

【作者】 王晓莉

【导师】 宋晶;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 企业管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 现代人力资本理论认为企业拥有的员工是其最重要的财富来源,而企业和员工之间建立和保持良好的合作关系是员工为企业创造财富的前提,即企业对员工承担责任、员工对企业付出忠诚。本文从现代市场经济制度下企业员工忠诚的含义出发,结合经济学基本理论和企业管理实践对员工忠诚的价值、度量以及培养和提高员工忠诚度的对策进行研究,并在此基础上为我国企业提出可供参考的指导性意见。 忠诚的概念古已有之,中国传统文化和西方现代哲学中都有对忠诚的定义和推崇。而现代企业的员工忠诚是一种平等交往中的契约性忠诚,它既不同于等级制度下人身臣服关系的依附性忠诚,亦不同于家族企业中的血缘性忠诚,既是一种基本的个人美德,亦是现代企业的基本企业精神。现代企业的员工忠诚是指身处于以信用和自由为特征的市场经济中的企业员工对自主选择的企业所做出的守诺有信行为,它既表现为员工的道德操守,又体现了企业与员工的契约关系。没有忠诚,就没有企业的凝聚力与竞争力,就没有以契约关系为内容的现代企业制度。 就社会范围的资源配置来看,传统经济学始终认为自由的流动能够达到资源配置的高效率,人力资源也不例外。但是最新的实证分析却显示,员工对企业的忠诚度越高,企业的竞争优势越大。忠诚的员工对于企业往往意味着更高的利润和生产率,更加完美的品牌和社会形象以及更加稳固的客户资源,因此意味着更大的收益。本文应用协调博弈模型、经济价值模型和退出—呼吁模型对员工忠诚为企业带来的价值进行分析,从而论证了高度忠诚的员工在企业正常经营及处于困境时都会发挥积极的作用。 进行员工忠诚管理首要的一步就是对员工忠诚进行度量,一套科学、准确的员工忠诚度量方法为实施建立和维护忠诚的管理制度提供了依据和控制标准。员工忠诚的度量方法有定性和定量方法两种,本文分别对两类方法进行了介绍和评价,并且提出了综合以上两种方法的员工测量体系,以对企业拥有的人力资源及员工忠诚情况进行全面科学地反映。 内容摘要旦里毕旦旦巴里旦旦巴巴里巴里巴理 员工忠诚根据其产生的原因可分为低层次忠诚和高层次忠诚,两种层次忠诚的形成原因分别对应企业为员工提供的保健因素和激励因素,因此培养和提高员工忠诚就要从这两方面入手。通过完善和严格员工进入、停留和离开企业的各项制度,提高员工离开企业的成本,可以培养和提高员工的低层次忠诚。在低层次员工忠诚的基础上,企业还应该建立和健全激励因素,通过建立企业和员工的利益共同体和情感共同体的方法培养和提高员工的高层次忠诚。最后,针对我国企业的具体情况,笔者为我国企业培养和提高员工忠诚度提出了可供参考的指导性意见。

【Abstract】 From the perspective of human capital theory, the employees are not only the most profitable capital in the enterprises, but also the source of profit. However, the enterprises could obtain these benefits only on condition that the stable cooperative relationship between the employees and their enterprises has been founded. On the basic principles of economic theories and the practices in the enterprise management, this paper discusses the definition, value and measurement of the employee loyalty of the modern enterprise and puts forward the ways in which the enterprises can build and improve the loyalty coefficient.The understanding of loyalty has been in the Chinese traditional culture and the Western philosophy for a long time, and they both praise it highly. Corresponding to the traditional perspective of loyalty, the employee loyalty of the modern enterprise is a kind of loyalty that can be looked as a contract between employees and their employers. It is not only a sort of personal virtue, but also a part of the modern enterprise spirits. It is a kind of behavior that in the free market, which is characterized with freedom and credit, employees keep their promises which they have made with their enterprises.Traditional economists believe that in the scope of society the resources flow more freely, it can be located more effectively and efficiently. The human resources are not the exception, either. However, the latest positive and empirical analyses show that the loyal employees can bring the core competitiveness to their enterprises. The loyalty, which can cause the increase of profit and productivity and the decrease of cost, drives financial success. It also can make positive effects on the stability of customers and investors. This paper discusses three models of the employee loyalty: the Game Model, the Economic Value Model and the Exit-Voice Model, in order to analyze the value of it and prove that the enterprises can benefitfrom the loyal employees generally and especially in the tough times.The first step of the management based on the employee loyalty is to measure it scientifically and accurately. There are two kinds of measurements: the quantitative measurement and the qualitative measurement. This paper introduces and analyzes these two measurements and sets up the Employee Measurement System, which integrates the two different measurements and can display the human resources and the employee loyalty of the enterprise comprehensively and objectively.The employee loyalty can be divided into two levels: the low-level loyalty and the high-level loyalty. According to the Two-Factor Theory, the low-level loyalty is based on the hygiene factor and the high-level loyalty is founded on the motivation factor. Suggestions are presented to cultivate and consolidate both the low-level loyalty and the high-level loyalty, such as redesigning the human resources management system and building the community of benefit and emotion with employees. Finally, special suggestions are raised for the enterprises in China.

【关键词】 忠诚员工忠诚保健因素激励因素
【Key words】 LoyaltyEmployee loyaltyHygiene factorMotivation factor
  • 【分类号】F272
  • 【被引频次】22
  • 【下载频次】1967

