

Causes of Fossilization in Second Language Acquisition and De-fossilizing Strategies

【作者】 张荣婕

【导师】 杨跃;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 中介语僵化是第二语言习得过程中普遍存在的一个问题和现象。所谓中介语就是指第二语言学习过程中学习者所使用的介于母语与目的语之间的独立的语言体系。它以母语为出发点, 逐渐向目的语靠近。它是由第二语言习得者自己创造的、动态的语言体系。所谓中介语僵化现象是指 “第二语言学习者中介语中的一些语言项目、语法规则及‘次系统’的发展趋向于固定下来的状态,年龄的增长和语言输入量的增大也不能改变中介语停滞不前的状态”。学习者中介语不断完善的过程也就是二语习得取得进展的过程,而中介语的僵化因其顽固性而使得语言使用不能很好地朝着目的语言的方向发展,总是停留在中介语状态当中,成为外语学习者水平进一步提高的巨大障碍。笔者发现中国学生特别是非英语专业研究生在语言使用中有不同程度的中介语僵化现象,僵化因其在学生群体中存在的广泛性而成为外语教学中急需解决的一个问题。因此, 本文对僵化的研究旨在探索能防止、打破语言僵化的有效方法, 使二语学习者最终能接近或达到目标语水平。本文在国外语言学家研究的基础之上,联系作者对非英语专业研究生进行的听力、口语和基础英语的教学实践,通过个案分析、问卷调查等方法对僵化现象进行了研究。文中收集了所教学生和所找个案口语及作文中反复出现的趋于僵化的错误,并对这些错误进行了分析、归纳和总结,同时结合问卷调查的结果,深入地研究了英语学习过程中产生僵化的实际原因。倡导学生运用科学的学习策略,教师给予正确有效的指导,打破僵化局面,取得二语习得的成功。本文认为产生僵化的主要原因是:汉语对英语的负迁移,不地道甚至错误的语言输入,教师对错误的无效反馈,学生学习动机不强。本文原创性地提出了导致僵化错误的根本原因是学习者对正确、地道的英语表达方式缺乏意识以及对汉英两种语言的差异不敏感,继而导致在语言使用中频繁出现大量错误和汉化英语。在此基础上本文提出了克服僵化的相应策略:主观上,学生应增强学习动机,能动地输入大量地道纯正的英语表达;客观上,教师采用错误改正法这种有效反馈帮助学生充分意识到学生自己的语言输出与英语为本族语的人的输出之间存在的差异,英汉两种语言的差异(包括语言所承载的文化、心理因素及语言的具体表现形式语音、语法、词汇、句法等各层面),从而增强学生分辨正确英语与错误英语、地道英语与汉化英语的能力,从根本上减少僵化错误的数量,降低僵化错误的程度,打破中介语僵化的局面,使之不断地朝着目标语的方向发展。

【Abstract】 The purposes of this study were: (1) to investigate the second language learningexperiences of advanced English learners whose interlanguages have fossilized withoutreaching near-native proficiency; (2) to clarify the causes of their fossilization; (3) toadvance de-fossilizing strategies. Three research questions were addressed: (1) What arethe fossilized linguistic items in Chinese learners’ IL system? (2) What factors have ledto the widespread phenomenon of fossilization among advanced English learners? (3)Whether error correction is necessary in general? This study is based mainly onSelinker’s theories of interlanguage and fossilization. This investigation followed the descriptive research where case study and generalsurvey ways are applied. A non-English-major graduate from the author’s classparticipated in this study as the subject. It was concluded that: (1) Reappearing errors are the demonstrations of competencefossilization. Through the analysis of learners’ reappearing errors collected in the casestudy, we can discover the causes of competence fossilization. (2) The fossilizedlearners are less sensitive to the forms provided in the input, as well as less able tomaintain new, target-like forms in their speaking and writings. Therefore, they could notdevelop their performance toward the target language norms despite all the time spentstudying and all the amount of input they are exposed to. (3) Teachers’ correctivefeedback, i.e., error correction, is necessary in that students can improve more easilytheir English proficiency if they are aware of where and what their errors are. (4)Increasing awareness of/sensitivity to authentic L2 forms by exposing to accurate andappropriate TL input and paying attention to particular aspects and uses of the TL ismost significant for learners to eventually overcome fossilization. (5) Learners must behighly motivated, have high levels of self-confidence, be willing to take moderate risks,and believe they can solve their learning problems.

【关键词】 中介语僵化错误学习动机意识
【Key words】 interlanguagefossilizationerrormotivationawareness
  • 【分类号】H09
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1496

