

【作者】 赵槟

【导师】 黄铁池;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 索尔·贝娄(1915— )著名的美国犹太裔作家,是继海明威、福克纳之后最伟大的美国小说家。从1938年至今的60年余间,索尔·贝娄共出版了11部长篇小说及其他几部短篇小说、散文集和剧本等。贝娄的创作对二战后美国当代文坛有很大影响。1976年,贝娄因“对当代文化富于人性的理解和精妙的分析”获诺贝尔文学奖。《赫索格》是索尔·贝娄步入中年后的一部力作,奠定了贝娄在美国文坛上的地位。 《赫索格》主要描写一个犹太知识分子,摩西·赫索格,探索现代人的精神危机和出路的故事。本文分为三大章,第一章对贝娄的创作以及《赫索格》的故事梗概作了简要交待;第二章对《赫索格》中所蕴含的犹太特质进行分析,在这一章中,分别从小说人物、内容、结构、小说观念四个方面剖析小说与犹太文化的联系,从而一步步揭露出贝娄内心深处的犹太情愫。第三章对贝娄的创作与犹太文化之间的关系进行简要论述。 本文在分析方法上主要采用文化诗学文学理论,挖掘出了《赫索格》表现出来的作者深沉的犹太情愫。索尔·贝娄对犹太文化的依恋和推崇是解读《赫索格》的关键,认识到了贝娄复杂的犹太情愫便是掌握了《赫索格》的写作主旨。

【Abstract】 Saul Bellow, the famous Jewish American writer, is the most outstanding American writer after Ernest Hemingway and William Faulkner died. From 1938 until now Bellow has published a record of eleven novels, a number of short stories. His works have influenced American literature after world war II. The Nobel Prize came in 1976 to Saul Bellow for his "humanistic understand and exquisite analysis of the contemporary culture" Herzog is Bellow’ s pivotal novel in his middle age and it established Bellow in American contemporary literature.Herzog describes a Jewish intellectual, Moses Herzog attempts to find a way for human beings who don’ t know how to live in the helpless world. The thesis consists of three chapters. The first chapter introduces Bellow’ s style and the plot of Herzog. The second chapter analyses the Jewish specialty in Herzog, in this chapter, I tend to make a detailed analysis of the relation between Herzog and Jewish culture, so, from these analyses , I present Bellow’ s love and respect for Jewish culture . The last chapter discusses briefly the relation between Bellow’ s works and Jewish culture.The thesis adopts the theory of cultural poetics to expound Herzog. Using this theory, I explore Bellow’ s deep emotion for Jewish culture. Bellow’ s emotion for Jewish culture is the key to understand Herzog.

【关键词】 赫索格摩西流浪家园犹太文化
【Key words】 Herzog MosesvagrancyhomelandJewish culture
  • 【分类号】I712
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】595

