

【作者】 张荣

【导师】 杨成钢;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 人口资源环境经济学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 一、选题背景住区即为居住区的简称,它是人类生存与发展的一个基本条件。住区是一个广泛的概念,不仅仅指单一的社区或是住宅,它包括与居住有关的所有条件与要素,具体地讲有住区建筑、住区基础设施、住区环境等等。人类住区水平是衡量一个国家或地区居民生活水平的重要标志之一,人类住区的发展与实现经济、社会和文化发展、环境保护、和平与安全的目标密切相关。长期以来,我国传统城镇住宅制度的基本特点是国家集中控制的住宅供给体制、高度依赖就业单位的分配体制、以及住宅消费上的高福利制度。以低房租和高补贴形式表现出来的实物福利制,以及这种福利在居民之间的分配不公,是中国传统住宅体制的最大弊端。住宅长期被当作一种社会福利来看待,国民收入分配结构形成了低货币工资、高实物福利和低价基本消费品配给的格局,所以居民支付的房租逐渐降低到微不足道的水平,以至于难以支付住宅维修和管理的费用,还需靠财政拨款和非住宅租金收入来补足。建国很长一段时期以来,由于重生产、轻消费的经济政策,住宅投资规模很小;而且一旦压缩投资规模,住宅投资总是首当其冲。这种投资规模相对于不断增长的总人口和城镇人口来讲,显然非常不足,以至于城镇居民的人均居住面积一直在4平方米左右徘徊,住房短缺成为一个极为紧迫的问题,住房制度改革势在必行。1980年以来,住宅制度改革在中国一直在进行。九五期间城镇住房制度改革取得重大突破。1998年7 月,国务院发出《关于进一步深化城镇住房制度改革和加快住房建设的通知》,明确规定,停止住房实物分配,逐步实现住房分配货币化,建立适应社会主义市场经济体制和我国国情的城镇住房新制度。通过逐步实行住房商品化,使住房作为消费品直接进入市场;实行住房分配货币化,最终形成以个人产权为主的住房产权结构。1996年起普遍建立住房公积金制度,1998年下半年开始停止住房实物福利分配,这是住房制度发展史上的重大转折点。到<WP=4>2002年底,90%的可出售公有住房已向居民出售,商品住房的供应已占城镇住房供应的85%。个人购房已取代集团购房成为市场消费的主体。住房制度的改革,使我国基本建立了与社会主义市场经济相适应的住房供应和分配体系。1996年以来,中国政府加大住房制度改革力度,取得了重大突破。从1998年下半年开始,停止了在计划经济体制下运行了近50年的住房低租金实物分配制度,在原有旧公房继续向职工出售的同时,稳步推行住房分配货币化。初步建立了新的住房供应体系,即最低收入家庭租赁由政府或单位提供廉租房,中低收入家庭购买经济适用住房,高收入家庭购买、租赁市场价商品房。根据大多数居民的支付能力和不同需求把经济适用住房作为建设重点,并与廉租房一起组成适合国情的住房供应保障体系。  在城市住区建设方面取得重大成就的同时,还存在着一些问题。城市住宅总体水平不高,住房体制改革还不完善,城镇住宅人均建筑面积与发达国家相比有较大差距,住宅建设产业化程度和科技含量比较低,社会保障性住房还未普遍推行,老年人、残疾人等脆弱群体的住房发展缓慢。改革开放加快了中国社会和经济的发展,促进了城市的大发展,人口正不断流向城镇。城市不但要继续提高现有居民的住房水平,还要满足新进入城市人口的居住要求。由于大量人口和物资的流动,机动车数量倍增,交通问题已变成住区发展的突出矛盾。基础设施同样面对城市人口增加、生产、生活水平提高的压力。资源短缺是中国住区发展必须面对的又一挑战,由于技术水平不高、利用不当,更增加了这些问题的严重性。中国城市工业用地占总用地的比例较大。约70%的工业集中在城市,许多工厂与居民区混杂,成为影响城市住区环境的主要因素之一,使居民住区受到了环境污染的威胁。 新时期里居民在住房消费观念、居住水平、环境质量、市场运行机制和产业发展模式上,都会出现一些新的变化和特点。在城市住区开发上中国有自己独特的国情。中国的国情决定了我们的住房消费不可能、也不应该走某些发达国家走过“高消费、高物质化、高消耗、高污染”的路子,而是应该坚持可持续发展的原则,选择资源节约型的<WP=5>人居模式,尽量少地占用物质资源,尽量少地干扰自然生态,为当代、更为后代留下继续发展的可能。新时期我国住区建设将向何处,采取什么样的道路,政府的政策如何选取,人们的消费观念与居住取向等一系列问题都需要研究。由此出发,进行中国城市住区可持续发展研究凸显其必要性。  二、论文内容  住区作为人们生存和发展的空间,涵盖了人类衣食住行的各个方面,也是社会经济发展水平的重要体现。随着世界人口增长和高速经济增长以及环境资源的掠夺,无论在发达国家还是在发展中国家,都面临日益严重的生态环境问题,从而直接威胁到人类自身的生存空间,人居难题凸现。本文从住区与住区开发的基本理论出发,总结了建国以来我国城市住区开发所经历的阶段、制度沿革和所取得的成绩,并从住房消费观念、居住水平、住宅形态等方面预测了未来住区发展的趋势;分析了我国城市居民中存在的问题,阐述了可持续住区的内容及其意义,提出我国住区开发应

