

The Research on and the Development of the Net-Based and Assisted Guiding System of Chinese Reading

【作者】 柳庆勇

【导师】 张成华;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 教育信息化正全面改变教育,并给其带来深远影响。在信息化环境下,呈现给教师、学生的是一种全新概念的教学环境,教学形式也多样化。充分利用信息技术开发、使用教育信息资源,是教育信息化之核心。以计算机网络多媒体技术为代表的信息技术在教育信息资源建设中发挥了举足轻重的作用。如何利用信息技术开发、使用教育信息资源?一直是教育技术领域的关注焦点。 计算机辅助教育(COMPUTER BASED EDUCATION)现已越出传统界线,其研究范畴已拓展到新媒体技术教育应用,特别是上世纪九十年代广泛兴起的网络技术、多媒体技术在教育领域的应用。CBE包括计算机辅助教学CAI(COMPUTER ASSISTED INSTRUCTION)和计算机管理教学CMI(COMPUTER MANAGED INSTRUCTION)。有关资料显示,目前CBE研究主要集中在CAI,有关CMI的研究应用相对较少。教学评价系统是CMI的重要组成部分,但是目前的教学评价系统主要是基于考试(TEST-BASED)的系统。本论文力图研究另一类型的教学评价系统,即基于过程的评价系统,具体地说是基于网络的语文阅读辅助导读系统。 为什么要研究基于网络的语文阅读辅助导读系统?本论文首先通过论述“三论”对教育的指导作用,得出结论:任何一个良好的教育系统都应该是一个具有反馈控制的教育系统,这是本论文研究的必要性之所在。 在语文阅读课堂教学中应获取什么样的反馈信息?这是本论文研究重点之一。通过阅读学、语文阅读学、建构主义理论的分析,语文阅读循序渐进规律、语文阅读的时间观成为分析学生语文阅读学习活动的两个重要依据。教师可以通过“阅读顺序结构”及“阅读时间分配分配结构”来获取反馈信息,再依据具体的教学内容、教学目标、学习者特性等不同条件,进而初步判断学生学习状况,以便及时给予指导。当然这些依据也是设计开发系统时处理相关信息的依据。另外,本论文还通过教学设计等理论进一步论述、完善了本系统,使得本系统在课堂上,自始至终成为一个辅助教师指导教学的有效工具。 网络技术功能强大,可以跟踪、记录每个学生学习行为,但数据量之大,令人望而生畏。处理相关信息固然重要,如何显示信息处理结果也不可小视,这便是本论文研究重点之二。生理学、心理学研究表明,人眼对形象的、图形或图示化的信息符号容易接受,易于掌握。因此,本论文分析、研究了可视化方法,并运用可视化方法呈现反馈信息。 理论指导实践。在毕业论文最后,使用JAVA、JSP、SQL SERVER 2000等工具,按照理论分析的结论,设计开发了系统。

【Abstract】 The educational informationalization is changing the education wholly, and affects the education profoundly. Under the informational condition, the teachers and the students are in an environment of new concept, and the forms of teaching are various too. The development and the application of the educational information sources by means of information technology, is the core of the educational informationalization. The computer, multimedia and net technology, the deputy of the information technology, play an important part in the construction of the educational informationalization. The focus in the domain of Educational Technology all along is how to apply the computer, multimedia and net technology, to develop and apply the educational information sources?Computer based education now breaks through its traditional limitation, extending its studying domain to the application of the multimedia and net technology in educational domain, which mushroomed in the 1990s. CBE includes CAI and CMI. The relevant information shows that the study of CBE concentrates mainly on CAI, that of CMI is less relatively. The evaluation system is a important part of the CMI, and the current evaluation system is test-based mainly. This dissertation tries to study the evaluation system, which is based on learning progress, called the net-based and assisted guiding system of Chinese reading.Why I study the assisted guiding system? The dissertation firstly analyses the use of "THREE THEORIES" in education, and founds that a good educational system should have a controller of feedback. And this is the necessity of the dissertation.Which feedback information in the classroom Chinese teaching should be gathered? This is one of important studies. The proper structure of reading sequence and the structure of time distribution of reading in Chinese reading progress, are two importantmeans to analyze the student’s learning activities, with my analysis through the reading, the Chinese reading, and constructivism . The teachers can gather the feedback from the sequence and time distribution in the students’ Chinese reading progress, judge the learning condition, and guide the students in time. Of course, these means are guides to tackle relevant information too. In addition, the dissertation ameliorates this guide system through the analysis of the theory of teaching design, etc. Then this guide system can became an effective tool to guide students, all through the classroom teaching.Though we can trace the students’ learning activities by net works, the data are very large and awful. Although how to tackle information is important, how to show the feedback information is also important, which is another important study of the dissertation. The studies of physiology and psychology show that the human beings’ eyes are easy to read the visual and graphic things, to get it’s meaning. So, the treatise analyzes the way of visualization, and applies it to show the feedback.Theory guides practice. In the end of the treatise I develop the guide system by means of JAVA, JSP, SQL SERVER 2000, etc, according to the demands from theory analyzing.

【关键词】 语文阅读反馈评价可视化
【Key words】 Chinese readingFeedbackEvaluationVisualization
  • 【分类号】G633.33
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】246

