

【作者】 辛冬娜

【导师】 孙非亚;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 经济法学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 近几年,随着我国改革开放进程的不断深入以及跨国公司的迅速扩张,外资并购已经成为外商对华直接投资的重要方式,对我国产生了全方位的影响,急需法律制度予以规范。但是,我国原有法律根本不能肩负起对外资并购进行规范的重任。自2002年年底以来,我国出台了几项关于外资并购的部门规章,加强了在外资并购方面的立法,但是面对风潮迭起、复杂多变的外资并购问题,我国外资并购立法仍是疏漏百出、捉襟见肘,存在很多不完善的地方。本文正立足于此,针对我国外资并购存在的重点问题,借鉴外国的立法经验,结合我国关于外资并购的最新规定,进行新的探讨和研究,拟弥补和完善我国外资并购立法的疏漏和不足。本文共分四部分: 第一部分是外资并购的基本概述,首先对外资并购的法律涵义进行分析,并介绍了外资并购的多种形式,从中归纳出外资并购的特性,从而为外资并购问题的法律研究奠定理论基础。然后将外资并购的基本理论与其在我国的发展实践相结合,通过对外资并购在我国发展的利弊分析以及趋势和特点的分析,体现出外资并购问题的法律研究意义。 第二部分以两大法系的代表国家德国、日本和美国为例,对国外规范外资并购行为的先进立法和实际操作进行介绍,并进行了经验总结,从而为我国外资并购问题的法律研究提供借鉴。 第三部分首先对我国外资并购的立法现状做简单介绍,然后重点针对我国外资并购存在的立法基本原则问题、产业导向问题、资产评估问题、反垄断问题、审批问题等八个重要的问题进行研究,并通过对我国相关法律规定特别是新出台的几个部门规章的评析,指出我国外资并购立法的缺陷和不足,进而提出解决问题的立法建议,并进行论证。 第四部分是对我国的外资并购进行总结。从长远的角度、战略的高度来看待外资并购问题,并从微观上升到宏观,全局性地把握解决外资并购问题的关键。

【Abstract】 Recently, with the development of our reformation and quick expand of international company, the foreign capital merge and acquisition has become one of the most important method of foreign capital investment .It makes great influence and has great need for laws. However, our laws can not take the task of regulating the foreign capital merge and acquisition. Since the end of 2002,we have some new regulations about the foreign capital merge and acquisition. Comparing with the problems ,our laws have a lot of defect .Due to the defect of our laws ,the article takes the foreign countries experiences for reference .compares with our new regulations about the foreign capital merge and acquisition ,and makes new studies and research to perfect our law’s defect .The article has four parts.The first part, the concert of the foreign capital merge and acquisition, at first, it analyses the legal definition of the foreign capital merge and acquisition to make a theoretical base for the legal research. Then it combines the theory with facts, analyses the advantages and disadvantages and characteristics, and embodies the meaning of the foreign capital merge and acquisition.The second part, it takes Germany, Japan and America for examples, introduces other countries laws and operations and summarizes their experience to make references for our laws about the foreign capital merge and acquisition.The third part ,it briefly introduces our laws about the foreign capital merge and acquisition ,then focuses on the basic rules , the lead to estate,. assets evaluation , anti-monopoly, censor and approval,. the foreign capital merge and acquisition the listed company, the rights and interests of the workers of Chinese side, the legislative system .It adopts the research method of "asking questions, analyzing questions, solving question". Through the analysis of our laws, especially new regulations, it points out the defect and necessity and emergency of the legal research of the foreign capital merge and acquisition. Then it points out some advises and makes analysis.The fourth part, it summarizes the foreign capitals merge of our country. Treat the foreign capitals merge in the long and strategic run. Rising to the macroscopic from the microcosmic, grasp comprehensively the key to solve the question in foreign capitals merge and acquisition. Offer the method in conclusion in order to solve the problem in development of the foreign capitals merge and acquisition in our country.

  • 【分类号】D922.295
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】216

