

【作者】 董青马

【导师】 缪明杨;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 金融学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 一、研究背景与选题意义股利政策是现代公司理财活动的三大核心内容之一。一方面,它是公司筹资、投资活动的逻辑延续,是其理财行为的必然结果;另一方面,股利是不同利益主体合作与竞争性谈判的结果,恰当的股利政策对于完善公司治理结构和提高公司市场价值具有重要意义。自1990年上海证券交易所建立以来,我国上市公司股利分配呈现出了浓厚的中国特色:在2000以前我国上市公司的股利分配表现为“三多一少”(股票股利多,转增股本多,不分配多,现金股利少)的特点,但自2000年证监会宣布重视现金分红的再融资政策后,分发现金股利的公司急剧上升,但每股现金股利和股利支付率却非常低,同时存在大量的超能力派现公司。这在一定程度上表明了我国上市公司股利政策的阶段性、不连续性和与再融资政策的强相关性。西方股利政策理论的演进过程以MM股利无关论为起点,在逐步放松假设的前提下研究相关主体的股利支付动机与模式。在信息不对称的情况下,人们开始从信号传递和代理问题角度来解释上市公司股利支付的动机。其中,股利政策的代理理论创造性地将股东——经理层、股东——债权人的利益冲突问题与股利支付联系起来,因而能较好地应用到实践中去。但西方股利政策的代理理论产生于成熟的市场经济体系中,因此其股利政策产生的基础在于完善的公司内部治理机制和外部市场约束环境,然而我国上市公司无论从内部治理机制还是外部市场环境来讲,都与此相差甚远。国内学者在借鉴国外理论来研究我国上市公司股利政策时,一般集中于运用实证方法来研究股利行为对公司市场价值的影响和分析影响我国上市公司股利政策的决定因素。而很少系统地从公司的治理机制出发来研究我国上市公司的股利政策。因此笔者萌发了从公司治理中的代理问题角度来研究我国上市公司股利政策的兴趣。 <WP=4> 二、本文的研究思路与主要内容本文从代理问题与股利政策的相关性入手,建立了从委托——代理角度研究股利政策的理论基础。股利政策是不同利益主体博弈的结果,从心理学角度出发,任何个体或群体的行为都是由其动机决定的,而动机的产生取决于是否存在满足自己需求的目标和目标的可实现性,而公司治理机制正是利益相关主体目标实现路径的最重要约束条件。在公司治理理论的基础上,本文从三类基本代理问题出发,分析了不同代理模型中利益主体的股利支付动机,并据此对我国上市公司的股利政策进行了理论演绎。最后,本文运用实证模型对影响上市公司股利政策的因素进行了分析,得出我国上市公司的内部治理结构和外部约束机制是制约我国上市公司股利支付行为的根本因素之一,由此得出了优化我国上市公司股利政策的一些理论建议。本文围绕着公司治理、代理问题与股利政策的关系,分五个部分来阐述了我国上市公司的股利支付行为:第一部分为股利政策的相关研究回顾。在西方有关股利理论的发展体系中,MM理论奠定了股利政策的分析框架,它在严格的假设中分析了公司相关主体的行为目标及模式,进而得出股利无关理论。后来的学者,在逐步放松假设的情况下,分析了相关主体的行为动机和股利支付模式,比较流行的是建立在信息不对称基础上的信号传递理论和代理理论。国内学者在应用国外理论来研究中国股利政策时,集中于论证我国上市公司股利政策对股票价格的影响和上市公司股利政策的影响因素两个方面,而很少系统地从我国上市公司的特殊治理机制来分析上市公司的股利行为。第二部分主要介绍了上市公司股利政策分析的框架体系。本章从公司契约理论出发分析了公司治理机制中的三类代理问题,并据此分析了相关利益主体的股利支付动机,进而构架出整篇文章的分析框架:具有经济理性的经理在制订股利政策时处于主导地位,公司的其他利益主体均通过不同的渠道影响经理层来实现自己的目标函数,而股利政策则是各主体力量博弈的结果。公司不同的治理结构,会造成不同的代理问题,而不同的代理关系则又会对公司相关主体行为动机<WP=5>造成影响。具体而言,在股东——经理层代理问题下,经理层有可能利用其信息优势制订不利于股东的股利政策,股东可以通过公司内部治理机制直接向经理层施加影响或通过资本市场、法律制度等外部约束机制,促使其调整股利政策。另外经理层在股东的支配下,也能通过股利政策转移债权人财富,形成债权人——股东代理问题,而债权人也可以寻求相应的治理机制对经理层施压。值得注意的是,控股股东还可以通过控制经理层,支配股利政策来转移小股东的财富,从而形成控股股东——小股东代理问题。最后,本文应用此分析框架对美国和日本上市公司的股利政策进行了分析。第三部分是运用代理理论对我国上市公司的股利支付行为做出解释。本章首先运用数据描述了我国上市公司股利政策的阶段性、不连续性和与再融资的强相关性。接着依据上市公司股权集中度、控股股东的性质和公司是否进行了再融资将其分为八个子样本,并运用描述性统计方法和Mann—Whitney U检验,分析了我国上市公司治理机制与股利政策的关系。最后,在股利的代理理论分析框架内,应用国有股东的多层次代理关系对我国上市公司治理机制与股?

