分论述了上市品种创新的必要性,从国外期货市场的发展过程看到创新的重要性以及对我国的借鉴意义。期货市场的发展必然伴随着品种创新,只有不断进行品种创新,期货市场才能够在更广泛的领域发挥经济功能,也才能实现期货市场自身的发展。同时,期货市场品种过少,也会导致期货市场自身的风险过高。因此,我国期货市场需要品种创新。那么我国推出期货新品种的条件是否已经充分了?为了解答这个问题,本章第二部分论述了品种创新的可行性。首先,套期保值需求是决定一个期货交易品种能否推出的主要因素。加入WTO以后,受我国经济形势和国际形势的影响,商品价格尤其是原材料价格波动剧烈,这部分商品涉及到的生产经营企业迫切需要通过期货市场套期保值、规避风险。其次,随着期货市场法律法规的不断建立与完善、现货市场不断发达,制约期货?

【Abstract】 The evolution of world has proved that it is hard for a country or a region to be a worldwide center of economy and finance without a developed and perfect futures market. The futures market plays a crucial role in the process of the economy’s continuous evolution and development. Especially in recent years, the futures market in developed countries and the countries with rising market economy have grown tremendously and the futures variety has been innovated constantly. Futures market has turned into an indispensable component for the global trade and the international financial market system.With the reform, the economy of China has developed quickly, so much so that it has been an engine of the world economy’s new increase. The higher level of economic market, the stronger the market units need to utilize the futures market to avoid the productive risks. An increasing trading volume was achieved in the futures market of China. Nevertheless, at the time of developing, we should take it into consideration that futures market is raising, but the total scale doesn’t match with the economic status in China. There is a still handful problem. Among the limited futures market variety, the unreasonable variety structure act as a bottleneck that restrain and influence the function of futures market and self-development in this industry. In this case, futures market in China demands urgently a variety innovation, so, this thesis focuses on this, and futures market trade variety in China is the key issues. Hoping that it could devote to the further development for futures market trade variety in China to some extents.This thesis makes good use of the theory of economics and finance etc, keeps in line with the dialectical logic principle, from theory to <WP=8>practice, history to reality, ordinary to specific, by analyzing the primary problems in futures market of China (the trading variety). Following an original idea, this paper is divided into four parts. The first part aims at the elementary theory of the futures market .The second part reviews briefly the futures market development in China, so as to deepen the analysis of the actual problems and historical reasons on the futures market trade variety in China. Then, the third part states that it’s of necessity and sufficiency to expand trading variety in present futures market, which is based on the analysis of history and actuality. Finally, the last part comes to the core of this thesis, It attempts to put forward some proposals on how to set up the futures trade variety, how to promote the urgently-needed variety scientifically, as well as pieces of advice on reforming the marketing system in terms of futures market trade variety in China. This thesis mainly adopts three analytical investigation methods, which is theoretic, demonstration and comparison.The first chapter summarizes the basic theory of futures market that introduces why the futures market came into being; the three functions of it and the basic trading system. This part lays the foundation for the whole. Futures market originated from forward contracts, which were used by producers and buyers of agriculture commodities to protect themselves against seasonal price fluctuations. Hedging is a core in futures market. Meanwhile, in free futures market, futures price fluctuates around closely the real world supply-demand function and expectation price. It fully realizes the second function of futures market---the function of discovering price. It possesses the basic function of general market and resources allocation, whereas the perfect trading system ensures the healthy operation in futures market. This chapter lays foundation for the latter deeper analysis of the trade variety.The second chapter primarily approaches from realistic major problems, together with the historical reasons in futures market trade <WP=9>variety. The present existing problems in futures market have stemmed from our futures market developmental history. The first part of this chapter concisely reviews

【关键词】 期货市场交易品种
【Key words】 futures markettrade variety
  • 【分类号】F724.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】648

