

【作者】 胡金邦

【导师】 石萍之;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 我们踏入了一个崭新的世纪,一个科学技术日新月异、生产力迅猛发展、国际教育竞争越发激烈的年代。教育内部正孕育着一场革命,新的课程、新的教育理念强烈呼唤着创新的教材。 介于此,本文力图从一线的中学教师的角度,设计、构思一本全日制义务教育物理新课程的教材。为实施教育部的教材多样化战略做出力所能及的贡献。同时通过教材的设计和构思,提高自己适应新世纪教育改革的能力;提高自身的教育、教学方面的综合素质和创新工作能力。 文章主要分四个方面的内容,第一方面是新课程改革的时代背景;第二方面是课程改革背景下的教材理念;第三方面是教材编写的案例。文章通过对新一轮课程改革下教材理念和国内外教材的分析,创造性地将时代的要求熔入到初中物理教学中去。文章构思了具有人文特色、范例特色、探究特色、发明特色、活动特色的教材案例,特别提出把发明和专利以及发明家的生平事迹写进初中物理教材,这在以往是很少有的。文章中不时闪烁着作者的教育硕士期间的理论学习与平时教学实际碰撞产生的火花。

【Abstract】 Now we are entering a brand-new century, a era which technology change with each passing day, productivity develop rapidly and international education competition become more drastically. The inside of education is raising a revolution. The new curriculum and the new educational idea call the innovative textbook.For this, in the thesis the writer try to design and write a textbook for compulsory education in fulltime junior middle schools which base from writer’s practice. That is doing writer’s best for the diversiform textbook strategy formulated by the state Education Commission. Meanwhile it can enhance the writer’s capability fitted for the new century educational reform and the integrate quality of teaching and innovate.This thesis has four main part: First is the background of new curriculum reform; Second is the textbook idea of the new curriculum reform; Third is the case design of new textbook. In the thesis writer track the textbook idea of the new curriculum reform and comparison and analysis of outside and inside textbook and combine the epoch requirement and physics education. Writer conceive a textbook, which has humanities, paradigm, inquiry and active trait, especially come down to invent and patent. The thesis is writer’s sparkle of collision of theory learning and practice of teaching.

  • 【分类号】G634.7
  • 【下载频次】160

