

【作者】 王涛

【导师】 潘学模;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 会计学, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 20世纪70年代,世界经济发展进入了一个新的历史阶段,即经济学家和未来学家所描绘的“知识经济”时代。知识经济是一种不同于传统经济的新经济形态,从本质上讲,它是以现代高新技术经济为基础的知识密集型经济。在知识经济社会中,高新技术及其产业不仅是未来经济发展的发动机和增长源泉,而且将成为知识经济时代的生力军和支柱。因此,发展高新技术和高新技术产业对一国在知识经济时代的发展具有重要意义。高新技术产业的发展离不开风险投资。现代风险投资的诞生地――美国的经验表明,风险投资可促进科技和经济的有机结合,在培植高新技术企业、加速高校技术成果商品化和产业化、提高技术创新能力方面起到了很大的作用。风险投资已成为高新技术产业的“推进器”。在高新技术产业投资实践日益发展的基础上,风险投资的理论也逐渐发展起来,因此,风险投资理论研究从产生到发展都与实践紧密结合。国际上对风险投资的研究,涉及到风险资本与风险资本市场、金融企业组织和行为管理理论、项目投资管理理论、公司财务管理理论等许多方面,这些研究成果为风险投资理论的深入发展打下了坚实基础,同时又为风险投资实践起到良好的促进作用。但是,由于各国经济技术发展、社会历史文化的差异及资本市场的发育程度的不同,使我国发展风险投资不能全盘照搬国外经验。因此,立足国内实际,开展风险投资理论研究也就成为对我国理论界的现实要求。为了发展高新技术产业,促进经济的可持续发展,我国于80年代中期引入风险投资,经过近二十年的发展,取得了一定的成绩。但我国风险投资的发展还受到许多因素的制约,风险资本规模小、来源渠道窄是其中的突出问题之一。我国风险资本潜在供给量很大,但由于种种原因,难以形成有效供给。因此,发现和培育我国风险资本供杨华初,2003,《创业投资理论与应用》,科学出版社,P1<WP=4>给主体,特别是占主要地位的资本供给主体,对我国风险投资发展有重大意义。对于应在我国风险资本供给中起主要作用的投资者,理论界和实务界都有自己的看法。本文从现阶段我国风险投资的发展状况出发,参考国外风险投资发展经验,对我国各类风险资本供给主体参与风险投资的现实性进行了分析,并由此确立了上市公司在现阶段我国风险投资发展中的主导地位。全文分四章,主要内容安排如下:风险投资概述本章介绍了风险投资的基本概念、特点及功能,说明了我国需大力发展风险投资的原因,为后文进一步研究风险资本供给主体的相关问题提供理论基础。首先,介绍了风险投资的不同定义,风险投资的特性,以及风险投资体系当事人的基本情况。随后,分析了风险投资的功能。认为风险投资在四个方面促进了一国经济的发展。风险投资能优化资源配置,促进高新技术企业的成长,并推动了经济增长;作为一种金融创新,更符合知识经济对金融的要求。因此我国目前要加快发展风险投资。最后,阐述了我国风险投资发展历程,并介绍了我国风险投资发展的现状。第二章 初创阶段风险投资供给主体分析本章为本文的重点章节,主要分析了我国各风险资本供给主体的情况,以更好地促进初创阶段我国各风险投资主体作用的发挥。本章的前两部分主要是理论准备,首先介绍了风险资本供给主体的分类,将其按性质分为私人投资者、政府及机构投资者,并将外国投资者(应属机构投资者)单列,随后分析了各类主体的特点。其次,结合国外风险投资发展历程,指出风险资本供给主体存在多样性,同一阶段不同的主体共同发挥作用只是作用大小不同;不同阶段,占主导地位的风险资本供给主体也不一样。本章的第三部分对政府、机构投资者及外国投资者作为风险资本<WP=5>供给主体进行了分析。政府资金曾经在风险投资起步阶段处于主导地位,发挥了很大作用。在现阶段其主导地位将有所改变,但仍可通过间接投资及适度直接投资,为风险投资产业的发展发挥重要作用。机构投资者是风险资本的重要供给主体,但我国现阶段存在机构投资者缺位的现象。政府对这几类机构投资者进入风险投资都有限制,但限制原因不同。证券公司是因为其面临的市场风险太高,而自身抗风险能力又较低,出于对其经营的健康发展的需要而被限制;而商业银行、保险公司、社保基金三者,应其资金管理的要求,为保证资金安全,被限制投资高风险行业。因此可区别对待,采用不同方式,培育它们成为风险资本供给主体。外国投资者对我国风险投资产业也发挥了很大作用。但不能作为我国风险资本供给主体的主导力量。因此,大企业就占据风险资本供给的主导地位。第三章 上市公司在我国风险投资产业发展中的主导地位本章亦为本文的重点章节,在前一章确立的大企业在风险资本供给方面的主导作用基础上的深化,主要对上市公司参与风险投资产业的实力、动因及优势方面进行进一步分析,以确立上市公司在风险投资产业发展的主导地位。在分析上市公司的特点的基础上,从企业资金实力、参与动因、企业优势、相关政策以及退出机制等五方面,重点分析了上市公司成为风险投资主导力量的原因:上市公司具有外部融资优势,比一般企业更具有投资实力。上市