【Abstract】 1、Background significance of selecting the topicDividend policy is one of the three key contents of the corporate finance activity of modern corporate. On one hand, it’s the logic sequence of company’s finance and investment activities. On the other hand, the dividend is the cooperative and competitive negotiation result among different interest entities, so the appropriate dividend policy is significant for perfecting governance structure and improving market value of the corporate. Since Shanghai Stock Exchange was set up in 1990, the dividend distribution of listed companies of our country has demonstrated strong distinct Chinese characteristics.Based on the MM theory, the financial scholars have studied the dividend policy from the behavior mode and motive of the relevant entities on the premise of loosening suppose progressively. In the case of information asymmetry, people have analyzed the decisive factors of the dividend policy through two main ways, which are signal transferring and agency problem. The agency theory of the dividend policy creatively connects the question of interest conflict of the shareholder、Manager and creditor. The agency theory of the dividend policy in the west evolves from mature market economic system; therefore the foundation that the dividend policy produces lies in the perfect company management mechanism and external restrictive environment of market. The company management mechanism and outside restrictive environment of our listed companies differ from this largely.When researching on dividend policy in our country, scholars generally concentrate on market value of the company and the factors that affecting the dividend policy of listed companies by using Empirical Analysis. But they seldom start from the corporate governance structure, <WP=8>which inspire the author to research the dividend policy from the point of view of principal –agent.2、Basic train of thought ,and main contentsThis thesis analyzes the relationship of the agency problem and dividend policy at first, then comes to a conclusion that the corporate governance structure is the decisive factor on dividend policy by influencing the motive of entities. Finally, the paper analyzes the decisive factor on the dividend policy of the listed companies in our country. That is the corporate governance structure. Therefore, the author put some political suggestions on optimizing the dividend policy of the listed companies in our country.The thesis includes five chapters. The first chapter is the overview of the theory on dividend policy. This chapter begin with the review of the western theory related with dividend policy, basing on the MM theory, then review the domestic research on the topic.The second chapter is the key theory on dividend policy. This chapter analyzes three kinds of agency problems by the motive of the relevant entities, then on the basis of which the author sets up the framework of his paper.Third chapter analyzes the dividend policy of our country’s listed companies by the agency theory. Firstly, the chapter analyzes the characteristics of the dividend policy in our country’s listed companies by statistical data. Then the chapter analyzes the behavior of relevant entities by the principal-agent theory on delegation chain of power.The fourth chapter mainly talks about the decisive factor on dividend policy by empirical analyses. Finally, the author draws a conclusion that the internal corporation governance structure (proportion of float stocks, the share proportion of the first big shareholder) and the external control environment is the most crucial factor influencing dividend policy. The fifth chapter mainly offers some political recommendations on <WP=9>optimizing the dividend policy. From the principal-agent, the author comes to a conclusion that we should perfect the external market environment and optimize the ownership structure for optimizing ownership structure.3.The angle of research and innovation(A) The thesis adopts principal-agent theory to analyze

  • 【分类号】F275
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】2578

