

【作者】 姬养娃

【导师】 郭连成;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 世界经济, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 比较优势理论诞生后,经历过李嘉图的劳动生产率比较优势理论、赫克歇尔—俄林的要素禀赋比较优势理论。但这些理论对比较优势的研究以静态分析为主,属于静态比较优势理论的范畴。静态比较优势理论是适应西方发达资本主义国家贸易实践的需要而形成和发展起来的,它在某些方面不但不能为发展中国家的经济发展提供理论依据,而且还与发展中国家的经济发展相互矛盾。 二战后,随着理论研究的范围、深度和所使用方法的不断拓展、深化和更新,对比较优势的研究也逐步从静态分析发展为动态分析。动态比较优势理论主要研究比较优势的长期变化趋势以及比较优势变化的决定因素。这种理论在一定程度上解决了静态比较优势理论与发展中国家经济发展之间的矛盾,为发展中国家制定适合本国国情的经济战略提供了理论依据。 本文首先回顾了静态比较优势理论和动态比较优势理论的发展历史,并指出了它们对发展中国家经济发展的不同影响;然后详细阐述了动态比较优势的表现形式和决定因素,分析了这些因素促使动态比较优势转变的内在机制;最后根据动态比较优势的变化规律,制定发展中国家的经济战略。 全文共五个部分: 第一部分回顾了静态比较优势理论和动态比较优势理论的发展历史,并指出了它们对发展中国家经济发展的不同影响。 第二部分具体分析了发展中国家按照静态比较优势理论进行专业化生产和贸易存在的问题。 第三部分阐述了动态比较优势的表现形式和决定因素,并分析了这些因素促使比较优势转变的内在机制。 第四部分根据前三部分的分析,制定发展中国家的经济战略。 第五部分为结论,对全文进行结论性综述。

【Abstract】 After the theory of comparative advantage was born, it has experienced Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage which is based on labor productivity and Heckscher-Ohlin’s theory of comparative advantage which is based on resource endowment. But the way that these theories analyze the comparative advantage is static. So these theories belong to the static comparative advantage theory. The static comparative advantage theory takes shape and develops in order to meet the need of western developed countries’ trade practice. It can’t provide the theoretic foundation for economic development of the developing countries. Even more it might hinder the economic development of the developing countries.After the Second World War, with the range, depth, and method of theoretically studying expanding, deepening and upgrading, the way of studying of comparative advantage turned into dynamic analysis from static analysis. The dynamic comparative advantage theory is mainly about the long-term change tendency of the comparative advantage and the decisive factors which cause the change of the comparative advantage. To a certain extent, it has solved the contradiction between the static comparative advantage theory and the developing country’s economic development. So it could provide the theoretical reference for the developing countries to make the economic strategy that is suitable for their national conditions.This thesis reviews the history of the static comparative advantage theory and the dynamic comparative advantage theory at first and points out their different influences on the developing countries’ economic development. Then the thesis explains the forms and the decisive factors of the dynamic comparative advantage in detail and analyses the inherent mechanism under which these factors impel the dynamic comparative advantage to change. Finally, according to the law of the change of the dynamic comparative advantage, the thesis makes the economic strategy of the developing countries.The thesis has five parts altogether:The first part reviews the history of the static comparative advantage theory and the dynamic comparative advantage theory at first and points out their different influences on the developing countries’ economic development.The second part makes a concrete analysis of the problems the developing countries would face if they organize producing and trading according to the static comparative advantage theory.The third part explains the forms and the decisive factors of the dynamic comparative advantage and analyses the inherent mechanism under which these factors impel the dynamic comparative advantage to change.The forth part, according to the law analyzed above of the change of the dynamic comparative advantage, makes the economic strategy of the developing countries.

  • 【分类号】F112.1
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】406