【Abstract】 Since the 1970s, the economic development of the world has already entered the era of the knowledge economy. The knowledge economy is the knowledge intensive economy based on modern new and high technology economy. So, it is significant for a country to develop new and high technology and new high-tech industry in the era of knowledge-driven economy.The development of the modern Hi-Tech industry cannot be separated from venture capital. The experience of the birthplace of modern Venture capital -- U.S.A. indicates that, venture capital can promote the organic integration of scientific technology and economy. Being the “driving engine” of the new high-tech industry, venture capital helps to foster new high-tech enterprise, to accelerate the mechanization and industrialization of universities’ technological achievement, and to improve technological innovation.On the basis of the growth of the investment to new high-tech industry, the theory of venture capital also develops gradually, so, the theoretical research of venture capital, from its establishment to development, is closely connected with practice. Our country has great difference with other countries in the economic technical development, social and historical culture, and the development degree of the capital market. Our country should promote the research of venture capital theory on the basis of domestic reality.Our country introduced the concept of venture capital in the middle of the 80s, and has obtained certain achievement after nearly 20 years of development. But the development of the venture capital of our country is still restricted by a lot of factors, which include that the venture capital is small in scale, and the source channel is narrow. So to find and foster our <WP=8>country’s investor of venture capital is important to the development of the venture capital in our country. This dissertation starts from the development state of venture capital in our country at present, consults the foreign experience in venture capital, and analyses the reality of all kinds of investor of venture capital in our country who participates in venture capital. Thus it confirms the leading position of listed companies in the present stage of our country’s venture capital.This dissertation has four chapters and the main content is arranged as follows: Chapter 1 Profile of venture capitalThis chapter discusses the concept, characteristics and function of venture capital, and explains why our country needs to develop venture capital. This part supplies related theoretic foundation for the further research on venture capital.Chapter 2 The analysis of investor of venture capital at initial stageThis chapter is a key chapter of this dissertation.This chapter analyses the situation of different investor of venture capital in our country, in order to promote function of investor of venture capital in our country at initial stage. The first two parts introduce the classification and characteristics of different investor of venture capital, as well as the variety and replacement role of the subject. The third part analyses our country’s reality and potential investor of venture capital. The government’s status as the main body will be lowered gradually, but the government can still play an important role in the development of the venture capital industry through indirect and appropriate direct investment. For institutional investor, different treatment should be adopted, for the purpose of developing them into the main investor of venture capital. The foreign investor can’t take the leading position. So, industrial capital should take the lead in the supply of venture capital. <WP=9>Chapter 3 Leading status of listed company in the development of our country’s venture capital at the present stage. This chapter is also a key chapter of this dissertation.This chapter makes further discussion on the basis of the content of the former chapter. First of all, it analyses the characteristic of the listed company. Secondly, it discusses the rea

  • 【分类号】F832.48;F276.6
  • 【下载频次】288