【Abstract】 First: selected title backgroundThe living area is the abbreviation of the inhabited region; it is a primary condition of human survival and development. The living area is an extensive concept , not merely mean single community or house, it includes all conditions and key elements related to living, says concretely that there are building , living area infrastructure , living area environment ,etc. Mankind’s living area level is one of the important signs of weighing a country or the regional resident’s living standard, mankind’s development and realizing economy , society and culture to develop of the living area, the environmental protection , peace are closely related to goal of the security. For a long time, our country traditional urban house basic characteristic of system whether national house of centralized control supply with the system, is it obtain employment distribution system , and high welfare system of consumption on housing of unit to rely on highly. And replenish the material object welfare system that the form show, and the unfair distribution between residents of this kind of welfare high with the low rent, it is the greatest drawback of China’s traditional house system. House regard as a kind of social welfare is it treat to come for a long time, national income distribution structure form low money wage, high material object welfare and low price basic consumer goods pattern of ration, so the rent that residents paid is reduced to the insignificant level gradually, difficult to pay house maintain and expenses of management, need with whether house rent income fill by financial allocations. Since founding the state for very long one period, because of thinking highly of producing while paying insufficient attention to the economic policy of consumption, housing investment is small; And once compress the scale <WP=8>of investment, housing investment always stands in the breach. The scale of investment is it say to come for general population and urban population that are increase constantly, obviously very insufficient, urban residents’ per capita living space has been wandering up and down on left and right sides of 4 square meters all the time , the housing shortage becomes an extremely urgent problem, the housing system is reformed imperatively. Since the 1980, house system reform in China keeping going on. Make the great breakthrough in urban housing system reform during the State’s Ninth Five-Year Plan period. In July of 1998, the State stop housing material object distribution , realize housing distribution miniaturization progressively , set up the new system of urban house of adapting to the socialist market economy system and national conditions of our country. Through implementing housing commercialization progressively , make the house enter the market directly as the consumer goods; Implement housing distribution miniaturization, form the house property right structure relying mainly on personal property right finally. The reform of the housing system, make our country set up the house supply in conformity with socialist market economy and distribution system basically. Since 1996, Chinese Government devoted more efforts to reforming in housing system, made the great breakthrough. Residents are in the consumption idea of the house, inhabit on competence, environmental quality , market operating mechanism and industry’s development model in new period, will present some new changes and characteristics. Person who lives in is it pay China have own unique national conditions to develop in city. The national conditions of China have determined that our house consumption is impossible, way on should take high consumption , high material , high consumption some developed country pass by either " , high to pollute ", but should adhere to the principle of sustainable development , choose the human settlements mode of the resource economizing type, is it take physical <WP=9>resources not lacking to try one’s best, is it interfere natural ecology little to try one’ s best, contem

  • 【分类号】C912.8
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】446

